
A Visitor from the Family

Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A mysterious and creepy sort of energy started moving in the bright room.

This energy was a result of using the Art of Sealing. It was a commonly seen process among spiritualists, but it was also a process that was hard to grasp.

Most Spirit Gatherers learned the Art of Sealing after fully grasping the Art of Spirit Gathering. Depending on the individual's gift and type of Spirit Power, one might grasp the Art of Sealing quickly or slowly.

Those who grasped the Art of Sealing within a month were considered the best among the spiritualists.

When Rong Jiexuan gave this talisman paper to Rong Kaixuan, he hoped to groom the boy. If he found out that Rong Kaixuan had started to use this paper to try sealing a Spirit Body the very next day, he might have regretted giving him the paper.

A Sealing Talisman was not a rare treasure, but it was an item that only Spiritualists used. They didn't come cheaply either.

It was best to not waste money like that.

The talisman lit up. Waves started appearing in beams from the talisman. They transformed into light rays that surrounded that human-shaped Spirit Body.

Rong Kaixuan's eyelid twitched a few times. He suddenly realized that even though he had followed the manual on the Art of Sealing to the letter when he reached this stage, he felt like he didn't have enough energy to do it.

The Spirit Body released a huge amount of energy to resist the light. It was if this Spirit Body was unwilling to be trapped within the talisman.

Spirit Bodies weren't sentient or intelligent. They were just a massive amount of Spirit Power of the sky and earth held together by a mysterious power. Once a Spirit Body was created, it started to have basic instincts of all living things.

Even though the Spirit Body would have never harmed Rong Kaixuan, it also wouldn't let itself easily be sealed inside a talisman.

Rong Kaixuan's expression slightly changed. This was the first time he didn't have control over the situation since he started learning about spiritualism.

His head was soon covered with a layer of cold sweat.

He tried his best to control the situation. He focused all his energy on this matter and didn't have any more space to think about anything else.

Even though his focusing ability was good, the Spirit Body's ability to struggle was even greater. No matter how hard he tried to control and tug at the Spirit Body, the Spirit Body refused to stop struggling.

After a long time, there was a sad and bitter smile on Rong Kaixuan's face.

He was going to fail at sealing this Spirit Body.

Suddenly, the little round ball between in eyebrows started turning. The mysterious power seemed to have been affected by his mood and started to move out of his body by itself.

Rong Kaixuan's eyes lit up a little. This mysterious power had already given him many surprises, so he was excited to see what it would do this time.

As he expected, the power flowed out from his body and into the talisman in his hands.

In the next moment, the ordinary blank talisman suddenly gained a strange power. It continued to give off power. The nearly transparent beam from the talisman now had a golden tinge to it.

The Spirit Body, which was desperately struggling before, suddenly calmed down.

This slightly golden beam of light seemed to be able to convince and appease the Spirit Body. After it received the evocation of this strange power, it stopped struggling and became willing to be surrounded by the countless beams around it.

Rong Kaixuan's eyelid slightly twitched. He was instantly overcome with joy.

He moved his Spirit Power. The light beams from the talisman started vibrating. It gathered up all the energy as it dragged the Spirit Body into itself.

There was a bright flash as the Spirit Body was sealed within the talisman.


Rong Kaixuan exhaled deeply and wiped the cold sweat on his face away.

He finally understood why Rong Jiexuan didn't want to give him the manual on the Art of Sealing so quickly.

An evoked Spirit Body fought hard and rejected being sealed in a talisman. If a spiritualist didn't have sufficient strength or wasn't powerful enough to overpower the Spirit Body's strength, it was going to be tough trying to learn this art.

Perhaps when a Spirit Gatherer reached the Advanced or Peak stages, they were able to grasp this technique more easily.

But Rong Kaixuan was different. He had a mysterious little round ball between his eyebrows.

It could do many things, so it was hard to tell what else it was capable of. With its help, Rong Kaixuan had managed to successfully seal a Spirit Body Fighter even though he was merely an Elementary Stage Spiritualist.

After Rong Kaixuan had finished his long exhale, he discovered another thing that pleasantly surprised him.

The mysterious power that flowed out from the little round ball and into the talisman had come back to him. The power seemed a wee bit more powerful than when it went out from him earlier.

It was just a tiny and insignificant amount, but it was enough to make him extremely happy.

Rong Kaixuan was now ready to try sealing a second time.

He suddenly stopped moving. He sadly realized that he didn't have anymore sealing talismans in his hands.

It seemed as though he had to wait quite a while before he could prepare a thousand Spirit Body Fighter Sealing Talismans to attack his enemies.

Rong Kaixuan shook his head and quietly sighed. He carefully put the talisman away.

This thing could save him. If he used up all of his Spirit Power and true Qi one day, he would have to count on this thing to save his life.

After he refocused his thoughts, Rong Kaixuan took out a book that was about an inch thick.

It was the manual he had bought from the marketplace the day before.

Manuals were a rare treasure. Most people had never even heard of such a book in the world.

This sort of wordless manual wasn't for an ordinary person to read. If one didn't have Spirit Power, even looking at it a thousand times wasn't going to get a normal person anywhere.

Spending five silver coins to buy a manual was considered a good deal.

Rong Kaixuan carefully opened the book and released a small amount of Spirit Power.

Reading such manuals didn't require a lot of Spirit Power. He only needed to release a small amount of Spirit Power into the book and the contents would pop up.

He gathered his thoughts to see carefully what spells were inside this manual.

After a few seconds, he still didn't get anything.

That blank page remained blank. There wasn't even a single word of explanation, never mind Spirit Waves.

Rong Kaixuan blinked. There was a bit of confusion in his heart.

He focused his thoughts again. The round ball between his eyebrows spun even more violently than before as it gave out a small amount of its mysterious power.

When this power landed on the book, Rong Kaixuan looked at it with much anticipation. The result was disappointing. The blank page didn't react at all.

He gave a deep sigh and closed the book in frustration.

He had finally confirmed that this manual was actually a blank book that didn't have any secret techniques written inside.

Rong Kaixuan shook his head but decided to keep the book around anyway.

Even though there were no spiritualist secret techniques inside and the book was no longer valuable, anything a spiritualist used was hard to get at five silver coins even if it was torn and tattered.

After standing quietly for a few moments, Rong Kaixuan put away the regret in his heart. He pushed the door open. The sound startled the guards outside.

After a few seconds, several people came rushing over. The first person was Rong Jieming.

He started laughing loudly from afar and asked, "Kaixuan, did you get a good night's sleep?"

Rong Kaixuan nodded gently. He looked around and asked, "Grandpa Ming, where's my father?"

"Are you looking for Yiyang? He's very famous now. The moment he woke up, a representative sent by your grandfather came looking for him. They're talking in the main hall now."

"My grandfather?"

Rong Kaixuan was a little stunned. A strange feeling rose in his heart.

Even though he was nearly 15, his grandfather was a stranger to him. He didn't remember ever seeing his grandfather, and he didn't really know the reason why. He was quite sure that the reason had something to do with the fact that his father had not been able to gather true Qi.

Rong Jieming coughed a little as if he had noticed the strange look on Rong Kaixuan's face. Besides, he had seen much of life. "Kaixuan, your father's cultivation level was very poor, so your grandfather never placed any importance on him. From now on, everything will be different." He patted Rong Kaixuan's shoulder and said, "What you did yesterday has already reached the entire clan. Now, everybody knows that the clan has an amazing Spirit Gatherer. If your grandfather didn't do anything after hearing about this, that would have been more surprising."

Rong Kaixuan suddenly understood what was going on. He nodded. He had a deep curiosity in his heart.

"Grandpa Ming, I would like to go over and have a look. Can I?"

"Of course," Rong Jieming replied with a smile. "I'll go with you."

Rong Jieming was way higher in both age and position compared to Rong Kaixuan. If it had been one day ago, he would have completely ignored Rong Kaixuan. Things had changed. He was constantly thinking about how to forge a good relationship with this younger man who had a bright future ahead of him.

When Rong Kaixuan became successful, his family would also benefit from it.

That was why he was willing to lower himself and happily accompany Rong Kaixuan around.

Rong Jieming wasn't a very powerful figure in the clan, but he was fairly old and a direct descendant of the Rongs. Thus, his entire family lived in a large manor.

The old man and the young man walked down a corridor and entered the main hall.

Rong Yiyang was seated opposite a plainly dressed elderly man.

The older man seemed to be going on and on, but Rong Yiyang kept his lips tightly pursed and didn't say anything.

Rong Kaixuan's heart tightened. He quickly called out, "Father."

The two men in the main hall stood up. Rong Yiyang quickly said, "Uncle Ming, I'm so sorry that we have to bother you like this."

Rong Jieming glared at him and replied, "What are you talking about? Since we're all part of the same family, of course, I wouldn't be bothered by this sort of thing!" He laughed loudly and said, "You can continue chatting. I'll take my leave."

He was someone who knew how to read situations, so he wasn't going to stick around and annoy others.

Rong Yiyang saw him out. He turned around to see his energetic son. He smiled and asked, "Kaixuan, have all your injuries healed?"

Rong Kaixuan nodded vigorously and replied, "I'm all healed. Father, what about you?"

Rong Yiyang sighed quietly and said, "The elder's pill is really amazing. My injuries are almost all healed."

Rong Kaixuan was relieved, but his eyes wandered to secretly glance at the other man in the room.

Rong Yiyang shook his head. He felt many emotions in his heart. He said, "Kaixuan, this is someone who has been by your grandfather's side for several decades now. You can call him Grandpa Cai."