
Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!!

A multiversal entity reincarnates himself with no memory except the basics of anime he also creates a system for himself that has all his power. starting from Danmachi and going to as many anime and worlds as possible!!! First world: Danmachi Second world:? Third world:?? Fourth world:??? -------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AvcXmPpXup

Sky_novel_lover · Cómic
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73 Chs

Regal in Tortus. The Hydra.

"Ready to go to Tortus?" Azu asked, looking at Regal with a smile.

"Send me off," Regal confidently replied as he stretched, "A little vacation sounds pretty good just before the 4th world," he added, and Azu shrugged.

"Warning: you will have none of your powers, but retain your intent, aura, and skill," Azu warned and opened a portal. "Have fun," she muttered as Regal walked through the portal.

(\\AN: for those who don't know, Tortus is Yue's world///)

Regal arrived at Tortus and looked around. He was in the middle of nowhere, but from the corner of his eye, he spotted something: a wagon heading towards a cliff that had a massive gate.

"That should be the Outpost Town of Horaud, the city above the dungeon just like Orario," Regal muttered and headed towards it. On the way, he started to get used to the lack of power, getting his reactions to the same level as his current mobility.

Regal reached Horaud town and easily got in, using a spell to hide himself in plain sight. He directly entered the dungeon, not bothering to look around the town.

"This will be fun," he muttered as he went deep into the first floor.


On the last floor of the Great Orcus Labyrinth.

"What's this? A boss room?" Scathach curiously muttered as she and Yue stood in front of giant golden purple gates.

"No clue, let's just go in," Yue said and flicked the door, making it burst open and slam into the walls.

Both stepped inside and surveyed the place.

There were ginormous pillars lined up neatly with a massive pathway that led to the end of the hall-like place where there was another door.

Scathach and Yue walked down the stairs and went straight down the pathway leading to the closed door at the end, but right in the middle, the floor glowed and a monster emerged from it.

A hydra with 7 colored heads: Red, Green, Blue, White, Yellow, Black, and Silver.

Scathach and Yue stared blankly at the massive hydra and looked at each other, "Should I obliterate it?" Yue asked as she pointed at the hydra that roared.


"No need, it isn't much but a little morning warm-up is good," Scathach replied as she summoned her spear.

She directly lunged towards the hydra, staying low to the ground and getting right under the hydra. She slammed her palm on the belly, making the hydra be raised from the ground from the impact.

"GGGRRRRR!!" The hydra grunted.

Scathach spun her spear, accumulating momentum, and with a smooth motion thrust upwards. The spear, at an insane speed, plunged into the hydra and made a huge hole through its body; the ceiling of the hall could be seen from the hole.


The hydra screamed in pain, but Scathach wasn't done. She skewered one of the legs, making the hydra imbalanced.

Scathach casually walked out from under it, pulled out her spear from the leg, and in the process, ripped the leg off.

The hydra fell, making its head near to the floor now. Scathach walked in front of the hydra and plunged her spear into the closest head of the hydra, which was the yellow one, while pinning the spear to the floor, making it impossible for the head to get itself out.

The red head of the hydra charged up its breath and shot it at Scathach, who only took a few quick steps to avoid it.

The blue head froze the floor and tried to freeze Scathach in place, but that wasn't going to work. She easily broke the ice that formed around her legs and stood in front of the hydra that was stuck now.

The other heads charged their breaths and attacked, but Scathach either avoided them or just ignored them. The black head came face to face with Scathach and tried to put her in an illusion while trying to inflict fear status, but instead of Scathach falling into an illusion, the hydra did.

The hydra appeared at the infinite battlefield that had blood, gore, and bones everywhere with the sky blood red and a horrific and bloody pressure fell on it, making it bend into submission.

Scathach looked with amusement as the hydra collapsed and looked at the back where the white head was desperately trying to heal the huge hole but only managed to keep itself alive.

But since all the heads were connected, they all felt the pressure even if it was only spiritual. The white head was barely awake; it was a desperate attempt not to be killed, but the damage it had suffered was too great. It would bleed out before it could even heal a bit of its injuries.

Scathach summoned her spear to her hand and slashed down with it, splitting the hydra cleanly.

"Done with your morning warm-up?" Yue asked as she floated beside Scathach. "Regal isn't here, so I don't mind being your sparring partner," she offered, making Scathach smile.

"Appreciate that. It's been a while since I had a spar with anyone other than Regal," Scathach remarked, and both of them made their way to the giant gate at the end.


On the first floor of the lower part of the dungeon,

Regal walked through the caves, killing any monster that crossed paths with him, and around a corner, there was a giant bear feasting on a wolf.

Regal casually walked beside it and clawed its head off instantly. The headless body of the bear limped and fell to the ground. Regal walked off as he tossed the head back, not caring about it.

Regal was a menace on these floors where monsters were weak. He had killed so many that it exceeded the number of monsters he had killed in Danmachi.

He cruised through the floor without any resistance or trouble, maintaining his pace, which remained unobstructed.

Regal paused for the first time since he entered the dungeon and looked at the ground. There, two giant humanoid monsters were squashed by a door. He surveyed the place, recognizing it.

'The place where Yue was sealed,' he thought as he formed a ball of magic in his hand, tossed it into the room and left.

After a while,


A deafening explosion rang out, but Regal, who caused it, ignored it and went on his way, going through the floor like nothing, tearing all the monsters as if they were paper.
