
Battle Beast (edit)

A day has passed and cecil notifies me of the guardians try outs. I arrive at guardians HQ knowing rex and kate will be there.

(clark)"Oh boy let's just get this over with- Good Lord there's a lot of people here. Oh invincible hey man what's goin on."

(mark)"Not much just getting ready to see the try outs what about you?"

(clark)"Don't know yet we'll see when it's over." out the corner of my eye I see eve and I walk over to her. "hey eve are you doing alright?"

(eve)"Oh hey Clark no not really look I'm not trying to be mean, but I'm not really in the mood to talk today."

(clark)"No eve that's alright I know how feel I'll talk to you later take care." Not long after that the try-outs start and I gotta say some of these people are amazing let's see who makes the team. Robot comes in and starts calling out the names that made the list

(robot)"Duplikate, Black samson, Shrinking rae, Atom Eve, Rexsplode, Superman, and Monster girl." Upon hearing the last name rex laughs at the girl.

(rex)"aww look at her she's adorable, but isn't their an age requirement for this am I wrong."

(monstergirl)"I don't know you're here isn't there a dicksize requirement?"

(rex)"I'm sorry?"

(monstergirl)"For what you're tiny dick.

(clark)"Ohhhh Damn that girl bite." I said out loud embarrassing rex. Rex goes to attack the young lady and boy let me warn you what happens next is not pg-13. Monster girl smashes rex through the training room and I mean badly She just hammers down on rex knocking a few teeth. I couldn't help but laugh at the bastard getting his karma.

Mark fly's down and stops the fight knocking monster girl out of her form. Once that's over they all return to the top.

(eve)"While I can respect some of the members on the team I decide- I'm sorry robot, but I can't be on the same team as rex and Kate- Which doesn't shock me.

(clark)"Hey sorry robot, but I have to agree with eve I just can't trust those two anymore." When I say this Eve, Mark, and I all take our leave. Robot looks to rex and asks him what he did. As we're flying Mark asks eve what happened and she tells him. Rex cheated on me with duplikate all 3 of her. Mark looks at me and I nod. As we're talking we get a call from cecil tells us some crazy guy is tearing up Mt Rushmore. As we arrive I tell him one time.

(clark)"Look I'm not in the fucking mood today surrender or I break every bone in your body!" he attacks me and I yell at eve and Invincible to secure the citizens. Once they tell me it's clear I rush into the scientist slamming him the ground he uses his earthquake gauntlets and splits the ground beneath us as. I try to catch him, but his recklessness causes him to fall into lava seeing nothing left I use my cold breath and cool the lava. Hopefully cecil can get someone to close this hole. Mark and Eve arrive and I tell them it's over. Cecil arrives with the clean up crew and I give eve my number if she needs to talk and with that I head home.

A few weeks go by cleaning up the occasional crazy guy here and there along with school which at this point isn't really necessary when you can read an entire textbook in less than 30 seconds and memorize it school just seems to lose it's luster. The bell rings and class ends.

(clark)"I think I'll go take another sun bath, let me just get find an alley to change ah here we go and that should do it let's go."

Boom Boom!

(clark)"ah space is so beautiful honestly I don't think I've ever seen something so beautiful in my life. It seems I've gotten stronger I've gotten taller as well. (Just Imagine new 52 superman). Alright guess I should head home wait a minute." I use my super hearing and I hear Mark He's in pain I gather up all my strength and I rocket off towards him at the speed of light I'm coming up on a tower and I see the guardians and Mark they're all Bloody.

"Damnit I have to hurry wait a minute is that Omniman!? He's just watching his son get beaten to death That does it." he sees me coming and glares at me to stop. You want me to let them die BURN. I shoot my heat vision at him and he does his best to dodge it, but I hit him I don't think he expected me to attack him. after doing that I continue towards Mark and without word or warning I slam into the Beast attacking him knocking him from the building. As I do so I can feel him hammering down on my back attempting to break the hold I Have on him.

(clark)"Argh Damnit this guys strong." I yell as we crash down into the desert. I get up and I hear his Beastly Roar. RAAAAAAAAW.

(clark)"I don't know who you are monster or where you came from, but I'm sending you back."

(Thokk)"Is that right? To have knocked me so far from my prey you must be very strong! Are you the challenge I was promised?" He grinned at me, and for the first time in my life I felt something welling up in me EXCITEMENT over a challenge.

(clark)"A challenge is that what you've come here for fine, but do your best not to disappoint me." We Glare at each other and it feels like the air around us thickens. He laughs and says to me "boy don't die too fast."

with that we charge at each other. "RAAAAAA." he lets out a mighty roar as he charges at me and BOOM! our fists collide with each other sending shockwaves out from our impact. "What the hell he stopped my fist this guy is strong very strong." I say. I swing with a right and he does the same and we start trading blows. My fist slams into his jaw as his does to mine.

(clark)"damn that hurt this guy can hurt me, but I can't afford to lose." Argh he hit me again as his fist connects with my face I reel back and HIT HIM AGAIN HARDER. As we fight I can feel it his excitement and mine at finally finding a worthy challenge. (Thokk)"HAHA YES BOY MORE!" HE yells as I oblige him. I slam my fist into his jaw again This time I continue my assault, I slam my fist into his sides hoping to hit his kidneys, and his Back Hoping to shatter his spine. He returns the blows ferociously slamming his fist into my skull I feel my brain rattle, My stomach feels like he cracked a few of my ribs The hit to my gut causes me to topple over and He brings both his fists down onto my back Knocking me into the ground.

Meanwhile the sounds of our blows radiates across the desert no not just the desert the city shakes and glass shatters at the force of our mighty fight. As I hit the ground He grabs my cape And slams me into the ground not once not twice, but three solid times He goes to cave my skull in with his weapon, but I dodge out the way as I deliver a solid uppercut to the beast knocking him into the air I continue my assault BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! the sound of my fists hitting his jaw ripples out loud I knock him high into the air and I slam both of my Fists down on his head sending crashing down to the hard ground below his collision with the ground creates a massive crater almost as if an comet hit it. He gets up blood leaking from his head, nose and mouth. I feel the same. We glare at each other and we Laugh. He looks at me and says (Thokk) "YOU BOY YOU ARE THE GREATEST CHALLENGE I'VE EVER FACED. Earlier you asked me what my name was as a sign of my respect for you I'll tell you. My name Is BATTLE BEAST intergalactic gladiator, But you may call me Thokk."

(clark)"Well Thokk I gotta say I feel the same I've never faced anyone as mighty as you Thank you for giving me this experience. My Name is Superman. My whole life I've felt like I lived in a world made of cardboard always taking constant care not to breath something break someone, never allowing myself to truly lose control or someone could die, but you..... YOU CAN TAKE IT CAN'T YOU BIG MAN!? SHOW ME YOUR STRENGTH THOKK!"


Boom Boom! we rush at each other again Slamming our fists into each other over and over again. "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! we yell as we continue to pummel each other. I feel his heavy blows tearing me apart his vicious roar deafening, but I don't relent I continue, however I notice that I'm slowing down I can feel it I'm going to pass out my eyes getting heavier and he notices. (Thokk)"Superman You have earned my respect, and I thank you for this fight." He says as he stops!? (clark)"what why did you stop I can keep going. I can keep going!" He looks at me and nods One last time we rush at each other and with ALL my MIGHT I SLAM MY FIST HIS FACE as he does the same. Craack BOOOOOOM! our collision causes an explosion that can be seen for miles we send each other Flying and as I watch him get farther away from me I pass out.