
Invincible: Warrior

A man is reborn into the world of Invincible as none other than Invincible himself.

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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38 Chs


" Ugh! Hm! Huh!"

Mark grunted as he lifted his Dumbbells before throwing them to the ground.

' Heh! Gotten bigger again.'

Mark said to himself as he stared at the mirror.

" Mark, hurry up and shower. It's time for school."

Debbie yelled to Mark through the door.

" Thanks Mom!"

Mark yelled back as he gathered up his clothes for school. He then grabbed one of his towels and walked over to the Bathroom to take a shower. Mark locked the door to the bathroom and began stripping out of his wet clothes.

' Ugh! I hate school just as much this life as I did my old life.'

Mark thought as he turned the shower on.

Mark waited and let the water get hot before stepping in.

" I love the way this stuff makes me smell."

Mark said to himself as he rubbed a handful of his mother's shampoo into his hair.

' Is it effeminate? Absolutely. But it smells so good. Like roses.'

Mark thought as he washed his hair.

Once the shampoo had been thoroughly rinsed out, he used the same brand of conditioner to finish the set.

" Ah!!! Nothing like a nice hot shower to wash away the pent-up stress."

Mark said as he stepped out of the shower.

Mark grabbed his towel and started drying himself off, being sure to wipe and dry all of his body without fail. He grabbed his cologne and deodorant and applied it loosely, making sure not to overdo it with the cologne. Mark finished getting dressed and went to the kitchen to grab Breakfast before going to School.

" Ten minutes to spare. Seems I've underestimated you son."

Debbie said to Mark as she took a sip of her coffee.

" Heh! Come on mom, you know I always find a way to surprise you. What is it I always say?"

Mark asked his mom.

" Always expect the unexpected. Especially from your favorite son."

The mother and son duo said in unison.

" Hahaha!"

They both laughed as Mark hugged his mother.

" All right! Hurry up Mark eat and be on your way."

Debbie said to the boy as she broke their hug.

" Okay mom. By the way where's dad?"

Mark asked. However, he had already known the answer himself.

" He's out stopping a Dragon. You know the usual."

Debbie joked.

" I see. Well, I'm sure everything will be alright. Love you mom, I'm heading out now."

Mark said to his mother. He kissed her on head as he hugged her before leaving the house for school.

' I should be getting my powers soon. I hope I'm stronger than Mark was at the beginning, or else this really is going to suck. Well, maybe not.'

Mark thought as he walked towards his bus stop.

' Looks like I made it in time Afterall.'

Mark thought as he looked up to see the bus coming to a stop. Mark boarded the bus and took a seat at the back.

' Man, I hate school so much. At least William makes things interesting.'

Mark groaned to himself as he saw the bus quickly approaching the school.

The bus pulled into the lot of the school and released the students. Mark got off of the bus and slowly made his way into the building where he spent the first half of the day in classes. Once the day was over he slowly walked towards his locker, where he was greeted by his long-time friend William.

" Hey man, did you see the mauler twins attacked the Whitehouse."

William asked Mark as he walked behind the boy.

" Yeah, I saw it on the news briefly before leaving the house today."

Mark replied as he grabbed a book from his locker.

" I can't believe the guardians of the globe let them get that close to killing the president."

William said to the man as he read the article on the attack.

" They didn't even get into the building, right? And wasn't Omniman there too?"

Mark asked.

" You are such an omnimaniac. Way to root for the underdog. Big fan of the Yankees are ya?"

William joked as Mark closed his locker.

" Sure, he's hot and all and that mustache."

William said, making sure to whisper that last part.

Mark looked at the man and sighed a little.

" Sorry, okay! Straight stuff. You up for some crash crash tonight? I'm hoping for a level forty-three chest armor."

William said to the man hoping for a yes.

Mark looked back at him and gave him a look of I'm sorry.

" Don't bring up that stupid job man. Don't be that person."

William said to the boy.

" When's the last time you bought a comic book? Those things are expensive. And they're doing seance dog twice a month all summer."

Mark explained to the boy.

" You're into the stupidest stuff man."

William replied.

The two laughed and walked down the corridors until being distracted by the local bully harassing a young lady.

" Leave me alone Todd."

Amber said to the man as she walked away from the man.

' Ugh! This guy?'

Mark thought as he watched the man.

' Damn? I forgot about this.'

Mark thought as he rubbed his forehead in stress.

" Hey, go help her out man."

William said as he elbowed Mark in the side.

" Yeah, let me step in."

Mark said as he approached the two.

" Let go of me."

Amber said to the boy as he held onto her arm.

" Yo, Todd!"

Mark called out.

" What do you want Grayson?"

Todd asked as he turned towards Mark.

The two of them were both pretty big guys, with Mark being just a bit bigger than he was.

" Dude, she said leave her alone man. Now, get to stepping."

Mark said to the man.

" Or what?"

Todd asked.

" Or I'll knock your fucking head off. Now, move."

Mark said as he shoved the man aside. Todd huffed and walked away from the two in anger, as even though he was pretty big, Mark was still bigger than him.

" Hey, amber right? Sorry about that guy, he's a little special."

Mark took a shot at the man and made the girl laugh a little.

" No worries. Thanks for helping me out with that. He's been bugging me for a while."

Amber stated as she wiped her blonde hair from her face making Mark blush a little.

' Oh wow. She's really beautiful. Damn comics did her no justice.'

Mark thought as he looked down at the woman.

" You're name's mark right?"

Amber asked.

" Yeah, hey look. Here's my number. If you ever wanna talk or if he starts bothering you again give me a call alright. i gotta go. Work is calling."

Mark said to the woman. He gave her his number before turning to leave.

' Oh man, that was getting Awkward.'

Mark thought to himself as he walked towards Burger Mart for his shift.

' This world is pretty beautiful. Crazy to think such a beautiful world is inhabited by such crazy motherfuckers.'

Mark thought as he looked around at the shining buildings. Taking in their beauty.

' I hate to think all of these people are going to end up dead for something they can't even control themselves.'

Mark thought sadly as he watched the men, women and children walking around him.

" Better get used to it Mark. It's going to become a part of your regular schedule from now on. The only thing that matters is You're strong enough to survive."

Mark said to himself as he continued wandering through the streets.

Mark soon arrived at Burger Mart where his boss fussed him out for being a few minutes late.

' I'm supposed to get my powers tonight, right? It's been so long since I've read the comics that I don't really remember much of it anymore.'

Mark thought as he cleaned the table after the dinner rush.

" Grayson take out those trash bags!"

The boss yelled to Mark as he gestured to the bags in the corner.

' Okay, moment of truth.'

Mark thought as he looked at the bags.

Mark walked over to the bags and lifted them up, as he did so he noticed one of the bags was tearing. So, he hurried out the door towards the trash can. He lifted the lid of the trash can up and threw the first bag in with ease. He hoisted the second.

' Here we go.'

Mark said to himself and as he went to throw the bag in, he ended up launching the bag far into the distance. Mark looked up at the soaring bag and chuckled.

" Heh! So, it begins."

Mark said to himself as he tilted his cap over his face. He smiled and walked back inside the building in victory.