
Into The Kaleidoscope

A man dies. A homunculus awakens. And a choice is made. What will you do with your new life in the multiverse when all you ever wanted was ripped away from you moments before your ultimate victory? What path will you walk in an infinite reality? Come along for the journey and find out for yourself. . A Fate Multicross fic. MC will be magic focused but there will be tech implants and spaceships later. Worlds include : 1. Game Of Thrones 2. Arifureta 3. DC (CW version) 4. Campione 5. Magi 6. Minecraft 7. Supernatural 8. Mushoku Tensei 9. Fate Stay Night 10. Ben 10 11. Hunter X Hunter 12. SCP Foundation Among many others. . Support me to read chapters a week ahead at my pat.reon, pat-reon.com/goldenfingers.

GoldFinger · Cómic
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37 Chs

MC Info (Spoilers Beware)


Looks : Here.

Name : Ardwyll Heathschilde Ymirsson (Formerly Nicolas Sutler-Freidmann)

Age : 16 (Physical) / 24 (Mental)

Gender : Male

Powers :

1. Homunculus Physiology

Homunculi are born with mature bodies and all necessary knowledge and reasoning given to them the moment they are born. They never become older, so the concept of "age" is meaningless for them. As an example, despite their mature appearance and personalities, Leysritt and Sella have lived for little more than two years. On the other hand, Mordred and Illyasviel von Einzbern were born as babies, though the first grew up at the abnormal speed and the latter ceased growing at the pre-pubescent stage. Since homunculi have no accumulated experience like humans do, their souls are young, pure, and sturdy like an infant's. As such. they won't be dyed by anything, and their bodies can endure any kind of transformation, like being possessed by a Heroic Spirit or by a Divine Spirit.

A perfect homunculus is essentially a man-made artificial extension of nature that, external factors aside, will not die for as long as the planet is healthy and has mana left. However, the price of being given life through such artificial means is that the homunculus will invariably have some sort of physical defect (small stature, short lifespan, lower intellect or lack of reproductive capabilities are just a few examples). Even with their potential longevity, they are below humans when it comes down to their strength as life-forms.

Despite having the same form and cognition as humans, homunculi are ultimately different beings due to their possessing a powerful Magic Circuit. Regardless of how fragile they are, their Magic Circuits makes it possible for the homunculus to achieve powers that are beyond an ordinary human's. Fundamentally different from the magi that are humans with Magic Circuits, homunculi are better defined as "Magic Circuits with a human form". Not "something made to be a magus", but rather "something made to be a Magic Circuit".

This however changes with our MC as he has a human soul in a homunculus body.

-Enhanced Learning : He is able to learn and comprehend information at an abnormally fast, almost inhuman rate. He can go from a novice to master in any art he studies within the week. If he spends a month straight, he can even be a grandmaster.

-Pure Constitution : As a being close to nature, his body can endure transformations that would kill anyone else, such as a noble phantasm in a non-heroic spirit body or shapeshifting his body.

-Increased Adaptability : As a homunculus, his body is physically sturdier and can adapt to temperature and terrain better than humans. He is also slightly resistant to diseases and toxins, but stronger ones can still affect him.

-Shortened Lifespan : Due to being a homunculus, he has a lifespan shorter than a human's at 10 years.

-Incomplete Homunculus : He didn't grow properly and escaped his artificial womb/cloning chamber early so his body is unstable and not completely grown. This has capped his lifespan at 2 years unless he does something to increase it.

-Superior Magic Circuits : As a homunculus, a being that is magic circuits in human form, he has superior magic circuits and capacity to most magi, even though he only has 20 magic circuits.

-Magecraft : As a being of magic, he has an instinctive understanding and knowledge of magic. He can create, understand and improve magic spells as he pleases with a little effort. However it does not give him the ability to instantly cast god-level spells. By Fate standards, he is about C-rank.

-Homunculus Code : The programming instilled into every homunculus regarding their duties, skills and magic, including a small collection of cantrips is hardcoded into his brain. This includes, but is not limited to spells like telekinesis, gandr, astromancy, reinforcement, trace, flash air, gradation air, thought acceleration, memory partition, the creation of bounded fields, etc. This however does not come with the experience in using them. He is a fast learner though and will just need a little practice to learn them.

-Cut Connection : Due to being half born and a human soul in a homunculus body, his telepathic connection to other homunculi was damaged. This gives him minor resistance to telepathy and mind control. Someone like Emma Frost or Professor X can still force it, but they'll need to put in the effort.

2. Noble Phantasm : Black Barrel

Black Barrel is one of the Seven Superweapons of Atlas, one of seven weapons developed and kept by Atlas of the Mage's Association.

The gun is a "Conceptual Weapon of natural life-span", capable of imposing the notion of limited life-span into the body of near-immortal creatures. Composed of Fifth True Theoretical Element, bullets fired from the gun will disintegrate all instances of Grain and Ether, the elements that compose the heavenly bodies, they come into contact with, ignoring any parameters of beings that intake either substance to deliver direct damage. The damage also induces a fast acting, almost instant rot in the target that liquefies them at the point of contact.

The greater the quantity of Grain, the greater the immortality of an existence, the more damage will be inflicted upon the enemy, and it is impossible to even hold it unless the body is free of such substances. It is extremely effective against immortals, undead and gods, giving it the nickname of "a gun that kills gods." Through experiments and research, the weapon has been turned by Hedge into a Noble Phantasm and integrated into his homunculi. Though the expression of it is rare, MC is the one in a trillion case where the weapon expressed in the body of a homunculus. However as a drawback, every shot that is fired shaves off the lifespan of the MC.

3. T-Virus Immunization

All Hedge homunculi are immunized to T-virus granting them highly disease resistance and resistance to undeath and decay, along with greater stamina. This also reduces their need to sleep to 4 hours and increases their natural regeneration by a small bit. MC won't get a fever but he will need time, rest and medicine from rabies or anthrax. Also, immunity to zombie virus.

4. Psyker Brand

All Hedge homunculi are branded with psyche force to make them a little more resistant to psychic and psionic attacks and makes them less likely to be detected my psychic and spirit senses. Also works as a minor anti-possession charm and ward against ghosts and evil spirits.

5. The Second True Magic, Kaleidoscope EX (Improved Version)

The full extent of the Second Magic's capabilities are currently unknown. But its domain lies in the Operation of Parallel Worlds, which allows one to observe and interact with Parallel Worlds. Zelretch uses it frequently to travel through parallel worlds and timelines. The Second Magic rewrites the world itself, and the revising of records and the rewriting of events also falls under its domain. The concept of time travel is possible through the use of the Second Magic. It is also able to perform resurrection but not "complete resurrection" as that is a miracle beyond magic.

The wielder of the Kaleidoscope is able to see the eventual outcome of the parallel worlds he observes. However, he does not interfere or observe them unless absolutely necessary as the act of observing a single possibility among many will instantly make that possibility the only real one.

Another ability of the Kaleidoscope is the Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon, one fragment of the Second Magic, which is essentially the ability to create openings into parallel worlds. One can then interact with the 'other side' through this gap. Through the use of the Jewel Sword or equivalent mystic codes, one can access endless magical energy from parallel worlds, and parallel versions of themselves.

The extent of this is to the point that in the battle against Arcueid Brunested, it supplied Zelretch with enough power to push the falling moon back into orbit with his ether cannon spell.

The most important ability of the Kaleidoscope, and one that was improved by Hedge at the cost of even losing some of the other abilities' potency is the ability to travel to other worlds, not just parallel worlds either. This made it basically diet planeswalking with benefits. However, travel to other worlds can occasionally have a time lag which depends on certain circumstances.

This also grant the user some power over space time and theoretical time travel.

The application of this magic can also expand space, enforce time dilation on a field and even create pocket dimensions and complete miniature worlds at the highest level of mastery.