
Hajime Nagumo

🙏Plz read my original book!!!🙏

Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!


Yue returned to the mansion and looked at Scathach and Regal, who were a little sweaty in confusion. Scathach was creating and pointing out the flaws and uses, while Regal counted them.

Yue looked at them with narrowed eyes, feeling something was off but also right, "Why do I feel something is off...?" Yue directly asked, making Regal and Scathach look at her curiously. "And why are both of you sweating?"

"Hmm, we had some fun, nothing much," Regal casually replied and got back to what he was doing.

Yue looked a little confused, 'battle-junky + battle-junky = Fight,' and she reached her conclusion, not knowing about Scathach and Regal's intimacy in the slightest.

After a while, a portal appeared in front of Regal and Scathach, who looked bewildered, and an unexpected person stepped out.

"Ais?" Scathach called out, looking at the blond girl who was holding her sword.

"Shishou?" Ais called out as well, both now being clear of the situation.

In the meantime, Azu briefed Regal about why Aisa was there.

[Ais followed Scathach's instructions and was almost done with half of what she needed to work on, but she failed to maintain her body, causing her health to degrade. It's not visible, but if not taken care of, she will be sick.]

"Sigh... Scathach, your disciple forgot to maintain her health, and she is halfway done with your assigned training," Regal cleared the situation immediately, making Scathach's eyes sharpen and lock with Ais's.

Scathach appeared in front of Ais and examined her, "Your thigh muscles are a little unbalanced... why is that? I only gave you the steps for the shoulder and back," Scathach began to question Ais, who was taken aback.

[Forgot to mention, she messed up her form, even though Scathach showed her tens of times already. Also, she fought with Luna and broke her wrist. She is in recovery but refused to quit her training, making things worse.]

Azu added in, and this time to Scathach as well, who was pissed. Ais looked at Regal for help, but he looked away, and in the end, Ais was dragged off to somewhere behind the mansion.

"What now?" Yue asked bored, seeing nothing to do anymore.

Regal pointed to the magic circle in the center of the room, which piqued Yue's curiosity. Yue stepped into the magic circle, which glowed, and got the ancient magic.

Regal gave her a simple explanation about the ancient magic, and as expected, Yue had a low affinity for it.

"I don't like this... I can only change the composition at best..." Yue muttered downcast.

"Yep, but even that is really good. You could just change a rock into something explosive and throw it, and with your vast mana pool, you could probably even change the composition of a whole mountain to what you want," Regal gave her an idea and retreated it instantly, as Yue's eyes sparkled and she walked to the wall.

"...Don't try that in the mansion, you aren't proficient enough for that," he shut her down immediately, making her puff her cheeks.

"Scathach will take time, so want to explore the city above?" Regal suggested, but Yue ignored him and left.

Regal shrugged and started to head up, but on the 30th floor of the lower dungeon, he had a gun pointed at his face.

"Chill out, not here to fight you or anything, kid, was only passing by," Regal calmly said as he looked at the messy individual before him. 'I didn't think I would meet the MC.'

"Who are you?" Hajime glaringly asked as he prepared to fire.

"Really now?" Regal's hands moved, and the situation changed. Regal held Hajime's gun and pointed it at him. "I am too fast for you and much stronger than you,"

Hajime's eyes widened as his eyes darted at his hand that was supposed to be pointing a gun at Regal. His hands were still in position, but only the gun was missing.


Regal pulled the trigger, and the bullet went right passed Hajime's ears.


A screech came from behind, and Regal's shot landed on a monster.

Regal studied the gun and passed it to Hajime, who cautiously took it, "My name is Regal,"

"Hajime, Hajime Nagumo,"

both introduced themselves.


"Is that so? Even so, you shouldn't bother with it much, but if you get the chance, just kill him," Regal suggested as he took a bit of a meat skewer.

"..maybe, but I don't think I would even look at that trash," Hajime replied as he also bit into a meat skewer.

After they introduced themselves, they got into good enough terms to talk, and Hajime, who was nearly insane after being down here with the sense of betrayal, was more than willing to talk.

Regal didn't have to push much for him to get Hajime to speak out, "So, why are you here?" Hajime asked, and Regal leaned back.

"Hmm, two of my companions decided to reach the bottom of the dungeon. I wanted a vacation, so I came by, nothing much really. Now that I think of it, I only came here to have fun," Regal answered as he looked to the side. "Want to try grilling a wolf?" He asked as he pointed to a pack of wolves that headed towards them with murderous intentions.

Hajime shrugged, "Do what you want, it's not like I have a say here."

Regal smiled and then got up. "Ophis," He called out, and a gun similar to Hajime's formed in his hand.


It shot a laze. Regal looked blankly at the place he shot at. There was a tunnel there, and it went through all the walls and to nowhere.

Hajime froze as he looked at the sight in front of him. 'You put too much mana...' Ophis scowled, making Regal look away.

The wolves were gone, turned to nothing. "Well, I guess there will be no tilling the wolves now..." He awkwardly said, and Hajime robotically turned to him.

Regal gave an awkward laugh and looked away from Hajime, who was frozen still. "If you conquered all the dungeon, then you would be able to do that as well, don't sweat it."

