
Into the wizarding world as Neville Longbottom

Mc gets reincarnated as Neville Longbottom with a Daredevil system. Watch as his antics as he tries to save the world. George and Fred: Neville is the most Gryiffindorish person we have ever met in hogwarts! Dumbledore: "Is the power that Voldemort does not have recklessness." Neville Grandma: "Don't jump out the window dear, we do believe that you are a wizard!"

Ankit_writing_9705 · Derivados de obras
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46 Chs

Pranking Malfoy

"Look there," said Hagrid, see that silvery stuff shining on the ground? That's unicorn blood. The blood had been scattered around the forest. The wounded unicorn must have been staggering around since last night at least.

Then he informed them that this was the second time that such an attack took place.

Their task was to find the poor creature and possibly put an end to its misery.

"And what if whatever hurt the unicorn finds us first?" said Malfoy, unable to keep the fear out of his voice.

Hagrid denied anything in Forbidden Firest could hurt them as long they were with him or Fluffy. He asked them to keep to the path.

Malfoy quickly said, "I want Fang" looking intently at his long teeth when Hagrid asserted that they had to split up and follow the trail in different directions.

Hagrid agreed with a brief but terrifying comment about Fang being a coward and grouped Neville and Draco with Fang while he and Harry formed the other team.

Just as Hagrid divided them into 2 teams he recieved a Ding in his mind.

He opened the system panel to see the following words-

Optional Mission Title: Prankster wizard

Mission details: Malfoy has pranked and teased you and your friends many times.

But now that you have been sent to a deserted area, you must take revenge!

"Mission task:

Prank Malfoy!

The more scarier your prank is to Malfoy, the higher the completion rate the better the rewards.

You only get one prank attempt.

You must complete your prank within the detention.

Given below are the symptoms that you need to achieve.

Increased Alertness- 5percent

Wary behaviour- 5percent

Tense muscles- 10percent

Nervousness - 10percent

Faster Heart rate- 50 percent

Dry mouth- 20 percent

Goosebumps- 10 percent

Difficulty speaking- 5 percent

Intense Tremor- 10 percent

Peeing- 30 percent

Fainting- 40 percent

Trauma- 70 percent

Heart explosion- 100 percent

The final completion will depend on how many of the above you manage to achieve.

Note that nothing above 100 percent will be counted.

Mission Rewards:

10 percent -

Confundus Charm( confuses it's targets)

30 percent -

False memory Charm (implants a false memory into the target without realising it was not originally theirs.)

50 percent-

Finite Incantem (Terminates all spell effects in the vicinity of the caster.

70 percent-

Disillusionment Charm (causes the target to blend seamlessly in with its surroundings, like a chameleon )

100 percent-

Sonorous Charm (makes the target sound louder)


They departed after Hagrid instructed them to send green sparks if they found the unicorn, red in case they got in trouble and they will all come and find the other party.

The Forest was black and silent. A little way into it they reached a fork in the earth path and Neville along with his companions took the left path while Harry and Hagrid took the right.

Malfoy was practically glued to Fang at the beginning while Neville walked a bit away from the two.

The walked through dense dark trees.

It was during this time that the surrounding took on a chilling silence.

Malfoy could hear wolves howling at the moon.

It wasn't the full moon that night, was it?

He looked up towards the sky so as to confirm his theory but found the clouds covering the moon.

He tried to reassure himself that the Professors would not be so irresponsible to send the sole Malfoy heir to the Forbidden forest at a full moon night.

Someone suddenly rushed out of the darkness and crashed into Fang and Draco.

The crash had dislodged Malfoy's wand away from him.

As Malfoy had lost his grip on his wand the Lumos spell he had been maintaining went out leading to total darkness.

The sudden intruder then knocked out Fang in one blow who promptly fainted.

Malfoy who had fallen down on the ground during the skirmish could see that the clouds had departed leaving an unmistable full moon in the sky.

The moon light from the moon illuminated the figure of the monster that had attacked them.

It was indeed a werewolf.

He could feel Goosebumps all over his body.

The werewolf seemed to have found its target as it lunged towards Longbottom who had been standing still the whole time.




Malfoy had never felt his heart beating so fast in his entire life.

He could see the werewolf's back from his current position and Longbottom's flailing arms and legs along with his constant ear piercing screams made his entire body tremble uncontrollably.

But soon his limbs stopped any outward motion along with his screams of agony.


Draco mouthed the words while stuggling to get back up on his feet when something flew out of the air and dropped near his feet.

It was a human head.

Neville Longbottom's face had the most horrifying expression etched on his severed head.

He then saw the bloody werewolf turn to face him with what appeared to be internal organs in his mouth.

It didn't appear to be satisfied with its current meal.

Malfoy felt his vision going dark as the werewolf slashed at him with his claws and finally fainted .