
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Chapter 29

A horn blared waking Tani and Tai who was holding each other while sleeping, Tani quickly got up from bed putting on her armor then pulled Tais armor from the floor throwing it to the bed.

" Hurry, someone has chosen to battle in place of one of the top six " Tani said going to a chest where she pulled out two glaves then strapped them in Tais arms then showed her how to work them as a three foot blade slides out snapping metal plates making it that long.

Tani smiled then kissed Tai passionately and moaning into their kiss.

" Master your father's second In command is approaching " Raine said as she glanced at Tai then back to her master Tani who nodded her head then stepped away from Tai and walked out the tent with Tai following close behind her.

Raine glanced at Tais hand seeing the red tattoo that is Tanis mark for being married in their culture, she pulled off her leather gloves then gave them to Tai.

" these will help you as well and cover Tanis mark on you, you can break Rock with them and even catch swords easily with out loosing your hand....Tani needs to cover her mark as well " Raine said looking at the black widow Tattoo that's now in place where her tribal tattoo was, Raine walked closer to Tani.

" what will you do if she dies...you know that mark that's passed down through your blood line will kill you when she dies, she is not of our blood that's why the curse is now on you for not listening to our Fietonines ( first ones ) that stated this curse when one of their royals doomed their people by mating with the enemy who tricked her. " Raine said to Tani while they walk to the tent where they are keeping Tais crew of women at.

" Tai say your goodbyes in case we don't return " Tani said glaring at Raine for saying to much and letting Tai hear that she could die if she fails the test.

Tai squeezes Tanis hand and gave her a look saying they'll talk later about what she heard from Raine, when Tai entered the tent all the girls hug her at Once except Amani who waits for the others to be done clinging onto Tai.

" don't worry, we'll be out of danger soon enough " Tai said kissing her mates ones by one and seen Amani keeping her distance from her so she walked over pulling Amami into a heated kiss lifting her up to where Amami wraps her legs around Tais waist .

Several minutes later with Amami pressed against the bed post, someone cleared their throat while Amami rolled her eyes at being interrupted.

Tai sat her down then looked over at Raine who was glaring at her, she smiled to her mates then said goodbye with all of them trying to fight the guards that rushed in when Tai left with Raine only to be told to stay still or they'll execute Tai along with their whole group.

" enough!!!! Tai said she'd handle this and I for one trust my girl, we will calm down but I want permission to view what obstacles she is to face " Amami said as Pia walked in revealing herself when she waved her hand in a circle that emitted gold sparks when images started to filter through the middle showing Tai being led into a cave.

They seen the red headed woman that is the daughter of the chief of these people with the woman who came inside the tent walking beside Tai with guards trailing front to back.

Tani looked back at Tai then smiled as she slowed down her steps to be closer to Tai, Raine grimaced when a few of the men who are Trig's close men was looking suspicious as his first in command was the one that chose to battle Tai in the pillars of death.

" Tani ... something feels off and I bet that Trig has messed with this obstacle" Raine said as she studied the pillars seeing that some was indeed messed with, but before she could inform Tai Trig rushed over with guards taking Tai away from Tani who started knocking them down.

" Release her, I am her watcher " Tani said making Trig stop then look back at her then to her father who was frowning at her when he heard her say that, Pia runs in then holds her cousins hand making her uncle look at her with confusion.

" uncle it was a part of her fulfilling a bet which the pride was being this ones watcher since we always fight over everything, " Pia said pouting to her uncle who laughed at them, he stopped laughing then became serious.

Pia walked over to Tai and takes her hand pulling her away from Trig's guard's then kisses her, Tani gritted her teeth and Tai didn't know what to do so she stood still feeling the deadly Aura in the cave.

" be careful on the pillars some might be booby trapped...don't fall before I get my night with you, plus I don't want Trig or his people to win so feel free to kill these ones. For your sake plus ours now that I have a bullseye on my back now " Pia said seeing the gloves plus the gloves that are grade S relics turned weapons, Pia smiled then opened the slit in her dress taking off a red metal ring that had black symbols on it from her thigh.

" this will help love " Pia said, holding the metal ring that transformed to a plasma pistol with only using her thought to activate it, she bends down then hooked the metal ring to Tais upper thigh while looking up at Tai then brushed her thigh sensually before standing.

" I'll wait for you, say goodbye to Tani for the night since you'll be going with me after this." Pia said as she heard the drums start beating a rhythm, she watched a big muscular man who stood at 6'5" walk down from one of the podiums then stood at the edge of the course as a few rocks tumbled down from the top where he stood near the edge standing.

" the rules are simple...make it across-fight your opponent-dont fall because no one survives the drop it what's at the bottom of this ravine...if both opponents make it across then they finish the fight inside the dome" A speaker said as Tai stepped for ward a few feet away from the one that will battle her.

Pia stood beside Tani then held her hand while they waited for this round to start, Pia seen Tai looking at some of the pillars then cocked her eyebrows when she noticed that some had small gadgets attached to them out of view if the ones in the stands watching.

One of Trig's men was making bets for his group on who would win then double or nothing in times and how she would die, Tani and Pia made a bet that Let her would be the first to die putting down large amounts of diamonds making the others choke of their spit.

" even with you all cheating you're to cowardly to bet " Pia said smirking at Trig who clenched his fist then nodded his head to one of his men who brought out a few bags of diamonds.

Tais breathing was shallow and her throat was itchy for something to drink but only blood would quench her thirst since she was attacked and infected by that lifeform.

Tai slid her tongue over her teeth feeling the two sharp canines unsheath from her gums as she waited for the ready mark, the Chieftain watched her then was amused by how she is built as a good warrior.

" Trent, if she survives maybe she'd make a good wide to one of my son's " the chief said making Trent pale with the undertone and hints his father was throwing around, he could feel someone's eyes on him.

When Trent turned his head he found his sister glaring at him making him gulp nervously while Pia was smiling at him that sent chills down his back.

" father what if Tani wants the champion for herself" Trent said making his father wave his hand dismissing the notion, he sighed then turned facing his father.

" she is that woman's watcher plus Pia is very interested in this woman as well " Trent said passing a quick glance to one of the chiefs best soldiers that was a few feet away from them, it was a man that Trent has always been in love with.

" it would be a waste of genes for the three to be together plus it seems this one has all the women in her crew pining over her " the chief said looking over at the pillars that seem to have small rocks breaking lose on them as if they're about to collapse on their own.

" what if she wins the battle of all six....she is a loud to make six commands we must remain faithful too " Trent said making the chief grunt while stroking his beard, he sighed then looked over at the two opponents then a horn blared as the two started running jumping from pillar to pillar.

Trig and his group thought that Tai would go for the easiest pillars to use where both of her feet would have room to land so she wouldn't risk falling, everyone started murmuring when she went on the other side where one foot or hand could only fit on the top as she quickly cleared them. When Tai done different flips landing in different pillars using one hand or foot even the jump from these pillars had a longer distance to clear from one another.

Trig gritted his teeth seeing his underling having problems clearing the easier pillars, Tai went closer to where he was then blocked his way standing on a pillar in front of him where she now had her blade out on her glaves while the man pulled out his sword.

Tai noticed how the man was sweating profusely while his eyes kept darting down then back up at Tai making her smirk.

" scared of heights right " Tai said making the man furrow his brows at her then he swung his sword almost loosing his balance and Tai cut his forearm with her blade making him hiss out in pain.

Tai only gave him a small cut to unnerve him some more, she could tell he was loosing his temper when he started taking wild swings at her which she easily dodge with simple moves..

Tani watched as Did everyone else who started placing larger bets on who would win, Raine placed another bet on Tai to triple her money since she has a feeling that this woman will win.