
The First Quest

Jai opened quest option.He saw that the first quest was to kill 'Deamon knight LVL 15'. He clicked on the quest.The requirement to accept quest was LVL 10.He thought"First i should need a sword,but how can i get sword?"He opened guide option.He searched how to get sword for beginers.According to guide he should complate traing center to obtain wooden sword.

He opend map.After 15 minuts he reached training center.There were two guards standing in front of training center.One of them said,"Welcome to the beginers training center.Which class training you want to do?"

"Sword"said Jai.

"Come behind me"said second one.

Jai enterd the training center.It was so big.He followd the guard for 10 minutes.Finally he reached at training center.It was huge as 10 football sadiam.Jai was the first one to come here.There were about tons of swords.In the center,there was a big white circle.

"Go and stand on that circle"Said guard

Jai stood on the circle,and then a black sword appeard in front of him.

"Sword,that made from Divine Dragon's tooth.You are so lucky kid.Take care of that sword.Now you can go to LVL 1 Dungeon."Said guard.

Jai cheaked Dungeon Option.There were only 1 Dungeon.He clicked on that.After a second he opendhis eyes.He was in the Dungeon.

"Hello,young boy you are the first one to come in this Dungeon.Rules are simple,kill as much Deamon as you can in 5 minutes.Much demon you kill much EXP you'll get.Your time starts now..."

Suddenly a horde of small looking awful creatuer appeard.Jai was ready.In 5 minuts he killed 56 Deamons.

"Wonderful for a rooki like you.Here is your reward...."

A messege appeard in front of Jai,"Congratulation you are now level 15.You can use skills."He was so happy,that he cleard Dungeon and got a lot of EXP.He opened skill menu there was only one skill unlocked."Fire Blade"He clicked on that.He learned his first skill.

He decided to complet his first quest.He clicked on quest option and accepted his first quest.Suddenly he spawned into a big jungle.Then a strong looking creatuer came and said"Welcome i am Demon Knight do you ally want to challange me?"

"Yes"Jai said.

Suddenly that creature attacked Jai.He barely dodged it.He decided not to attack now.He dodged every attack of him and then he used his Fire Sword and attacked that deamon's head.

Deamon said,"You think that you can kill me with that attack?Then I have to show you my true power."

That Deamon Knigt turned into a very big creature.Jai figured that to kill this Demon Knight in this stage won't be easy.He saw that Deamon Knight was slower than him.He tried to attack from back,but he failed.Afyer he recoverd all mana he used Fire Sword again and again.

In the end he barely managed to kill that Deamon Knight. That Deamon Knight dropped lot of Potions,Money,Shield and lot EXP Gems.He used all of them and get LVL 30.

Messege appeard on every player's screen,that the'Jai is the first one to reach LVL 30.'