
Iron Sword

Vanaella · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs

Reddrake of Hrisse

{It's cold }

My eyelids opened,I turned right and saw that I forgot to close the window last night

" Good morning to me "

† Iron Sword †

Outside the window I could feel the cool summer breeze caressing my face ,the warm sunlight of dawn also shot in my small home through the window keeping the coldness of cool breeze under balance

I got up ,went outside and washed my face with water from our tank that I scooped out by a wooden bucket then

I went back in and did my usual morning workout

150 pushups

100 pull-ups

200 squats

An hour passed and then I was done , I washed away my sweat and then prepared breakfast, boiled eggs, with vegetables broth ,small amounts of salads and bread with 2 cups of warm milk

Putting the plates inside the sink ,I washed it up and got dressed in my armour, although It was armour,it didn't look that sturdy, Leather armour, worn out chainmail, gauntlets and boots ,and the only weapon I had ,a worn out dagger made of steel that had a small jem in the middle of it's guard

After looking at the mirror I nodded and then went out to work

My house was your average small Hut just outside the castle walls and the neighborhood I lived in was akin to jungle village that consists only of lower caste people

The Revs

It was the lowest caste in the kingdom of Avelier in the 4 castes in Avelier, highest in the ranking were the Alf , consisting of royalties and high ranked nobles who posses the most massive amount of magic and powerful genetic skills, they lived in the citadels and castles , Urd ,the second highest rank castes which consists of middle to high ranking nobles with ample amount of magic and strong genetic skill and officers who run adminstration, they live in the area just outside the citadels and also possessed their own territories .

The Hird were the second lowest ,they consist of the working class, soldiers ,crafters, doctors, scholars , adventurers , healers etc and also pissed a respectable amount of magic power and are what we would call the common folks

And lastly there were the Revs, the cursed caste and ones who had no magic aptitude,they are looked down on, they are not allowed to marry anyone outside their caste to prevent the pollution of the upper castes bloodlines , however due to their vast majority in the population they are employed as slaves ,porters in raids or foot soldiers in wars , however they are popularly employed for cheap labour

However this boy who is also a Rev is one of the minors who work for raiders as a porter class

Making his way through the neighborhood the boy walked for 30 minutes and made his way to the walls where he was stopped by the 2 guards in armours , each of them with a halberd were on standby at the gate

One of the guards came forward and asked with hints of disdain in his eyes

" Where's your verification pendant Chris? "

The boy took out a bronze coloured necklace which had the flag of Avelier on it, these bronze pendant were the verification ID of each citizens of Avelier ,with it those with jobs involving raiding and military inside the capital were exempted from paying tolls

{ Why can't he just be friendly to me already? Damn Hirds }




District - Hrisse

Population - 200+ million

Race - Humans & Demihumans

Language - Adamic

Location - Sky dragon guild headquarters

Currently,just outside the guild building a group of 12 people assembled behind 2 lizard drawn carriages ,it was the ' Reddrake party ' that consisted of 3 tanks ,2 archers, 1 swordsman ,1 spearwoman ,1 assassin ,2 mages ,1 healer and their porter ,me

And this party that I'm in is one of the most powerful parties in the capital led by Julett Fol Oliver, our headstrong <Master V> rank spearwoman dressed in red steel armour, with short raven black hair and purple eyes that were as sharp as her spearmanship she was a captivating pretty young woman with heavenly proportions

Belonging to the Urd level Count family of Oliver, she was strong teenage girl known for her strength and beauty, however to us party members she was our fair, capable and eccentric leader who we trusts and sometimes don't trust

And now our leader , before we depart to a magic depth extermination mission gave us a short speech after raising her hand signalling us to listen

She turned around and looked at us all with her eyes that knows no doubt

Julett :" All of you guys, as you might now this will be our 10th B-grade mission ,(smiles with confidence) you know what our victory means right? "

Tank Sunip(brawny man)& Ginj(builted man) :" Hell yeah!! "

Assassin Nemu(woman) :(un-enthusiastically) " Yeaaaah (/°∆°/) "

Archer Riv(man):" I have a bad feeling now that you said it like that ( -_-||) "

The Demihuman Archer complained with much anxiety over this mission

Thena(woman) : " We know leader ,and if we do complete this shit we better celebrate the hell out of it you hear!! "

Julett looks at the female human archer with a smirk and replied " you bet but no alcohol"

Thena :" Huh?!! But why?? "

Julett :" I'm underage ,you plan to entice a count's helpless daughter into drinking (pouted)??"

Thena :" Helpless?? "

Sunip ,Ginj, Nema ,Riv and the mages Ginna and Merwin all of them looked at Julett with very judgemental gazes as if asking ' YOU??? '

Julett :" { These bastards I'm a woman too you know } I'm hurt "

The others consoled her except for the swordsman ,healer and me, us trio were looking at the scenes behind them near the carriage with anxiety

Swordsman Jan ,the dark brown hair coloured Swordsman was of the Hird caste and the son of a Blacksmith, he was a skilled < Master I > rank swordsman and one of the rare people who doesn't take the caste system too seriously along with healer Mina ,a blond priestess of the church of Vir in her twenties

Jan : (ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ) " Chris ,she just blurted out a death flag right? "

Chris : (ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ) " Yup, Miss Mina could you pray for us on this journey ? "

Mina :" Oh c'mon you guys shouldn't trust such superstition you know, trust in the love of God Vir instead "{ Yup that was definitely a bad omen}

Chris :" Let's just pray ourselves Jan "

Jan : (nodds)


Magic depth in shorts is basically what we call dungeons in the fantasy genre ,they are formed when mana in concentrated on a particular area and as time passes by the magic depths grows in size and complexity,the monster inside evolves,traps began to form ,after a month monster can regularly walk in and out of the magic depth

Dungeons are ranked from E ,D ,C ,B ,B+,A ,A+ to S

People are ranked from Civilian, Soldiers, Elite combatants, Masters, Grandmasters, Supreme ,Legendary to Mythical with each rank seperated by 5 tier gaps


Departing head on I was in the carriage with Jan, Mina ,Nemu, Leader Julett and one of our mage Merwin

The others were on the carriage behind us talking about whatever they want , strategies, jokes, and their wills if one of them dies


However our carriage was silent most of the times as the ones on this carriage are people who don't talk much except Julett who finally broke the silence asking

" Your armour Chris , shouldn't you buy a new one at this point , I'm sure you've saved up enough for it right? "

Jan also looked at me followed by the others

" ..... "

Unable to keep silent under my companions gaze I replied with much reluctance

" Last time I went to a weapons and armour store the owners kept asking for double the market price since I'm a Rev so I'm still short on funds leader haha- "

Julett : " Oh "

" Eh? "

The atmosphere of the carriage turned hot ,smell of burnt wood was starting to form

" That's rather rude, Can you tell me which store dares to haggle prices in the capital of Avelier hmm..?"

Julett asked with a innocent smile that betrayed her eyes that contained fury

" Ummm I think it was Judio Weaponry "{ RIP Mr Judio }

After my reply Julett's magical pressure went down and the atmosphere also turned back to normal relieving Mina ,Nemu and Jan to a great extent

Mina : " Let's change the topic now (looked uncomfortable) Merwin ,how is your new staff holding up ?"

Merwin who was looking ahead of the carriage turned to Mina and replied without much thought

" Hmm I'd say it's better than the old one, this one is the Star G1 model designed for faster casting speed and reduction of spell Cooldown and mp cost while my old Orga V9 was a standard magic power enhancer that boost magic power of spells by 90% you see, while my attack power may have dropped , I'm now a whole lot more efficient and versatile with this than the old one ".

Chris :" But aren't mages damage dealers? Doesn't that staff sound like it's meant for magic warriors and not pure mages Merwin? ".

Merwin :" Oh please what would you know? "

Chris :" You should focus on damage and one other enhancement when it comes to staffs is my opinion but yeah to each on their own I guess ".

Nemu :" I agree with you on that though Chris, Mages should not depend on equipments too much ".

Merwin :" Can't you just leave it at this point guys !! "

The arguments went on though

Jan : " (whispers to Mina) Look what you've done Mina "

Mina :"{ Why do they always end up arguing when these guys actually talk?? }"

On the corner

Julett :" Judio Weaponry, it was located at the market downtown district I believe, how dare a mere shop owner disturb the economy of... "


2 hours later 90km outside the walls of Hrisse deep inside a forest,the party went down the carriage and told the driver to follow standard protocol which was to wait for the raiding party for 3 days max and if they don't come out after 3 days they are to head back and report them Missing In Action or M.I.A.

The magic depth entrance was located at the side of a mountain, it resembled a giant cave entrance every much but anyone with magic power could feel the surge of magic gushing out of the cave, hell even a normal human like me could tell that this place was bad news

We all stood infront of the carriage armed and ready, I too was standing ready with my dagger and spatial backpack that could hold 10 times it's size while still weighing the same, it belonged to the party and not me

And as usual Julett stood infront of the entrance and looked into the darkness without fear, a small smile formed on her lips as she then ordered

" Standard attack formation! "

End of chapter