
Chapter 6: The end of battle

The battle between Kei (Vegeta) and Goku begins, and as it was in the story- Kei, with the help of Vegeta's past battle experience, manages to overpower Goku

Goku understood he can't defeat him, so he uses Kiao-Ken and manages to beat down Vegeta, and then something unexpected happen


I had enough of your tricks Kakarot!!!

I no longer give a shit about you and this planet; I will destroy everything!"

Kei shouts at Goku and jumps in the air as he prepares his "Galick Gun" to destroy Goku and the planet together

But as expected, Goku manages to throw away Vegeta's attack by using Kamehama with x4 Kiao-Ken- pushing Vegeta up into the sky.

Yajibaro shows up to Goku as he thought that the fight is over but he soon runs away as the battle is still going on.

At Kei's side, above clouds-

Kei manages to push himself away from Kamehama's attack as he was being still sent up into the air, into space.

As he floats in the air, he clenches his fist in rage and starts cursing the whole situation.

"That pathetic Low-rank warrior managed to overpower me?!!!

The royal blood of Saiyans, GOD DAMNIT!!!!!

I will kill you!!!!!"

As Kei curses Goku for making a mess out of him, the air around him starts changing

Memories of both, Vegeta and his own, start appearing inside his head and this made enraged him more and more.

Kei made his career from his scratch and being someone who was not so privileged in a world where money matters a lot, he had o sacrifice a lot for success which includes his own family.

He used to be fat during his childhood and this made him prey to all bullies it was quite a memory that Kei never wants to remember as things went as far as him licking a toilet seat

As for Vegeta's memories,

Vegeta hated to be commanded by Frieza and being looked down on by his loyal servants

He hated the fact that even though he is the royal blood among Saiyans, still he is got beaten down by Goku who has lived his whole life on such a weak planet whereas he was fighting against strong opponents on other planets.

Kei's pride, not just as a Vegeta but also as a professional boxer and martial artist, got hurt by the Kamehama of Goku


The air around Kei starts changing and his power level starts rising up like crazy this could be sensed by Goku who is on the ground

"Th- this…. How?" Goku asks as the thunders appeared in the clouds and the whole air around him starts becoming heavy while small rocks start rising up in the air

He is shocked by the rise in power of Vegeta



Everything became normal in an instant as if nothing happened

*deep breath*

Kei takes in one heavy breath and breathes out; he calms himself and then starts pondering about things he noticed in himself.

'No doubt, I was enjoying the battle as if it were an everyday thing for me and when I lost the battle and saw my blood, I became so enraged that I completely lost my cool and tried to destroy the planet.


There is no way that this should have happened when I completely know the whole storyline, I should have expected the defeat then why in the world did I become so angry?!!!


What happened to me??

And what was that surge in power level?!!!

What was that feeling?

Why am I still feeling ANGRY?!!!!'

Kei asked himself many questions but there is no one to answer them and he knows that very well. He keeps taking deep breaths as he slowly calms himself fully and then starts pondering the questions as he looked into the distance.

The time for moon rise is already here but there is no moon on the horizon, Kei smiles and said "if I am right, Kaio Sama must be happy right now- thinking that I am finding the moon"

(this is true as Kaio Sama is happy in his realm)

Below him, Goku is all confused and he is wondering what Vegeta is planning and why the sudden rise in power vanished.

After pondering for a few minutes, Kei come to a theory

"It seems like this-

Even though I am now Vegeta, the body and soul are still not together yet, resulting in this body speaking on its own when I don't even want to say them, and also the body is influencing my soul

That is the reason why, even though I think of different words, I still speak arrogant words.

As for the sudden rise in power, as far as I know, Saiyans get their power-ups from their emotions when both body and mind become one.

And when I got defeated by him and lost myself in rage, both memories of Vegeta and Mine got linked together and this created a unison between the body and soul

This resulted in a sudden rise in power

*deep breath*

If my theory is right, then I should be happy and also be worried

Happy because I can also power up myself in certain situations but also sad because if I am not able to control my emotions, I will be swallowed by the evil heart of Vegeta

He did become a hero in the later arcs, but right now…. He is pure evil and because I know all information about the future and also how one becomes Super Saiyan, there is a high chance that the future will change but will it be good or bad… I don't know

But whatever it is, right now… I should calm down and try to make the body and soul as one, then only I can hope that I can make Vegeta stronger than the protagonist himself"

After taking his sweet time, by talking to himself, Kei starts coming down

*lands on the ground*

With a big arrogant smirk, Kei tells Goku

"You are truly impressive Kakarot

Even though you have lived your whole life on this weak planet, you still managed to be this strong but this is how far you can go.

Further than this, you are gonna hurt yourself and others around you."

"I am not gonna fall for your tricks, I know that you want to kill me

Also, why are you not taking this battle seriously?!!

Show me your true power!!!"

"Don't push your luck Kakarot

Your son and friends are watching us right now, do you really think that you can save them all while fighting me when your whole body is screaming in pain?!!"

Goku is shocked to know that Gohan and Krillin have come to see their battle, but he is more surprised to know that Vegeta knows where they are and this meant that Vegeta also knows about Yajibaro

"It is better you surrender and listen to me when I don't even want to fight you right now

If a battle is what you want against me, then I shall gladly welcome it but in the future, not right now as there is a bigger foe that is lurking in space and soon it will be here"


. . .

To be continued-