
IP: Lich's Sticky Note Adventure

Follow Lich on his adventure's of exploring all the Paths and Laws the universe has to offer. Will Lich reach what is pass the Infinite Tier? Will the writer actually stop skipping things and actually write out all 10,000 Dao's? I am open to questions on things but be respectful and check if it was already responded to. I will make a discord soon.(by soon I mean once the community actually talks lol) Twitter:@Notaduck00 Artist Twitter: @meivix_

Notaduck · Ciencia y ficción
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309 Chs

Chapter 48

Though it was only the size of a normal mead bottle. It had 50 servings packed into it. After poring over 30 servings into Sedna's Lightning body, he got a winning notification.

[Sedna Has Over Dosed. Winner: Lich!!!]

"YES!! I am so glad that worked!"

While Lich was ecstatic, Sedna was still showing symptoms of overdosing after being sent out. Though she was in no real harm as she was fully healed, she still seemed to be mentally affected. She was not able to inform the challenger after her since she couldn't even speak right now.


"First Carlos and now Sedna. You should be careful Violet, he might make you go silent like the rest."

The Champion Of Light shook her head. "Nah, Lich was pretty cool when we met. He most of just tired the other two so much they fell asleep after the fight."

The Champion Of Light Paths were Light, Earring, Beam, Unicorn, Top, Flag, Eye Technique, Basilisk, Cockatrice, and Cyclops.

When she appeared in the arena she waved at Lich.

"Hey Lich. Let's just have some fun okay?"

"Sure sure."

Lich kept his talking short as each fight has got harder and harder. He still had so many fights left and he was terrified.

As soon as the fight started, Violet slammed her Flag into the ground. Then the next thing Lich knew was that he shouldn't of kept his eyes stuck on her.

Her Flag along with her eyes, including a third eye on her forehead, all light up bright. Then Lich became blind. Remembering where she was standing, Lich fired 5 shots in the general direction.

When he started to reload and try to determine where she was, he felt a burning pain through his leg. Falling down and screaming, he heard a laugh.

"Oof, sorry about that. It is a fight after all. That gun would end the fight so fast, but you have to find me first."

Lich aimed where he heard her voice and shot again.

"Oh wow. You almost got me. If you had your vision I bet you could of ended the fight. Well I should be careful of your gloves too."

Then Lich felt the same pain he felt in his leg, going through both his wrists. Lich dropped both his gun and his gloves. As he was about to heal and get his weapons again, he felt a kick from his front.

"I will be taking these. Don't mind me- SHIT!"

As she was talking, Lich realized he could use the tail to attack in the front, but it seemed he had to control it himself as it only reacts to behind him.

Lich healed himself, but he no longer had his gun or gloves. He still felt the light on his eyelids so he didn't open them again. Lich decided to test out his Professions/Jobs. Using the Serial Killer skill, Lich noticed an outline of Violet.

Though she seemed friendly, she was being cocky and was back beside where the fight started out. Lich could hardly made out the Flag in her hand. Lich started to mindlessly charge around pretending to look for her.

When she was in pouncing distance he shifted to Land Form and pounced towards her. Before she could make a joke about the situation, Lich's mouth started to shift to that of an Alligator and he ripped her throat out.

After transforming back to his normal form, his jaw was oddly still popping. "I hate raw meat it always makes my jaw pop. I don't really want to do that again."


Violet was staring blankly at the wall, while her system screen was showing the messages from her clique. After a bit of time she responded to them.

Blaze: Violet why are you not responding? Are you brain dead like the other two now?

Alvis: Maybe she stole his heart and she is thinking of how to break it to you. Don't worry Hot Stuff, my shoulder will always be here for you.

Before they started to fight, Violet responded. The only reason she had time was that Blaze was typing for a few minutes and no one will know what he typed.

Violet: I think I know the reason the other two aren't talking. He beat me by mounting me and ripping my throat out. I thought he was going to kiss my neck but he left me disappointed.

Alvis: That must be why those two aren't talking then. Carlos is too inexperienced and didn't know what to do and Sedna hate anyone who isn't feminine and probably screaming her head off.

Blaze: Well those two are still down for the count. Blake be careful of that pervert and don't let him touch you.

Blake who was the Champion Of Shadow responded by simply blocking Blaze's messages and then Blaze started to complain about it in the group chat.

Her Ancestor started to speak to her.

"Normally you just don't respond to him. This is the first time you blocked him. Do you perhaps have feelings for this Lich?"

"Ancestor I can block you too. By losing and never trying to get you back. But feelings? Sure he seems like a cool dude. We have a similar vibe and when Blaze just randomly called him a pervert I got a bit mad."


As soon as Blake showed up in the arena, she asked Lich a weird question.

"Garlic Bread or Sex?"

"Uh, Garlic Bread. Why are you asking?"

Instead of talking she nodded her head and smiled. 'Knew it.'

Blake's Paths were: Shadow, Umbrella, Overcoat, Cobra, String, Field, Assassin, Ninja, Mutant:Ninja, Mutant:Assassin.

When the fight started, the reverse of the last match happened. Instead of being blinded by light. A purple shadow extended and covered the whole arena. Then his limbs were covered by strings that grew Cobra heads and bit into him.

He felt an Umbrella rest on his shoulder and Blake started speaking like she already won.

"I am glad I found a fellow ace. I keep running into annoying people and even some of my friends are annoying. They simple don't understand you know. We should be friends, let's go get drinks after this thing is over. Winner will pay of course, so it will be my treat."

Lich started at her blankly and spoke. "I will cover the bill."

Blake was confused until she felt her chest get opened up by a giant Scorpion tail. As she tried to break it with her umbrella, her limbs and neck were stabbed into and she was killed.

Healing himself as his HP was almost low enough to activate the boss mode, Lich started to complain.

"She must be an alcoholic if she is forcing a guy she just met to buy her drinks. Then again she was terrifying so I bet all the people she meets are just to scared to get drunk near her, as they must like living. Luckily I am a Lich so there is no need to be worried."


As she knew her friends would send something idiotic to her as soon as she lost, thinking she wouldn't be able to respond she simply sent a message before the others could.

Violet: Scorpion tail attack when you get behind him.

Alvis: Scorpion tail? Wait is that why those two are out? I understand Carlos since he likes to attack from the back and is an airhead and is probably over reacting right now. But how would our little Lightning Mage even try to get close?

Blaze: Alvis what are you talking about? Wait is Violet back already?! What happened? She is our best sneak attacker, there is no way he could kill her so easy! He must be cheating.

The only response he got back was more Block Notifications. Then Lich's next challenger started to talk in the group chat. The Champion Of Curse Element, Molly.

Molly: Don't worry guys! I will avenge you all so you can rest in your sad little graves!

Alvis: We aren't dead you numb skull. But sure go ahead.


When Molly showed up in the arena, Lich was confused. 'Why is a cosplayer here? The first 8 were elemental's. So she is either randomly skipping others or she is also an elemental user.'

Molly was in a maids outfit that was weirdly wet and almost see through. But that was only a distraction as she had a Rocket Launcher on her shoulder.

Molly's Paths were: Curse, Rocket Launcher, Cosplay, Jelly Fish, Fusion, Angel, Energy Drink, X(Drug), Slime, and Bomber.

As the fight started, she started to monologue. If she was an early challenger, Lich would of spoken back with her. But since the last 5 fights almost ended in his early death, he just shot instead of listening.

"Taste my energetic rocket you cutie! Oh god!!" Before she could launch one rocket, she was shot full of bullets and Lich was stunned.

"Wait was she going to monologue?! Shit, someone finally wanted to monologue and I killed them! It could of been so funny..."

A girl with Black and White striped scene hair and orange eyes was sitting in the loser's locker room pulling her hair.