
Iron Man in DC

In the vast expanse of the DC universe, a soul finds itself reborn as Tony Stark, yet lacking of his celebrated genius. After years of powerlessness, he awakened a dormant system called the, |Iron Man System|. Empowered by this newfound system, they finally unlock their true potential and begin creating innovative suits. In a universe of extraordinary powers, they prove that true intelligence transcends all barriers, and with each invention, they earn a reputation as a Legendary Figure. Iron Man. _______________________________________ I'm not the biggest fan of DC, so I might make some mistakes as pertaining toward the events of certain things, so if I do make a mistake, let me know!

GoldenOsiris · Cómic
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4 Chs

Iron Man

After a few minutes of practicing his abilities, he got used to them, and finally his gaze landed on the suit at the center of the room.

Specifically it was the Mark III Suit.


Technically he skipped over the Mark I and Mark II Suits, but that was only because the Mark I suit was essentially useless, and the Mark II Suit had many simple flaws that could easily be upgraded and made to become the Mark III Suit.

And after various test tries, it was finally complete.

As Tony approached the suit with a composed demeanor, he positioned himself directly in front of it. With a simple touch of his finger, the ground beneath him began to open in precise sections, revealing concealed machinery beneath the surface.

From the depths emerged intricate mechanical arms, their movements synchronized with a seamless precision.

Each arm delicately grasped a component of the suit, carefully disassembling it with expert efficiency. Panels and plating shifted and reconfigured, revealing the inner mechanisms and framework of the suit as they were exposed.

As the disassembly process unfolded, Tony remained motionless. 

Before finally the multiple mechanical arms worked in tandem to attach various components to his body. Chest plates clicked into place, followed by shoulder guards and arm gauntlets. Each piece fit snugly, forming a protective shell around him.

With practiced precision, the mechanical arms maneuvered the remaining parts of the suit into position. Leg pieces were secured, followed by hip and torso sections.

Locking mechanisms engaged with audible clicks, ensuring that each component was firmly in place.

Once each piece was seamlessly integrated, the final step of the process commenced. A helmet, adorned with vibrant red and gold accents, descended from above. With a smooth, fluid motion, the helmet settled into place, completing the assembly of the suit with a resounding click.

In one final motion, the visor came down.


With a flicker of excitement hidden beneath his calm exterior, Tony Stark finally broke the silence.

"Time to give this baby a test ride." He declared with a hint of anticipation.

As if responding to his command, the circular roof above him parted, revealing the vast expanse of the night sky. With a surge of power, the boosters under his feet ignited, casting a brilliant glow beneath him.


In an instant, Tony felt the exhilarating rush of liftoff as the suit propelled him upwards.

A trail of energy blazing behind him, similar to a streak of light shining under the moon. Pedestrians on the streets below looked up in awe, mistaking him for a shooting star streaking across the sky.

His advanced system interface in his helmet, would lock onto certain people on the ground, providing him with information, but he ignored it.

As the wind rushed past him, whipping through his hair and tugging at the edges of his suit. For a moment, he was weightless, suspended in the cool night air.

A grin spread across Tony's face as he soared higher and higher, the city lights twinkling below him. He couldn't help but let out a whoop of excitement, doing a circular motion as he sped upward.

"Ha! Now this is what I'm talking about!" He exclaimed, his voice carrying in the wind. "DC Universe, Iron Man has entered the chat, bitches!"

With each passing moment, the world below seemed to shrink away.

"Higher! Higher! Come on, let's kick it up a notch!" Tony shouted, his figure ascending to even greater heights.

The chill of the high-altitude air nipped through his helmet, at his exposed face. But unlike in Iron Man 1 with the Mark II suit, there was no freezing, no malfunctioning joints or stiffened controls.

The Mark III suit was different, better prepared for the challenges of high-altitude flight, he had reinforced the insulation, and added advanced thermal regulation systems.

It was equipped with state-of-the-art de-icing measures, including integrated heating elements and anti-icing coatings, designed to prevent ice buildup and ensure smooth operation even in the coldest of environments.

As he soared ever higher with each passing moment, the freezing winds of high altitude became nothing more than a distant memory.

But eventually after a few seconds, he slowed his flight, 'I'm going a bit high, I'd rather avoid damaging the suit...'

Tony's armored figure momentarily halted mid-air, his thrusters turning off.

He was above the clouds, right under the starry sky, and his lone being was the only thing at this height.

In that moment, everything felt like it froze, as time slowed, and he activated thought acceleration, wanting to enjoy the moment.

After a few seconds, but much longer for him, he watched as he slowly fell back.

Tony didn't activate his thrusters as he allowed himself to free fell through the clouds.


The rough wind blew past him, until finally a spark of light went off at his feet.

And a boom of energy burst out, leaving a trail of smoke, as he zoomed downwards.

"Let's see how fast this baby can go!"

He watched the holographic interface from his helmet HUD.

[123 MPH]

[379 MPH]

[686 MPH]


A resounding sonic boom went off, as he broke through the sound barrier.

[1,028 MPH]

'Come on! More, more, more!' Tony chanted inwardly, wanting to go faster.

He observed as the number went higher and higher, his face being pushed back.

However, the number seemed to have stagnated in a certain range, as he realized he reached the limit.

[1,344 MPH]

Nodding in satisfaction, 'Not too bad for my first suit.'

Decreasing his speed, he changed directions as he headed downwards.

"Let's play a lil hero, and make our debut." Tony muttered as he reached a few hundred feet above Gotham City, maneuvering through the tall buildings.

Making turns and cuts, as he casually flew over the streets.

His Suit's interface was constantly zooming in on to varying individuals, checking their identities.

But Tony shook his head, "Even if it's Gotham, finding crime like this would take too much time. I should try and use my new ability."

Noticing a security camera beside a traffic light, he immediately flew toward it, even hearing shouts in the background.

"What the hell is that?"

"Is that a new hero or somthin?"

"Nah it looks like a robot, maybe it's new technology developed by the police."

Hovering beside it, he ignored the shocked voices in the background as he put his palm on the camera.

Tony's eyes widened as an influx of information appeared in his head, dozens to hundreds of cameras/viewpoints were available to him.

'This ability is really handy.'

Retaining his calm, he sifted through all of them, searching for any crime.

His brain analyzed each bit of information, and finally he saw something.

A security camera in an alleyway, he watched as two groups of people were doing a drug deal of sorts.


Tony was about to launch upward, but a rush of exhaustion suddenly hit him.

He staggered mid air with his thrusters momentarily blinking on and off.

Quickly controlling himself, he stabilized, and frowned.

'Is this the aftereffects of using those abilities?... Now that I think about it, I did see a passive skill called Mental Resilience. Since I'm only considered a Novice Genius, it's effects must be weak currently. I'll have to be careful about the usage of abilities until I increase my level.'

Shaking his head, the dizziness was gone, and he observed his body using the Suit's Interface.

'Everything seems fine. I should go deal with those guys now.'

Blasting forward, he was dangerously low as he flew through the streets, making sure to control his speed.

He quickly arrived at his destination.

A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he descended toward the alleyway, the thrum of the suit's thrustor engines reverberating through the air.

Touching down at the entrance with a metallic clang, he landed in a cliché superhero kneel pose.


His presence was immediately felt by the startled criminals.

They turned to face him, their expressions a mixture of fear and confusion.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Tony quipped, his voice amplified by the suit's speakers. 

The criminals exchanged glances, sizing up the armored figure before them.

But Tony wasted no time in taking action.

With a swift motion of his armored hand, he unleashed a resonant surge of energy, a repulsor beam crackling to life and shot toward one of the thugs.


The beam struck its target with unerring accuracy, sending the criminal hurtling backward with explosive force.


The thug crashed into the wall with a resounding impact, the bricks crumbling beneath the sheer kinetic energy of the blow.

"What the fuck!?"

"Shit run!"

As the other criminals recoiled in shock, Tony wasted no time in pressing his advantage.

He pivoted on his heel, his movements fluid and precise, as he swiftly targeted the nearest thug with another pulsating blast of energy. The criminal had barely a moment to react before he too was sent flying, propelled by the unstoppable force of the repulsor beam.

With lightning speed, Tony continued his onslaught, dispatching each thug in rapid succession.

Throughout the fight, he kept a watchful eye on his repulsor beams, adjusting their power output to ensure that his blows were non-lethal. He had no desire to escalate the situation unnecessarily and let his debut be a seen as bloody.

Nevertheless, he continued to unleash powerful bursts of energy with effortless efficiency, his aim true and precise as he turned from one target to the next.

In a flurry of motion, he effortlessly sent the criminals sprawled onto the ground, their attempts at resistance, futile.

But as the last criminal attempted to flee, Iron Man's suit sprang into action, a mini-turret emerging from his shoulder with a mechanical whir.

With a quick lock-on, the turret fired a silent tranquilizer dart, striking the fleeing criminal and sending him tumbling to the ground in a dazed heap.

Tony's lone figure stood amidst the wreckage of the failed drug deal, the sound of approaching sirens filled the air.

A police car screeched to a halt at the end of the alley, officers spilling out with guns drawn.

"Put your hands up and get on the ground!" They shouted, their voices tense with apprehension as they trained their weapons on the armored figure before them.

He regarded them with a silent glance, his expression unreadable behind the mask. Then, with a sudden movement, his thrusters unleashed a powerful deafening boom echoing through the night as he launched up.

The officers watched in awe as the armored man rocketed skyward, leaving behind a trail of smoke and fire. For a moment, they were frozen in disbelief, before exchanging incredulous glances and lowering their weapons.

"What the hell did we just see?"

"I don't have a fucking clue."


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