

N_M_M_SH · Ciudad
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sitting at my window admiring the stunning sky, which is full of stars and dazzling. It was wonderful.

My flesh shivered as a cool breeze touched me; "It's cold tonight," I said to myself.

You're probably wondering why I'm seated here at the moment rather than sleeping and exactly who I am?. I've got you, so don't worry.

I'm Sara, and I'm 20 years old. I recently graduated from high school, and I'm starting university tomorrow.

I'm excited for tomorrow because it's my first day of classes.

My parents, my Mama and Papa, are absolutely incredible and loving

I adore them a lot.

I also have three brothers: two older and one younger; I probably should avoid commenting on them because our relationship is the typical kind between siblings.

I'm a little worried because tomorrow is my first day of classes at the university. Meeting new people never gives me the creeps. I'm extroverted and outgoing, therefore I don't understand where this anxiety came from. I worry without a reason.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door,

Mama is sleeping at this time; it must be my annoying little brother Murat; he is the only one who is fond of disturbing me at this time. " Who is it? "I whisper;

I am trying not to be loud since my parents are sleeping.

"It's me, Sara; are you awake? I came out to get water and saw your lights were still on," Mama asked.

I was surprised, it was my Mama.I opened the door. Mama, I thought you were Murat.

She laughed and sat beside me.

As she looked at me, with questioning eyes and asked "What are you thinking about this late?"

I'm admiring the lovely view, Mama. Look at it, isn't it fantastic? I avoided her questioning eyes

Naturally. It's the full moon. "she said. That, however, does not explain why you are still awake. "she continued

"Nothing, Mama; the change is simply making me a little excited.

Sara, changes are a natural part of life. This only marks the beginning of your second chapter, so don't worry too much" Mama said, patting my hair gently.

My mother is my dearest friend and the person who understands me the best; I value her guidance and unwavering support.

She took my hand and led me to my bed, saying, "Now get up and lay down otherwise you won't be able to get up tomorrow morning." Have a good night's sleep, she wished.

you too Mama, good night.

I'm not afraid, but I am excited. It's in my nature to be nervous when I'm excited, and I also tend to think a lot when I'm over excited

I adore it when she pats my hair in this way because it eases my fears and brings back memories of my early years, when I used to sleep with Mama. I was expelled because of little Murat now that I am old enough

He took my position. Don't misunderstand me, though. I miss those days however I'm not envious of my brother.