
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Chapter 23 More Trouble?

They were done eating and they went to the backyard of their house. Lana took care of the dishes while her husband Lucas and their son Ajax escorts Iris, Levi and Kara to the back of the house. They had called a physician to look at the injury sustained by Levi. The doctor properly cleaned the wound with proper equipment and medicine. He stitched Levi up and bandaged the wound. Levi was advised not to strain his body for about three weeks and he should change the dressing everyday to avoid infection and to keep the wounded area clean. Iris told Lucas about his mother and how she had taken care of him in Dawnville until she died at the hands of Chris Blade.

"So you want to head out to Daria" Lucas asked,

"Yes but, we can't head out now because.. well...." Iris responded while pointing at Levi.

"Well, you can stay here if you want."

"Really, it's not an issue ?" Iris asked,

"No no, it's fine we have an extra room, you boys can stay with Ajax, his room is big enough and the young lady can stay in another room."

Iris smiled and said "Thank you."

Two days later, Pete and Nora came over with to deliver some news to the Iris said the gang. The village head has sent for them. Lucas told them not to worry, "it's alright that the village head is a nice and level headed man if should tell the truth then it will be fine. Ajax would go with you just to be an eye witness."

They left with Nora and Pete. When they walked through the village people noticed them.

"Why do they keep looking at us like that?" Iris asked,

"This is a relatively small village," Pete answered "almost everyone knows each other, they obviously have never met you guys before so ... they're watching to see if you're trouble."

They got to a small house, and outside the house was a bald man with white shaggy beards there was a table beside him with a teapot and a cup and a great sword. He wore a black buttoned up shirt and baggy trousers. He looked as normal as one could look, except for the great sword that rested on small table beside him. The sword was icy blue with beautiful scale-like designs, it was 55 inches long and 3 inches wide. It looked deadly, it looked powerful. What was a sword like that doing beside a washed up old man they wondered. The man looked to be asleep on the chair.

"Grandpa wake up we have visitors." Nora called. The man opened his eyes and looked at the people in front of him. He saw his grandchildren with the visitors and smiled. "Welcome children, I've been expecting you."

Levi stepped forward, he held a stick in one hand to assist him to walk, "Hello sir" Levi greeted with a smile and his arm stretched out for a hand shake. The old man took Levi's hand with a smile.

"Hello young lad, you look to be injured how are you?" he asked,

"Oh it's fine, it's a small battle wound, I'll be better in a few days." Levi replied.

"How ill mannered of me, come inside and have a seat." The man picked up his sword and led them into the house. It was a normal house nothing extravagant, it was clear that he lived alone. On the inside was just simple chairs and a table, and a fire place.

"So you are soldiers." The man asked as he sat down with a cup of tea in his hand.

"We are survivors." Levi replied, "the tyrant of Kingsland sent his soldiers to our city, Dawnville."

"Aaah I heard what happened there," the man said as he took a sip from his cup of tea, "it seems the peaceful days of Kingsland is coming to an end"

"Indeed it is." Levi replied.

The man nodded and looked at them, he noticed Kara sitting beside Levi, "What about you young girl, are you also a soldier?" The man asked. Kara looked raised her head and stared at the man.

Levi noticed and decided to speak "Well, sh..."

"Let her speak for herself, she has a mouth has she not?" The man asked gently.

Kara looked at the man, she sat up straight andlookeddirectly at him "My name is Kara Dawn, former Princess of the city of Dawnville."

Everyone was surprised, including Iris and Levi, she rarely spoke with such confidence. For Pete and Nora it was something different altogether. They didn't know they were on the presence of royalty. For the old man his expression was one of shock, and sorrow.

They were interrupted by a man shouting outside the house.

"Grandpa, grandpa Calydon..."

Grandpa Calydon frowned, "go and see what it is Pete." Pete walked outside after a while he came back in.

"Grandpa, they say it's soldiers from Kingsland. They're here looking for three people that escaped their grasp in Curtis," while he said this he looked towards Levi, Iris and Kara.

Grandpa Calydon picked up his great sword, "this might prove to be troublesome, you three stay here, Pete, Nora stay with them, guard them."

"No no no no NO." Iris said with a frown "heh, not today, not ever. I'm coming along, you stay here with Kara Levi you're injured. Those Kingslanders have been getting on my nerves lately, I need to blow off some steam,"

Levi raised an eyebrow "I'm coming too are you stupid"

"Are you crazy, You can't fight Levi" Iris retorted.

"It doesn't matter, I can stay at the side and hide amongst the villagers, but I can't hide inside and do nothing knowing you're out here. "

"I'm coming too," Kara spoke up. Iris looked at her and face palmed himself.

"Let them come" Iris looked towards grandpa Calydon as if he was crazy.

"Don't worry boy let them come. They will be safe." Grandpa Calydon spoke to reassure Iris but he was not feeling any better.

"Trust grandpa Iris, with him there, they're safe" Pete spoke with a smile.

"Huhh?" Iris felt they were all crazy.

"You heard the old man Iris, we'll be safe" Levi spoke as he stood up with the help of his stick.

"Oh gods." Iris said said as he shook his head

Do you want a battle scene next Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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