
Into The Multiverse

"The Multiverse is a chaotic place, once you're in, there is no going back." - A quote from a certain famous Multiverse Traveler. A young man born to be normal all his life died without any kind of regrets, later finds himself in a void of nothingness. "Ugh how long has it been? A decade? Century? Or was it a millennia? All I remembered was how I died and every anime, movie, novel, and game I have played. Neither my name nor my parent's name can I remember." I thought as I aimlessly wander around this void of nothingness, I presume so. When my "eyes" saw a glimpse of light just out of the corner of my eyes. Then I turned and saw it approaching at high speeds. "Oh? Is that light approaching me? Instead fading away like an illusion, it's coming right towards me? Ehh?! EHHH?!!" Those were my last thoughts when the bright light slammed right into me, and for the record, DAMMIT DIO! I don't own any of the anime, novel, game, or movie that will be included and said in the story, only my OC's are mine.

Fumuyoshi · Cómic
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7 Chs

Nothing is True. Everything is Permitted. Part 1

<???'s POV>

' This are some good worlds, but, Assassin's Creed and Gods Eater World is calling out to me. I can feel it.' I said to myself as I stare at the two different worlds. One, a world where assassin's took upon theirselves to protect the world from the greedy and malicious templars. While the other, a world where the survival of all human race are placed upon those who were treated as weapons and slaves in some parts of the world.

' Shit! I forgot just how dangerous it is if I go to Gods Eater World, especially if I don't have any kind of awareness until 5 years old. Dammit, I really wanna go there. Sigh, it's Assassin's Creed then, at least there, I will be safe from harm until 5.' I cursed to myself as I grumbly stared at the Gods Eater World option.

'Alright ALICE, time for me to visit our lovely assassins. Man I'm so giddy right now.' I said to ALICE as I prepare myself for any kind of pain that I might feel.

[ Affirmative Host...

Processing Soul Transfer...

Soul Transfered Sucessfully!

Reincarnation Cycle ongoing...

Reincarnation Completed!

Putting Host into deep hibernation...

Time til awakening: 5 Years... ]

This were the things I heard before experiencing both intense pain and intense relief. Torn between two opposite side of relief and pain, my consciousness then blacked out.


3rd POV

[ 5 Years later ]

[Awakening Host in process...

10%... 30%... 70%... 100%!

Awakening process complete.]

"Ouch!" A young boy playing around with some children like him suddenly let out a cry of pain. After that, he clutched his head with his little palms as if experiencing great pain.

This didn't escape the eyes of a middle aged lady watching over them. But she didn't do any action, thinking that it was part of their game.

After clutching his head for a while, the young boy then understood what is happening.

"So this is what it feels like to have memories suddenly thrust upon you without any time for preparation. Damn it hurts, good thing I have that Parallel Thinking skill, which I nearly forgot to use." Those strange words came out of the boys mouth and those around him thought he was just speaking random words for no reason. Thus they got back to playing.

Looking around him, he carefully examined the surroundings. Seeing the structures looking like those from God of War I, he knew from that moment on, he's fucked up.

'Shit! Of all Assassin's Creed games, it has to be Odyssey. Are you fucking screwing with me here?!' He yelled mentally in his mind as he looked around frantically. According to some of his past memories, Odyssey is where everything began or something, it seems that everything seems to be vague for him. Even if using Parallel Thinking in order to boost his ability to try and process his old memories, it doesn't seem to work. Maybe because it's already vague and fragmented from the beginning already, that's why there are no other information anymore.

' Well I do know that the playable character is a mercenary I think? Ugh why is it so hard to remember?!' Scratching his head frustratingly, the young boy continued to glare off on empty space in front of him.

' Sigh, I still have ALICE though. Much better than none. Speaking of ALICE, are you there?' He asked mentally as he went to seat in some rather isolated spot.

[ ALICE is here Host, what do you need of me?] ALICE said as he remembered about a Body Skill book called Minor Adaptability still left unconsumed inside his inventory. He took it out carefully, making sure not to attract attention himself.

"Can I actually consume this now ALICE?" He questioned as he examined it properly. Hearing no answer from ALICE he decided to see if he can consume it already.

"Minor Adaptability huh, I wonder does it do." He muttered as he proceeded to consume the skill book by opening it, thereby breaking into particle and spreading inside his body.

[ Skill Book consumption detected...

Skill Book Identified...

Body Skill: Minor Adaptability

Description: A body skill that makes the user's body able to adapt to sudden changes of weather, environment, or temperature slowly.]

ALICE laid out as he took that answer as a yes for his question earlier.

"Now then, what to do?" Looking around, he contemplated on his next course of action. As he was doing so, the lady that is in charge of taking care of them, called out to him.

"Alesandro! Come here and stop playing anymore, it's time for your training with the others." The now named Alesandro was startled and thought of the meaning behind the name.

' Mankind's Protector huh, nice name.' Alesandro thought as he acted like a child and ran towards the lady.

' This is so cringing, acting like a child when I'm like millennia years old or something.' He inwardly cringe and stood in front of the lady.

"Alesandro, I know for a fact that you are one of the most intelligent boys I know. And I know that you are far more mature to boys around your age. And I cannot hide that fact to those barbarians. We are at war Alesandro, those rebels have been getting more and more powerful each year. Thus the king ordered for training child soldiers. And you, are one of those chosen. I'm so sorry Alesandro for not being able to do anything." The lady said as she kneeled down next to him and hugged him tightly.

"Don't worry about me Ms. Elena, I'll be the one to stop this war once and for all!" Alesandro proudly proclaimed while already forming a plan inside his mind. Enter the army, learn their techniques and battle skill. Then survive while doing so. Killing will probably give him some experiences too.

Elena can only just smile wryfully at his proclamation, not knowing that the Alesandro that she is looking right now, will not only stop the war. But also saved humanity from their own greed of power. Decades and Centuries later, he will be known by many names. Deathbringer Alesandro, Calamity, Asura, Death, and the most famous of all The Creator and Mentor of all Assassins living in the world, Alesandro O Theós ton Dolofónon, or in other worlds, Alesandro the God of Assassins.

But this are stories for another time, as for now, Alesandro is just but a budding flower in the middle of a ferocious jungle, too many dangers lurk around him, he can be killed any second if he ever let his guard down. As of now, Alesandro is just beginning his path to become the O Theós ton Dolofónon.


And done! For part 1 that is, this the first volume/arc, which will focus on his adventures throughout the world of Assassins.

And believe me, I am very much cringing so much when writing this. Also be reminded that this is a fanfiction, anything can happen as long as I will it and have a perfectly good explanation for it. Anyways, what do you guys think? I'm not really knowledgable of Odyssey, Origin I played half way.

Anyway, criticism are appreciated, point out some mistakes and have fun.

Fumuyoshicreators' thoughts