

Traductor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A white mist covered a vast and expansive field. A red sun was hidden by the mist. Suddenly, the white mist parted like a screen. The golden rays of sunshine flooded the whole place with a brilliant golden glow.

This was what Rong Kaixuan was seeing inside his head.

The round ball had shattered. Incredibly enough, it had gathered itself together again and was now even more mysterious and powerful than before.

The Spirit Power of Heaven and Earth that was absorbed from his surroundings floated in between his eyebrows like a thick fog. The little round ball had become like a blazing sun, sending golden rays of sunshine throughout the entire area between his brows.

On top of that, the mysterious energy within the ball of sunshine had gone through a tremendous change as well.

The mysterious energy had turned into a sticky golden liquid and flowed slowly inside of the little round ball.