
Invincible: Warrior

A man is reborn into the world of Invincible as none other than Invincible himself.

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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38 Chs

First gravity run

" Ugh! Eve your parents' suck!"

Mark groaned as he and Eve walked through the city .

" I warned you ahead of time, Mark. Don't blame me because you didn't prepare."

Eve taunted.

Mark grabbed eve and swept her off her feet and flew into the air making the girl yelp in surprise.

" Mark, don't do that so suddenly and not out in public!"

Eve yelled at the man in embarrassment over the sound she had made.

Mark's response was to simply laugh at her as he flew over the city.

Eve glared at the man for a few seconds before she slowly bust out into laughter as well, she wrapped her arms around Mark's neck and kissed him gently on his cheek.

Mark smiled at eve and gently kissed her back.

The two continued their date, Mark just flying eve all over the planet. Showering her with kisses as they watched the sun set over and over again. Eventually however, the two took notice of a young man around the same age as them fighting a giant Kaiju.

" Hey, Mark look there's trouble!"

Eve yelled to the man as she pointed to an orange skinned boy with wings fighting giant monster

Mark looked down and frowned at the sight.

' Duncan Rosenblatt? From firebreather? I forgot he existed.'

Mark thought to himself

" Want to help him out?"

Mark asked the girl.

" Nah, looks like he's got it handled."

Eve said to the man.

" It's our day off! And besides let Cecil earn his paycheck."

Eve added on.

" Okay, let's keep on moving."

Mark turned away from the fight and kept on without batting another eye.

Mark and eve's date continued all the way back to New York where on the way Mark noticed another fight.

' Machine heads tower... Nope Not ready for that fight. Not yet. If robot would hurry up with that damn chamber, I could start making more gains.'

Mark thought to himself.

Eventually the time for the date to come to a rousing end. Mark dropped Eve back off at her home and kissed her one more time before flying off.

" Might as well, check."

Mark said to himself. He pulled out his phone and called robot.

" Hello, invincible. How may I assist you?"

Robot asked

" Hey, Robot. I was wondering if you've made any advancements on that thing I asked you about."

Mark asked the robot as he floated in the air.

" Actually, I finished it about a week ago. I haven't been able to reach you since you were on the mission to mars. If you'd like you can go to the Teen Teams old headquarters. I had it built there since I had already started. But a word of warning, I had to use Flaxan technology to help. So be careful of any wormholes opening up that lead back to the flaxan dimension."

Robot explained to the man.

Mark's eyes lit up like a child on his birthday after receiving the game he asked for all year.

Mark flew up into the air and let out a loud cheer of excitement before hanging up on robot and taking off to the teams old hq.

Mark landed on the roof of the bridge and to his surprise the old elevator into the lair still worked. Mark lowered into the room and started searching for his new training room and to his astonishment, Robot had gone above what he had wanted. Inside the lair was a large room filled with all kinds of gadgets ranging from basic weight equipment to combat droids.

" Robot, i swear I love you."

Mark exclaimed. He took his clothes off down to his boxers and ran into the room to try it out.

" I wonder how much this thing goes up by. Let's check it out."

Mark asked himself.

Mark began tinkering with the controls and turned on the gravity room. Slowly Mark began increasing the weight and by slowly he instantly shot to one hundred times the earth's gravity. The machine instantly turned the gravity on, and Mark hit the floor hard.

' Ugh! FUCK!'

Mark groaned as he struggled to his feet.

" Why is this so difficult? I thought our bodies could handle at least this much with ease. How strong is gravity on other planets?"

Mark asked.

" Need to lower it."

Mark began fumbling with the controls again and lowered the gravity a great deal bringing it down to fifty times earth's gravity.

Though still heavy on him it wasn't as crushing as the previous weight.

" Damn, gonna have to get used to this thing. But hey at least it works. Since I'm here might as well get a good workout in."

Mark said to himself.

Mark got down and started doing pushups against. It wasn't long before Mark began feeling the sweat buildup.

" Heh! I'm sweating. Haven't done that in a long time."

Mark sneered at his new found sweat.

Mark continued working the exercise room for hours, thanks to his viltrumite physic he was able to go for much longer than a normal human could. And after a whopping six hours off pressing against the weight, Mark's body was slick to the touch with sweat.

" Heh! I think that's enough for today."

Mark said to himself. He turned the gravity room off and felt the obvious change in his body.

" I feel slightly lighter. I gotta be more careful with this thing from now on though that crash was a wakeup call."

Mark said to himself.

Mark grabbed his gear and quickly returned home to rest for the he knew the next few weeks would be a slow burning wait until the next crisis.