
Chapter 1 Bird set free

Sarah's Voiceover:

I have spent all my life in London where people worshipped and adored me. professor were hired all around the world to educate me and I can even boast of knowing the English way more than my colleagues and for that I am very grateful to my parents. I think they love me way too much. Oh.... before I forget, I didn't introduce myself to you guys.... sorry about that.

My name is Sarah George and am very much happy that an back to New York to stay with my parents and talking about my parents, I think they are the best set of people to have as a family but there was one thing about them that I disgust, that is; being overly protective in everything, even to the extend of choosing my "better half" for me, guess you know what I mean? if you were in my shoes, what would you do? it's hard right? it sucks, how do I explain it, that in this era, my parents decided that I marry a total stranger I know nothing about but I guess I will have to accept my fate the way it is because I have always been the type that took instructions from my parents without asking "why", thinking about it gives me the chills and devastates me and I thing chilling out with my friends would really help... oops....you thought I didn't have friends here in New York? of course I do and there are three of them. Let me start by introducing them;

First is "Emily", an independent working class lady, has a little child "Abigail" and a wonderful made, handsome husband who she believes is perfect and can never cheat on her.

Secondly; "Claire", an epitome of beauty but was too desperate to have a man by all means. while;

Thirdly was "Maddie" always conscious of fashion, got lots of admirers, but never gave any one the chance because she thinks that known was good enough for her and we wondered why she always does that.

And finally was me always careful not to fall for any man out there and I guess that was exactly what they expected but "not until I met him".


It was like a tradition that all four besties spends every weekend at the "girls quarter" (a mansion specifically for all four of them to chill out, have fun and have a girls moment) and Sarah decided to pay a surprise visit, since it's been years she last saw them or even visited the girls quarter.

Sarah stood across her large mirror admiring her cute self, "Not bad" she thought, appreciating her faintly done make up. She was often adored and described as pretty, her tempting full rounded and pinkish lips which seemed to be noticed by everyone. Men would often adore them saying " I bet they are soft". she had a pointed nose which was her point of attraction with her perfect thick medium arched brows and her round gray eyes, fair skinned with a face most people called pretty.

She loved body hugged dresses which showed her very obvious curves with her average breast and a perfect positioned slender waist which made her figure quite obvious both from the frontal and side view, still in front of the mirror as she pats her tummy and was grateful she has no belly fat. "but too bad though that this perfect girl here would waste all this beauty waiting for God know who" she thought "but atleast I can do this much, looking hot while I wait for my programmed machine to come get married to me" as she said and exhales sharply, quickly took her things and dashed out into the back seat of her car as the driver zoomed off.

She fed her eyes with the statue of liberty, one of the most iconic landmarks in the united states "wow" she exclaimed, she loved the view and was entertained with all the tall eye catchy buildings.

The driver made a stop at the girls quarters as Sarah elegantly walked in with her very little luggage.

Emily, Claire and Maddie were all seen dancing to a very loud song that filled the whole room. "Hi bitches" Sarah spoke loudly because the music was too loud, they all were surprised, as they screamed in excitement and horridly went to hug her "you are fucking kidding me right?" Claire said "you didn't give us a heads up that you were back" Emily lamented, "I wanted to surprise you guys, I can't hear you clearly, the music is too loud" Sarah commented as Maddie grabbed a glass of wine and made her way to put off the music while Emily and Claire excitedly trying to grab a seat beside Sarah.

Maddie sat on a different sofa while gulping her drink ad finally spoke "why didn't u let us know u were back?"

"it wouldn't be a surprise if I had told you guys. I mean.... I missed you all" Sarah spoke as Maddie cuts in "oh... please, don't act all righteous, you think it's fine that you just showed up unannounced? I mean... we are best friends for crying out loud Sarah, you traveled for ages and you couldn't even call or texted, we tried reaching out to you but to no avail and I guess I stopped trying because I figured maybe you made new friends already....." Emily cuts in sharply in a more authoritative tone "Maddie stop" as Maddie made a vulgar facial expression.

"no it's...fine, I know how you guys feel but I don't think it has been easy for me as well, I mean... u all know how my dad can be, being too strict over things and how he over does his things, it pisses me off. he literally banned me from using my cell phone to call anyone other than them until am done with college" Sarah complained which made Emily and Claire burst into laughter, " I mean.. who does that in this 21st century" Claire said while laughing "to be honest, that's pathetic" Emily remarked

"I couldn't do anything other than being the obedient child of the almighty George Martin", as she rolled her eyes "with all those bunch of pests monitoring my life.....am sorry, it wasn't totally all my fault" as she gave pitiful expression " hmm.... Maddie, am sorry hmm! promise, I will make it up to u guys"

Maddie hesitated for a bit before she spoke up "alright, it's fine... I forgive you, it's just that I missed your silly self, come here" as Maddie opened her arm for a hug while smiling and all four of them hugged as Sarah commented "I think we should go for shopping.... it's on me". they all screamed in excitement on hearing what Sarah said.

Claire clears her throat for attention "bitches, I don't know if you've noticed but .... I think Sarah here is looking more beautiful than I am" as the all laughed over what Claire said "I being serious here"

"oh please" said sarah as they all went in to freshen up.