
Into the Buried Secrets

In 1991, Marlena and Larry welcomed their son, Joey, into the world. Despite their joy and pride, they didn't realize that the peace and happiness they felt was about to be short-lived. That's when Joey's peaceful life as a baby was interrupted by a horrifying event - he was kidnapped by a henchman and taken away from Marlena and Larry, who were heartbroken beyond words. At the present day in 2006, Joey has been adopted by a rich family and is living a comfortable life. He feels connected to the house and believes he is safe. But as time goes on, events and strange occurrences begin to happen in the house, and things quickly take a turn for the worse. The mystery deepens and the threats become more real as Joey's life is now at stake. He must find the truth and survive.

Zachary_Writer · Horror
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3 Chs

Larry's Affairs

• Larry's POV •

I decided to work in a rich company, but it turns out to be difficult to apply to every one of the rich companies.

They rejected me at every step. I was almost hopeless because my boss had just fired me. I was looking for a new job that pays better, as I don't want to be a burden.

As each day passed, I submitted applications to three different companies. Yet, as the days turned into weeks, the rejection letters kept coming in. I'd return home each night, feeling more and more depressed, and more and more hopeless. And on one particularly terrible day, consumed by anger, depression, and regret, I pushed my pregnant wife. I acknowledged that I'd made love with her, but never truly loved her, and one mistake had led to another.

My wife, Marlena, is a simple, yet admirable woman. As a stay-at-home wife, she takes care of the household and makes me breakfast, essentially becoming my servant. Still, I look down on her, as she's shy and does not venture outside.

I take advantage of her, and in doing so, I am blinded by my own selfishness and narcissism, not seeing the woman she truly is, and the beauty that lies within her innocence and humility.

Another day, I walked past Marlena's room and saw her praying. Little did I know that the day I made love with her, I had forced her to do so. I had been drinking heavily, and the decision I made that night still haunts me to this day. I regret it dearly, and I realize that it was wrong to take advantage of Marlena in such a way.

I walked downstairs, and to my dismay, I noticed that Marlena hadn't prepared breakfast yet. I was immensely hungry, but my anger was preventing me from showing patience. With a loud voice, I called out to her.

"Marlena!" I yelled, startling her and making her pause her prayer. "What do you want, Larry?" she mumbled, her face expressionless. "Oh, so you're just going to pray there?" I retorted. "Don't you want to cook our breakfast? It's almost 9am for god's sake" I fumed. Marlena trembled.

"I was praying and you should've joined me too why don't you cook yourself there? You're such an asshole!" she said.

In a moment of anger, I stepped towards Marlena, ready to strike her. She grabbed the table trophy before I could get to her and threw it at me, causing me to fall to the floor.

My head was hurting after Marlena threw the trophy at me. She ran to her room and locked the door behind her. I was feeling frustrated and defeated, so I left the house to apply for work once again. I drove to another company, still hoping for some luck in finding a job.

I submitted my form again, but I was still rejected. I went to another company and still failed. However, my luck turned around when I applied at this one company.

"Hey, I'm just here to apply and I have my application form with me, and hopefully I can find some work here, like as a clerk or cashier or something." I said to the girl. She called the manager.

She responded, "The manager wants to talk to you in his office." I nodded and she led me into the manager's office.

As I walked into the manager's office, I noticed that the atmosphere was cold and dreary. The manager greeted me with a pat on the back and a smile, saying, "Welcome, you're hired! I read through your application and I was very impressed."

It is impossible that many companies have rejected me. I've put my soul into all of these applications, but to no avail. However, when I saw the manager, a sense of joy flooded my veins.

"I'm so thankful to you," I said. "You have lit a flame in my heart amidst all the darkness and heartbreak I have felt for all these years."

The manager nodded and I extended my hand to shake hers. The feeling of finally being accepted after such a daunting and drawn-out process was intoxicating, and I felt like I had a new lease on life.

With my newfound passion, I worked hard in my first day, eagerly learning all the ropes, absorbing all the knowledge and guidance I could. I was determined to not let this opportunity slip through my fingers. As the hours marched on, my heart beat faster and faster, but I was determined to succeed.

Each day and every moment of my life, the manager seemed to be present and occupy my thoughts. I felt drawn and attracted to her, as though our fates were entwined. Whenever I caught a glimpse of her, my heart would beat faster, and I felt a sense of anticipation and elation.

I wanted to be near her and feel that energy, that spark, that flame that ignited inside of me.

My manager was truly enchanting, with her red lips, soft brown hair, and pale white skin. She was utterly beautiful, and her flaw-free eyes were like pearls.

I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and I felt my heart beating harder and my blood pumping faster with each glance I took at her.

Despite her British heritage, Marlena was enchanting to me, and I made a big mistake the day she walked into my life. In a drunken stupor, I slept with her without thinking of the consequences of my actions.

I can't quite recall what happened with Marlena, but it is something that happened in my past. My focus and attention are now solely centered on my manager. I find myself frequenting her office often, but this particular encounter has me utterly in shock. She has just touched me, and I don't quite know how to react. As our feelings and attraction grow, we eventually make love.

After the act is over, she confesses her feelings for me, and reveals that she's always had a penchant for being flirtatious, especially with me since the day she first met me in the office.

Now, I find myself excited to see my manager everyday in the office. I find myself going to her office on an almost daily basis, and we engage in intimate acts together.

However, her assistant, Marie, grows suspicious of my frequency of visits to the manager's office. Marie is a woman with short, brown hair and sharp, intelligent eyes. She begins to question my motives for visiting her boss so often.

I ignored Marie's comments, but she continued to be protective of the manager and her position. Regardless of her concerns, I found it difficult to believe that my attendance would result in her replacement.

That said, one day, the manager requested that I burn some files.

I inquired as to the purpose and source of the documents, but the manager remained mute. Despite my curiosity, she declined to provide any information.

Regardless, I proceeded with the task and burned the files as requested. However, it left me wondering what their intention was and of what significance the records held.

While outside, in the company's premises, I was engaged in the task of burning the files. Marie happened to catch me in the act and she became furious.

She approached me and slapped me across the face. I was left shocked, not knowing how to respond to this sudden bout of anger.

Satisfying my curiosity, I raced to the manager's office to inquire about the purpose of the file burning.

The manager calmly informed me that she had fired Marie and that she was no longer part of the team. This answer brought me a sense of relief and understanding.

Some of my colleagues are gossiping about the reasons for Marie's dismissal, claiming that "all she did was her job."

"Don't you know that Marie served in the Army back in 1989?"

"I've just noticed that Larry has been visiting the manager's office on a daily basis and I suspect that they are planning something."

"I discovered that Larry is married, yet he has been having an affair with the manager."

"Well, yes, I agree that Larry may have a motive. A big motive, for sure!"

I decided to pretend I had heard nothing whatsoever and proceeded with my duties as if nothing had happened.

Once my shift was over, I returned home with a troubled mind and unsure of my course of action.

As I approached the front door, I noticed the house was in disarray and my wife was there to greet me.

She simply inquired: "How was your day?"

But in that moment, having already lost control over myself, I exploded. All the pent-up frustration, anger, and disappointment I felt came rushing to the surface and I snapped.

Frustrated and emotionally drained, I decided to return to work and drown in my work.

As I arrived and prepared to enter, I was suddenly met by the manager, along with a few of my fellow colleagues.

Their expressions varied, ranging from surprise to disgust or contempt. However, the manager's smile was warm and captivating, yet my colleagues' looks made me question the intent behind this surprise.

I was overwhelmed by the sheer irony of the situation and didn't know what to make of it. I felt both excited and conflicted as I stepped forward with trepidation.

With a sudden burst of energy, I looked towards the manager, who proudly proclaimed that I was being promoted to the position of Assistant Manager.

The news took me aback, as I hadn't anticipated such an honor and was filled with a sense of shock and gratification. However, my colleagues' expressions reminded me that perhaps not all was as it seemed.

My feelings were still mixed as I accepted the position and acknowledged the manager's decision. Yet, her warm smile and praise lifted my mood and motivated me to give it my all in my new role.

Although I was honored to receive the promotion, I began to feel uneasy. It felt as if there were a dark presence watching me, making me uncomfortable and paranoid.

My fellow colleagues' expressions appeared to be cold, fake, and heartless, as though they were merely pretending to be happy for me.

Despite this, the promotion brought a renewed sense of purpose and motivation, allowing me to lead the team and accomplish goals each day.

However, each day that passed, I felt a greater sense of distrust towards my co-workers, as though there was something sinister behind their kind and complimentary words.

As the new leader of the team, I found myself becoming bitter and abusive towards my wife. I was overworked and overwhelmed, and I found myself taking out my frustrations and angst on her.

The constant stress and exhaustion took a toll on my marriage and my life.

One night, I sought refuge in the bar and, to my surprise, found myself talking to a woman who had striking resemblance to Marie.

Her short hairs and deep brown eyes were hauntingly familiar, and her invitation to talk in private was intriguing, yet dangerous.

In my drunken state, I accepted her proposal, and I followed her outside... to my utter horror, she blindsided me and knocked me unconscious. I fell to the ground, unconscious, and bleeding.

What I thought would be a harmless night with a familiar face, swiftly turned into a nightmare that would leave me scarred for life.

She tied me up, but it wasn't tight enough and I was able to break free.

I refused to answer her questions about my motives, and she slapped me in frustration, which led her to lose her grip on the rope, allowing me to flee.

Once free, I decided to exact revenge on my captor and took her down, but not before making sure that she wouldn't be able to chase after me.

In the end, I left her unconscious by the side of the road and escaped into the night.

After managing to get free from my captor's ropes, I walked back towards the office, still reeling from the experience and my adrenaline pumping.

Upon returning to the office, I saw the manager, who was preparing to leave for the day.

However, when she lay eyes on me, it was as if I could no longer breathe or move. Her gaze seemed to possess me, and I found myself unable to break free from her grip.

My manager's very presence seemed to elicit a primal fear within me, but the cause of this reaction was unknown to me.

"What happened to you?" she asked.

I didn't know what to answer, so I lied. I replied, saying "My wife kicked me out of the house."

She proceeded to offer me water after my lengthy ordeal and journey to return to the office.

In a state of disbelief, I stared blankly at the manager. "I did everything for you. I burned the files for you, and I fired Marie for you," said the manager. "So don't go asking me why."

I was struck dumb by these events and feelings.

The manager's embrace had me speechless and motionless. Her actions, her loyalty, her commitment to me, and her devotion to my cause were all beyond my comprehension and understanding.

Without saying a single word, i simply stood still and allowed her to continue holding me in her arms. Her tenderness was a stark contrast to the coldness and manipulation that I had experienced with the others. In this moment, she was different, she genuinely cared for me.

Although I could not express myself, my heart beat faster and my mind raced with thoughts and emotions.

The manager looked at me, her face filled with hope and longing. She implored me, saying "You must leave Marie if your heart is not with her. If we are to be together, we could be happy, and as a single mother, I am in need of a partner."

I replied with caution, stating "I will leave her soon, if my child is on the way, because she is pregnant."

The manager's expression seemed to change as she heard my words, and the hope in her eyes turned to despair.

When the manager inquired about my plan, my mind raced as I considered the various possibilities.

One scenario involved a covert rescue operation at the hospital, as the kidnappers might have taken their hostages there.

However, another possibility was that the kidnappers were simply using the hospital as a diversion to hide their true location.

In that moment, I had to decide which option to believe and plan for, as any mistake could put the lives of the hostages at risk.

I couldn't stand the thought of any harm coming to the hostages, so I had to make the right choice as, without my choice, the consequences would be disastrous.

I felt the weight of everything on my shoulders and the anxiety of making the right decision in this high-pressure situation was palpable.

What choice would I make? What would be the safest option for the hostages?

I knew that only one choice would protect the hostages and ensure a successful operation.

With the clock ticking and the stakes higher than ever, I had to make a decision before it was too late..

I was filled with a sense of purpose and determination as I made my decision. I took a deep breath, gathered my thoughts, and informed the manager about my choice.

The choice I made was to proceed with the covert rescue operation at the hospital.

I was confident that I had made the right choice, as I believed that it offered the best chance at recovering the hostages and preventing any further harm or suffering.

We now had a plan of action, and we were ready to act.

The three henchmen who assisted me with the plan were Jedrek, Angus Mike, and Kim Yu-jung.

Kim Yu-jung was the slendiest among them, with dark brown eyes.

Angus Mike was one of the more masculine-looking members of the group, with a beard.

Jedrek was the driver and the strong and manly bodyguard.

These three henchmen played pivotal roles in my plan and made the successful execution of the covert rescue operation possible.

They were successful in retrieving the baby and escaping in the car, but Marlena began begging at that point.

I then commanded Angus to ask Marlena what name she had chosen for the baby.

Marlena revealed the classic name "Joey," which was perfectly suitable.

After hearing the baby's name, I ordered Angus and Kim to re-enter the car so that we could leave and go into hiding with the baby.

The recovery of the baby was a success, and now all that was left to do was to conceal our whereabouts..

Once the baby had been successfully retrieved, I quietly sneaked off to the adoption center. Once there, I left a note with the baby's name and my contact information.

I then returned to the manager and borrowed her car, so that I could drive away from the hospital and back home. As I pulled up to my home, Marlena opened the door, and I hit her, cause to fall down.

As I prepared to pack her clothes away, she suddenly noticed my phone. She had long suspected that I was cheating on her, and this was what triggered the violence.

Before I knew it, I could not control my anger and began choking the life out of her. However, she was able to escape by kicking me and I fell to the ground.

Following her blood trail, I was not able to spot her hiding in wait, and the blood dripping on me came as a surprising shock.

In that moment, I felt the darkness consume my being, and I thought about the mistakes I had made throughout the course of my life.

Right before the darkness took over, I realized my life's regrets and my pain, and then everything would soon come to an end.

Finally, I saw no more, and my thoughts and emotions drifted into oblivion, my soul preparing to depart this mortal world.

As I lay there, dying, I realized that I would no longer see and experience the beauty of this world.

My regrets and mistakes, and my pain, began to fade away into darkness. In these final moments, I felt an immense wave of peace and acceptance wash over me, as though all of my worries, fears, and anxieties had dissolved into nothingness.

I thought of my life and how I lived it, and how I had never been satisfied with my choices and my actions.

Finally, as the abyss of eternal sleep began to embrace me, I closed my eyes and let go...