
Involuntary Executioner

Every action has consequences. Some might lead to your despair, some might lead to the death of others. When two worlds collide, a training program is then offered to an ordinary student. To help him become a rightful executioner. But can he fulfill such a role while justifying the actions he had once so despised?

shackledbutterfly · Fantasía
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5 Chs

To survive at Cosmo Intellect.

[ Do you want to become a fighter? ]

The question holds little meaning to me. If I had been the boy that I was, I would've said yes without hesitation.

But as I grow older, now at sixteen as a struggling student being forced to try my best by the overwhelming pressure and expectations laid upon me, there's nothing I should be doing unless it's studying.

Back then the thought of being a 'fighter' amused me, using your strength to bring justice out into the light like a hero. That's how it always is back in those superhero television shows.

Now a 'fighter' in the real world, especially in school, is nothing but a violent person who knows nothing but bloodshed and laughs at the pain of others. School violence is nothing new as it spreads wildly in the media, but that is only if you are found.

What about those who can hide the evidence?

The blurry images and phantom pains from the onslaught of fists meeting my face, where bruises bloom and blood spills until they make sure I am broken apart.

That was the summary of my years as a junior. The weak get picked on, the strong threaten them, and teachers never find out. Our teachers are paid to teach us either way, it's not in their salary to become a therapist or a substitute guardian.

So much for those nursery rhymes.

Cosmo Intellect, where we children are the stars of Earth's future. They believe that they can help your child and guide them down the correct path. The school had been so successful during its first few years that it's recommended to be the best school in Vietnam.

My parents aren't poor, but they aren't exactly rich either. They had always given me freedom and decided that my life was my responsibility, listening to every story I told them, and every wish I wanted to be fulfilled as long as it was not anything unreasonable.

Getting a scholarship for Cosmo Intellect was a complete surprise to everyone, especially myself. My scores in my first junior year weren't bad but not excellent either. That day, my sister and I rechecked the message several times.



To Huynh Quoc Trung,

We would like to congratulate you on winning a full scholarship. Our school expects great things from you and the stories you'll tell.


The principal of Cosmo Intellect


With a messy signature ending with a star, no name. But the signature was real enough for everyone to celebrate.

'Our son got into the best school in Vietnam!'

'It's a full scholarship!'

I celebrated with them, laughing at the praises sent from my relatives and neighbors. Not knowing the cruel reality that fate had settled for me.

They offer the best education but not the best social environment. Teachers will help you with your work but never your bullies. You can befriend others and attract enemies and no one will help you.

So throughout my years from thirteen to sixteen, I learned that you should isolate yourself from everyone. If you make friends, their karma will soon pass on to you and you'll be dragged into the endless cycle of violence.

Thankfully, I blended into the background with no one beside me. Students who have approached me are always met with a cold shoulder. I paid no mind to my surroundings other than education, I hid everything from my family because I wanted them to see me as their son who had gotten himself a jackpot.

But because of my survival tactic, I strayed far from my name, I closed my eyes to violence and the screams for help from my classmates. Never once had I stood up for anyone else after getting a beating that had nearly cost me my left eye.

Being a senior will grant me some privileges as I will have more exams coming, teachers may not interfere with school violence but if it affects the seniors who will soon represent their school, they will be met with serious troubles.

I had seen a bully get dragged into the principal's office for messing with a senior who was going to graduate and not return the next day.

"Anh Kai!" A young voice interrupts my train of thought and I blink away from the line in the comic book. I turn around to look at my younger sister, who has the fortune of being bossy and strong, unlike her brother. She's already dressed in her school uniform, her hair tied into ponytails and her hand on her hip while looking at him judgmentally.

"Ma is telling you to come down! Stop reading meaningless comics!" The audacity. I scowl and stick my tongue out at her in offense. All the comics and novels I've bought are top-tier and best sellers, they're the only ones keeping me entertained and sane.

I quickly place the comic down, the first volume of a fantasy adventure of a demon and a slayer teaming up together. I was already dressed, adjusting my collar a bit before grabbing my bag and exiting my room.

The moment I made my way down to put on my socks and shoes, my sister was already on the motorbike with Pa. Ma was cleaning the dishes from last night in the kitchen while I quickly checked over the contents of my bag.

"Are you ready for your first year of being a senior, Trung?!" Ma shouts from the back, she always asks me this every year.

"Yes!" I reply at the same volume as her. Counting the bills I have which is enough to cover my breakfast and lunch which was just a hundred thousand.

"Make sure to study hard, ok?!"

"Yes, I know! I love you, bye Ma!"

I ran over to my bike, recently bought for my birthday to avoid my old and broken down one being the reason for me to become a target.

Cosmo Intellect isn't far from my home, it's just a fifteen-minute cycle and school doesn't start til eight-twenty. It's seven-fifty currently, enough time for me to drop by my favorite food vendor.

"Kai! Great to see you again after your break." The old lady smiles through yellow teeth, and gray hair mixed between black and tied neatly into a bun while her hands move through the Banh Mi and ingredients.

"Hi, Granny! I miss your food so much~" I chuckle, parking my bike beside her vendor. The one hundred thousand bill in my hand was transferred to hers.

"Oh quit flattering me! I'll get your usual for the same price." She untied the roll of bills stacked together to get my change. Eighty-five thousand. Fifteen thousand for a Banh Mi with enough nutrients to keep me full until lunch when I'll have to cycle to Granny again. Cosmo Intellect provides meals for everyone, but I'd rather starve than commit the mistake of gaining attention to myself.

"Banh Mi with meat and spam, just like you wanted!" She gives me a crooked smile while handing me my purchase. I happily took Banh Mi and thanked her.

"Make sure to eat something else! You're becoming skinnier!" I simply laugh and neatly fold the bills into my wallet. A looming figure caught my attention, one that stood next to Granny with bulging eyes and a smoke-like appearance.

Just as I was about to comment about the third person listening to our conversation with Granny, all it took was one blink for them to dissolve into thin air.

"What's wrong, dear?"

"It's… nothing. Thank you, Granny!" I concluded that it was just a hallucination from the lack of sleep before riding on my bike again.

The plastic bag with the Banh Mi hangs from the handle of my bike as I cycle. After two red lights and many traffic jams, I successfully made it to the school gate.

The security guard didn't bother greeting me as he was occupied with making himself look good in front of a student's mother.

I parked my bike at the furthest corner of the parking lot provided for us, a spot hidden inside the shade. No one would be crazy to mess with the parking lot, especially when the guard is getting paid to take care of the place.


A bright blue banner with letters printed out in white and bold font hangs above the steps leading to the campus. Some newly transferred students stare in awe while those who made it past the previous school year continue to walk inside.

I can see my classmates speaking to each other, split into two sides, the Supernovae and the Stars. It's a hidden rule among students that the school doesn't know about. There are billions of Stars, some of which shine brighter than others while some hide in the background. Supernovae is just a title for those who consider themselves stronger than others and they deserve to stand out the most.

I thankfully, split myself away from the two groups. A third party for myself. A lone Star. That's all I'll ever be until I graduate from this damn school.

"Ah, look what we have here~" An intimidating voice joins the small group of friends as I pass by without a word. The list of students in each class seems to be the most interesting thing I've ever seen.

"Minh Khang! I-It's nice to see you!-"

Where is my class?… Hmm…

"Still with that nerd group of yours? How pathetic for the weak to stick together~"

There we go, Class 10-A.

"Uhm, well I mean-"

The left side of the campus… The third floor it is.

"C'mon, don't be like that! How about you and I catch up? Let's go somewhere else."

I still have fifteen minutes left to eat my breakfast—

"Aren't you going to help them?"

I barely register someone talking to me. My body jumps a little and snaps my head toward the person next to me.

It was a girl, standing at my shoulder height. Her brown hair is tied into a ponytail while she stares at me with doll-like eyes. She's a new student and I don't recognize her. I spent a fair share of my time observing everyone, enough to know the face of a survivor of Cosmo Intellect and a new challenger who had yet to face the cruel and ignorant side of the school.

My first response is to ignore her. I managed to avoid social interaction for three years so another year is no problem. Yet she keeps staring with eyes void of life, an inky depth that seems to have seen the worst of mankind.

"T-they're good friends… I wouldn't want to interrupt them—"

"That's a lie."

She says with such certainty that it gives me goosebumps. Of course, I know they aren't friends, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to take a beating for a stranger either.

Based on the reactions of the unfortunate Star's friends, they weren't either.

"Hey- Where do you think you're going?!-" I frantically say in a hushed tone, grabbing the wrist of the girl who is moving towards the two. She merely stares at me with a neutral expression almost like a puppet.

"I want to help him." The girl says.

"You're new here, aren't you? At Cosmo Intellect things like this are normal-"

"If I don't help him, who will?"

"No one! Are you even listening?!-"

"You're just saying that because no one helped you, right?" Her words pierced my heart. Opening up wounds that I thought healed a long time ago.

Sometimes, a blade isn't required to hurt someone, words alone are enough.

My grip on her loosened and she strides forward. All I can do is stare at her back, with each step she takes, a black mist emerges and evaporates as soon as it appears.

She looks too young, too young to become a target.

Even if Minh Khang isn't called a Supernovae, his thirst for violence isn't any less than one.

I have to bite my tongue to force myself to look away, my legs involuntarily step forward.

She'll be fine.

To survive at Cosmo Intellect, you mustn't draw attention to yourself.

To survive at Cosmo Intellect, the weak rely on the strong.

Remember, at Cosmo Intellect…

Your actions have consequences.