
Into The Multiverse

"The Multiverse is a chaotic place, once you're in, there is no going back." - A quote from a certain famous Multiverse Traveler. A young man born to be normal all his life died without any kind of regrets, later finds himself in a void of nothingness. "Ugh how long has it been? A decade? Century? Or was it a millennia? All I remembered was how I died and every anime, movie, novel, and game I have played. Neither my name nor my parent's name can I remember." I thought as I aimlessly wander around this void of nothingness, I presume so. When my "eyes" saw a glimpse of light just out of the corner of my eyes. Then I turned and saw it approaching at high speeds. "Oh? Is that light approaching me? Instead fading away like an illusion, it's coming right towards me? Ehh?! EHHH?!!" Those were my last thoughts when the bright light slammed right into me, and for the record, DAMMIT DIO! I don't own any of the anime, novel, game, or movie that will be included and said in the story, only my OC's are mine.

Fumuyoshi · Cómic
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7 Chs

Adventures of Alesandro O Theós ton Dolofónon (Part 1)

<Alesandro's POV>

It's been five years since my first mission with Leonidas, and now I'm about 13 or something. We don't really celebrate birthday here at the army camp.

A lot of things has happened during those past five years. One is the fact that I have my own special legion now. Something about the head commander seeing so much potential in me and Leonidas, that he and the other commander decided to give me a legion to command myself.

As for the legion itself, it's not your typical legion that fights on the frontlines head on. No, I turned my legion into a special force or something.

You see, I trained the soldiers under my command the ways of assassination. But of course, it's only the basics that I saw in the game itself, and referencing other shows that focuses on silent killing, stealth and all about being an assassin.

It succeeded, but barely. Our first mission using the techniques I trained them with, was a disaster. After all, you can't really change a person's mindset in a blink of an eye. Especially when it comes to hard headed, idiotic Spartans under me. But it's a good thing that Leonidas and I was able to salvage the situation, and turning the tables upon the rebels.

Speaking of Leonidas, he has been my compadre, my brother, my trusted companion, whatever you may call it. He had stayed with me through thick and thin. He is even more enthusiastic in finishing my hell training than anyone. He became really good in the art of wielding the spear and shield combo. But I didn't let him limit himself to only that, I trained him how to use the hidden blade effectively if push comes to shove. I also trained him how to use the bow and arrow, which he first adamantly refused to do so. Something about honor and fair fight. Had to fight him and get it through that thick skull of his that inside the battlefield, there are no such thing as fair fight.

Other than that, we spent five full years training on the battlefield, assassinating important figures of the rebel faction, and gaining a lot of achievements. While we won a lot of battles, we also lost some.

Those were the times that I was emotionally confused and unstable. Those times happened right after the first mission, which is very understandable. But I digress, after nearly losing all my men and Leonidas in one of my impulsive plan, I started to rethink about a lot of things.

After that, most battles we got through was pretty harsh but always yielding great results. Mostly me gaining some experience and gacha tickets. Speaking of gacha tickets. I haven't used all my saved up tickets since I find it unecessary.

"Alice you there?" I asked in my head as I look around the camp I am right now.

[ Yes host.] A short and simple reply, Alice is always like that. On point and doesn't waste time, much better than those other system from the novels I read.

"No snarky remarks today huh? Anyway, how many gacha tickets I saved up until now?" Muttering to myself about her missing snarky reply, which is odd. Must be not in the mood today. I also treat Alice as a partner or a symbiote if you may say. As for the reason, I don't really know. Maybe watching Venom was either a bad thing or a good thing. After all, Venom does gave it's host a lot of abilities, while Alice does basically do the same. Most Systems do.


Calculation complete.

Host has approximately 428 gacha tickets left unused.] Alice's feminine voice echoed in my head, waking me up in my trance. Well that's a lot.

"Might as well use some later. For now, keep hold of those. Remind me if it reaches the 450 mark." I said as I went into my tent and geared up. Since we are on a mission right now, the gacha tickets can wait.

[Affirmative host, good luck on your mission!] Alice voice which for some reason contains a cheerful vibe echoed in my head again. I must be hallucinating again.

"Alright, thanks Alice." I said as I took my Guandao, Fiery Wraith, out of it's confines.

"Let's kill some rebels this time partner." I whispered to it and gripped it tightly and then hung it behind my back.

I flipped the tent's flap open and got outside. Outside I can see most of my soldiers performing assassin katas that I shamelessly copied and improved through my years of experience and training. I only finished it three years ago. A lot of errors and broken ankles and bones had to be sacrificed to complete, I still shudder whenever I remember those times.

'I'm not gonna repeat that again.' I thought to myself while trying to calm down my shaking ankles.

"Alright men! Gather up!" I shouted as the soldiers stopped and formed a neat formation in front of me. Leonidas who was busy killing a tree at the side came up to my right and stood there.

"Looks like you guys are doing a fine job training. Well rest up, we have a big fish to kill. A scout from the HQ gave me a report about our mission details. Apparently, some idiot of a commander thought that it was a good idea to attack a town nearby Sparta. Now, the commander may be an idiot, but that doesn't mean he isn't strong. He just some few screw loose in his head." A few snickers and chuckles wrung out after my few last words.

"Shh! This is serious, anyway, like I said don't underestimate this guy. Apparently he is one of the stronger commander inside the rebels faction. About top ten I think? Anyway, you wouldn't need to worry about him as Leonidas will be the one facing him. As for me, I'll watch over you, I'll be evaluating your capabilities like I always do and be prepared for any unexpected situations." I said while patting Leonidas's shoulder who glared at me.

"You just want to laze around again don't you?" I ignored what he said and continued with the report.

"Alright men! Show those rebels why we, the Assassin Legion, are feared by everyone!" I yelled and pumped my fist into the air, giving my soldier enough motivation and vigor.

"I really need to change and come up with a better name for our legion." I whispered to Leonidas who cringed and nodded.

"You should, but seriously, your naming sense is horrible." He saw an opportunity to jab at me, and he did just that.

"Oh come on, you're never gonna let me live that down." I groaned as we both went inside my tent. He snickered at me and just whistled.

"Hey it's not my fault that you have bad naming sense." Ugh he really is not gonna let me live that down.

"Anyway, how is your training coming up?" I asked as he went to drink some ale that came from my stash.

"Oi! Those are mine!" He ignored that and just chugged it down. Ugh, so much for saving that.

"Training went well as usual, got some problems with the hidden blade since it looks like it's rusting now." He showed me his blades and it really is rusting. Gonna need to change that one.

"You mean beating the shit out of a tree is training went usual?" I shook my head at him in helplessness, since I know that this guy is a lost case most of times.

"Much better than getting thrashed by you." He growled at that and I just laughed at him.

"Still though, it has been a long while since our first mission no?" I asked him while tinkering and getting some replacement for his hidden blade in my own personal mini forge. Hey, I'm not one to brag, but my forging skill is definitely too notched. I really appreciate that forging talent I got from the starter pack. Saved me trouble of explaining about the hidden blades and their mechanism to others.

"Of course it has. So much has happened since then. I still remember the time when you, my brother, actually dealt with a small battalion on your own, one time. I still can't believe that you survived that ambush and lived, no one in the HQ does." I smiled at that, while also grimacing about that particular memory. It wasn't a pleasant one for sure, since it was also my first brushing past death.

It was one of the missions that went wrong. It was supposed to be a very easy one, go in silently, slit the throat of the commander and done. Easy right? Yeah right.

Apparently it was a trap to lure me out, since I have been constantly dealing major blow after blow on the rebels forces, they decided to get rid of me, when I was alone.

Since at that time, Leonidas and the others who was supposed to be the reinforcement if something goes wrong, got ambushed as well. But the rebels goal that time was to delay. Leonidas noticed this of course and tried to defeat as fast as possible.

While for me on the other hand, I dealt with at least a couple hundred rebel elites trying to kill the shit out of me.

I still don't exactly know how I survived that, but I'm glad as hell that I did. All I remebered was a lot of blood, flying limbs, decapitated heads, and a very rather big puncture through my stomach.

The scar has remained and kept reminding me to be very cautious when dealing with the rebels. Saved me and my legion a lot of times.

"Anyway, let's not talk about that anymore. We have a mission to finish and a commander for you to kill." I said bitterly and gave Leonidas back his repaired hidden blade. He scratched the back of his head when he realized what he just did.

"Ah, sorry Alex. It slipped my mind." I waved him off, telling him it was fine, since no harm was done anyway.

"Just make sure to kill the idiotic commander later, and make sure everyone also gets back safe and sound. That's an order, Leonidas." I sternly said and ordered since I know about his brash prersonality the most. He nodded sheepishly and I also did.

"Now go and gear up, we leave at day break." He took that as his cue to leave, which it is obvious. While Leonidas left, I went to my bed and sat down.

"How long before the mission Alice." The mission I'm talking about is not the mission we are going to do. But instead a Mission that came from Alice instead. Alice was able to gain back some of her functions through the passing time.

[ Host will have about 10-12 years before the mission starts. After that, depending on how long the host will be able to finish the mission, you should be back for about 2-3, years after.] Alice said rather bluntly, which I got used to for the past years. I suppose that make sense. I'll be gone for 2-3 years huh

I quietly pondered to myself as I gazed at the mission detail.

[Emergency Mission!

World: Gods Eater

Details: Help the Far East Branch to defeat a unknown type of Aragami that has recently been sighted across Japan. The system will teleport the host about 2 years before the predicted demise of the Far East Branch by the hands of the unknown Aragami.

Mission Rewards: God Arc and Blood Arts.]

I nodded to myself at the sight of the two rewards, it's rather enough for now. I can't be greedy enough and ask more. Alice though, decided to break my musings.

[ Please be noted that if the host was able to get rid of the Aragami in under a one year timeframe, the host shall gain a extra reward for the valiant effort.]

Now you just tempted me even more Alice, one whole year to finish the task meant to take two years at minimum. Heh, must be a very powerful Aragami then. To think that it will cause the demise of the Far East Branch. Looks like the Aragami's this time ain't holding back. But oh well, it's still 10 years before it begins. Gotta get myself stronger than ever before!

"Time for me to use that to power up." I muttered to myself as I reached under my bed. Then I pulled out a intricate looking box. Not as big as the Guandao's box last time, but still bug enough to put a short sword or dagger in it. I let out a breath and slowly unlocked the box.

Inside is a sphered shaped thing that has glowing lines and patterns among it. Yes, this is a Apple of Eden, specifically the one used by King Washington. The one that has the power to manipulate energy. I was lucky enough to get it from one of my gacha spins, but after getting it. I got so unlucky that I even got cow dung from it. Anyway, to others who don't have Isu genes. This will be very risky, someone like me. But, I have also gained something else from the gacha before I got this Apple of Eden. I got a mental skill, a skill called Total Control. Which means I can control my mental state so perfectly that I will not be affected by anything from mind control to brainwashing. Any mental attack though, like a mental sword attack, I will still get hurt. In short, mental ATTACKS work, but mental CONTROL doesn't.

Which means, I am also immune to the effects of the Apple of Eden, that is why I dared to use it now.

"Alright Alice, do your thing, integrate Apple of Eden to me, now." I said to Alice through mg mind as I held the Apple on my palm. I can feel something in my head trying to take control of it, but it's not working or having any effect.

[Affirmative host.

Integrating.... 10%... 20%... 40%... 55%... 70%... 90%... 100%... Ding!

Integrating Complete.

Ding! Congratulations Host for gaining:

Energy Manipulation:

Description: The name all explains what it can do. It can manipulate raw energy from the surrounding and making use of it to attack, defend, or someway, heal.]

"Ah, that felt good! Hehe, now looks like I will have to try this ability out later on the battlefield. What do you say Alice?" I asked as I began to do basic manipulation of energy on my hands. As for the Apple of Eden in my palm earlier, it's now only a husk of itself, a useless orb. But I decided to stash it into my inventory, might become handy in the future.

Then I grinned as I began to feel excited about this new ability I have, so much possibilities and potential to be exploited. What more than to use the battlefield as a test run?

Now that's a wrap everyone! Man my fingers are hurting. Anyway, I hope everyone likes this chapter since it showed some bits of what happened after Alex first mission. I will show more as the story progress since Alex still has some years before God Eater Arc comes in. So yeah, if there are question, don't hesitate to ask, but make sure it won't ask about future stuff. And any criticism is welcomed as well as suggestions. So yeah! Ciao!!!

Fumuyoshicreators' thoughts