
Chapter 10 Request

That same night, Sarah was now with Noah's mum Helen at the kitchen. Sarah was actually helping Hellen do the dishes since the helper were on their day off. "you are beautiful Sarah" Helen commented as Sarah smiled "thank you so much, I literally get to hear that every day from people" Sarah said "yeah, cause it's obvious"Helen said as they both laughed and suddenly Noah walked into the kitchen, hugged his mum from behind "I missed you mum" Noah said "oh please spear me that. I heard you got into a fight at the party" Helen asked

"they told you already" as Noah stared at Sarah sternly.

Helen looked to the direction he was staring at and found out that he was actually staring at Sarah, maybe suspecting that Sarah was the one that told her. "Sarah wasn't the one that told me, your dad did" Helen cleared him up "so what happened"? Helen asked

Noah stared at Sarah, in a way of asking if he should really tell her what actually caused the fight while he was smiling mockingly.

Sarah on the other hand got worried about what Mrs Helen would think of her if she finds out about all the things she carelessly said at the party and how an unknown person hit her butts. "here it comes" Sarah thought as she faced downwards

After a few seconds of Noah staring at Sarah, he finally broke the silence. "it was just a boys argument over something that happened some days ago, it's no big deal" Noah lied, didn't want to blow up Sarah's Little secret. "wonder why he didn't say anything" Sarah thought

"you know I don't like it when u fight, you should be on your father's good side, he should be proud of you and not always complaining about you" Helen let out In a concern manner

"it's not a new thing mum, he's always been complaining even while am trying so hard" Noah tries to defend himself as Helen shook her head "I don't have your time now" Helen said while she turns to Sarah "so back to you now my beautiful one, so tell me, how is work going"? Helen asked

"let's just say interested but sometimes annoying" while giving Noah a very bad stare when she said that part

"I don't really know what that means but I want to hear all the gory details later, for now it's late and i think my husband needs me. you should catch some sleep Sarah, you must be very tired and as for you young man, you should also go to bed. so good night then, see you both in the morning, sweet dreams to you alone Sarah!"Helen said

"then what about me, am your son" Noah said

"I don't know who you are untill you cease to give me headache" Helen said as she went out of sight. nevertheless they were done doing the dishes.

Sarah was now faced with Noah

"why did you have to fight" Sarah asked

"he was being a dick" Noah answered

"any excuse for a fight right? she commented

"I don't start fights okay? I only finish them"

sarah scoffed on hearing Noah's last statement

" and besides no one should treat a girl like that, especially if that girl is you"Noah said, more like a whisper

"me"? Sarah let out

"yeah it's like that guy was trying to get on my little sisters pants, which is super gross" Noah said

VOICEOVER: Never great to hear your crush say it's super gross in your pants.

"you know you have zero experience with guys and I guess you've never even had a boyfriend"

".....oh shut the fuck up and who told you that

"anyone could tell, obviously"

"whatever!" Sarah let out as she got disgusted

"and saying your boobs were fantastic in front of everyone is asking for it"

Sarah scoffs "seriously? you wanna go down that road? dick!."

"and also telling a guy to come pick you up is not really cool"

"has anyone ever told you that you have stalker_like tendencies"Sarah said as Noah cuts in

"oh, so says the girl with the serial killer eyes" Noah said

"yeah, only when I imagine strangling you" Sarah said more fiercely and there suddenly came a total silence between them but Noah broke the silence in a calm tone

"I mean..... what are we really doing"?

"what"? Sarah asked

"like we see each other everyday, we fight, argue over irrelevant things" Noah said as he came closer to her "look, I think we should start all over, just reset and we can be...

"what.....friends"? Sarah said

"why not? I wanna show you something"

" so..... show me then....." Sarah let out

"it's a .... it's a place"

"okay thanks but I think that it's better if we keep our distance" Sarah said as Noah moves two steps away from her and Sarah chuckled

"by the way I almost forgot, look I know we don't always see eye to eye on things but I'm desperate, so maybe if you could just go on a date with my friend Claire, she's beautiful and a nice girl, she's head over heels for you. I don't know I just...it would mean a lot me.

"wow..... the independent Sarah George who doesn't want to be told what to do by anyone is begging somebody else for help.

" it is what it is Noah, I mean, I just really thought that maybe it would be nice for you to do something for people that care about you" Sarah said

"Sarah, mum and dad are going out with your parents tomorrow, so I will be waiting for you at the garage by 2am, incase you change your mind" Noah said while Sarah shook her head as she lets out "you are really insane Noah" as she gently exit from the kitchen.

Sarah was disappointed on how Noah discarded the conversation she was having with him about Claire and the next minute talking about waiting for her in some garage or something.

nevertheless Sarah was restless the whole night about what Noah said to her and was drown in the thought of him, thinking if she should consider his request about being friends with him and going out with him the next day.