
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 39 The Tyrant.

"So he escaped" King Steven Blade sat on a chair at the far end of a long widen table that had maps and battle plans on it, his chin rested on his hand while he spoke calmly. In the presence of king Steven stood the seven spears, well .. .. the six remaining spears of Kingsland. Chris Blade, Steven's younger brother stood in front of the king his expression morphed into one of anger.

"Some one needs to replace Derek," king Steven said with a sigh. Chris raised up his head and looked into his brother's eyes, "and the boy, YOUR SON IRIS WHAT ABOUT HIM" Chris yelled.

"Watch your tone. We might be brothers but remember your place. " King Steven spoke calmly. "Yes, my son stands against me but at least he doesn't fool around, his advances towards me so far have been tactical and I respect that. From what I heard Derek died because of his arrogance. Say what will but I take pride in knowing that at least a member of the family, MY BLOOD, moves with intent and a clear head, wether he be an outcast."

Chris balled his fists and with anger in his voice he spoke, "My son died serving this kingdom, serving you on an assignment you gave him, and yet you disrespect his name"

"And for that he will receive a proper burial. He was my nephew, but I have many more nephews ready to take his place, you do know how big the competition in the family is. Up your game Chris, you have another son, a blessing from the gods on your part but a curse on mine. Play your cards right and there may be a chance for him."

Chris stomped out of the room with clenched jaws. The other five spears remained with the other councilmen.

King Steven sat up right on the throne, "now unto more pressing maters."

A man in light blue armor stood up and bowed, " your majesty, most of the rebels in Nivia have been subdued, it seemed that Sir Jorah Blade was able to subdue them with the help of the outsider sent with him."

King Steven looked pleased with this piece of news "Jorah seen to be doing a good job, and this outsider, he is bent on proving himself, his skills are much appreciated. But there is no way I will allow someone who isn't from this land have authority or command in any division under me."

"But my lord," the council member spoke "these outsiders have helped us to a great degree. If they suspect that we have decided to not to follow through with our promise to them.. ." The councilman was afraid to continue. King Steven stood up and walked around the table in deep thought.

"There is sense in your words councilman Samuel. We will come up with a solution or ...compromise. Any news on the princess Alexia's advancements on the voyage?"

"Ah yes. The infiltration was successful. She was able to get in the ship and princess Amara has taken her place in the kingdom of Amund and is adjusting to the very cold weather in the north. The City of Nivia is now under the rule of sir Jorah Blade."

"How many men was sent with Princess Alexia?" King Steven asked,

"Ten men from the new Qi Commanders as you asked . Your majesty, I don't mean to question your judgement.. "

"Speak councilman Samuel, your input is valued in this room, that is why you're here."

Given the permission, councilman Samuel spoke " your Majesty, was it wise to send princess Alexia on this kind of mission. From err previous evaluations she didn't seem fit for this kind of quest."

King Steven walked up to councilman Samuel and stood beside him, making him correct his posture.

"You are correct councilman. But you fail to realize, I sent Alexia on this journey to prove herself. I sent her away as a last chance because she is weak, as weak as her Aunt Martha Wit. It seems everyone from the Wit family is weak minded. Marrying from the Wit family Twice was a mistake.

The new Qi Commanders are there to finish the job if she is not able to, and to finish her if she doesn't have a change of heart. I don't want another Wit causing more problems for me, Iris is a mountain of problems on his own. Now, what about princess Adira?"

The councilman continued, "Princess Adira has managed to completely subdue Curtis and bring it to it's knees. She has already gotten everyone of Dawnville's live citizens back to the kingdom of Dawnville to work there as slaves, and to rebuild kindom under her rule. She is very resourceful."

"Yes she is, isn't she?" King Steven replied, "If Only she was a boy" he said to himself.

After a few more discussions the meeting ended and the council was dismissed.

King Steven Blade,

To bring the seven kingdoms under one rule is an ambitious goal but it isn't impossible, and wether or not king Steven Blade does it in an ethical or moral way matters not to him. What matters to him is that he does all he can to achieve his goal. To be the Lord of all seven kingdoms. Say what you will about him, but he is goal driven.

Iris Wit Blade,

He could have hidden could have given up, could have succumbed to threats and various obstacles around him, but he didn't.

He knows that he is headed into dangerous land, with assassins on his neck, a bounty on his head, he moves forward. Against an entire kingdom he moves forward, to avenge his mother and to bring peace back to the seven kingdoms.

He has heart.

Captain Levi Samson,

Keeping his word to fulfill his king's dieing wish, to protect his daughter. And a promise to a friend and fellow captain. Even with the dangers ahead of him he doesn't lose sight of his values and ideals.

He is Loyal.

Princess Kara Dawn,

Tragedy struck. Father, king of Dawnville dead by the hand of a friend, her mother committed suicide. And who is to blame? The tyrant. She stands with the help of two loyal soldiers beside her, she will take back her kingdom from the tyrant, with or without help.

She is determined.