
Chapter 1

An epic adventure doesn't have a set beginning-climax-ending formula , in the world of Elysia where adventure is literally outside of your doorstep, it could range from the cliché to the extremely bizarre. A boy listening earnestly to the tall tales of a visiting merchant, unaware of the mischievous grin hidden behind the wooden mask and the plot that was about to unfold.

"So, you are saying you won't accept gold as payment?" the boy scratched his head. He was confused. His master explained to him the greedy and wolfish nature of merchants. He was told that the second you offer gold, merchants would pounce at you at the speed of light. He remembered the disgusted expression of his master as he recounted the moments those merchants 'fawned' over him.

His master was never wrong, except for a total of two times.

'Well, master's motto is to not wrong a person more than three times. But is it though?'

'Or perhaps this merchant is special?'

The boy's eyes gleamed with starlight as he came upon this realization. The merchant didn't took notice of it.

"Little child --"

"Don't call me little," the boy curtly said, "I hate being called that."

The merchant was taken aback. The boy's tone wasn't overbearing, and his expression was as still as a lake, but a hint of blood thirst can be sensed. To the average person, this bit would go unnoticed. But how could he, an existence that even emperors fear, be oblivious?

'This kid'

Appearance wise, the boy was twelve years old. And no normal twelve year old could exert blood thirst. There are exceptions. Those who faced tragic lose, and tasted overwhelming despair at a very young age. Or those who were trained since birth to become someone's edge.

'There's another possibility… Hmm if it were true, he might just be what I need'

'Even he isn't, he will just add to the number of fools I've tricked.'

"… You are a rude one aren't you. Haven't your parents taught you anything about respecting elders?"

The boy realized his mistake, and scratched his head while smiling wryly.

"I'm sorry. I don't really have parents."

The merchant appeared sorry for the kid, "I see and --"

"But if you count my master as my parent, then I do have one," the boy interrupted the merchant again. His voice radiated with reverie for this 'master' of his, and behind the merchant's mask his face twisted in annoyance.

'Not even those war mongering and treasure addict lizards would dare cut off my words. And this child did it twice…'

'What have I been reduced to?'

"My master also thought me something similar."

"I remember it was, *don't make a fuss or make trouble for any elderly figure, there's a million old creep roaming around Elysia, and even dragons are afraid of him* "


The merchant already lost interest in the boy, and entertained ideas of torture but was caught surprised by what the boy said. There's only a few that dared to call him creep, and none of them was particularly easy to deal with. However, out of them, there was a certain long eared individual that was fond of calling him that.

'I can't believe that bastard is still alive.'

It was only a possibility but the merchant felt certain. He sighed, and felt sad. He knew that the long-ear is extremely possessive. If there was even a hair missing from the boy's head, that long-ear would certainly chase him till he died three times.

'Even so, it explains why this little runt is so rude.'

He remembered the days he was still an active adventurer. Caught in his nostalgia, he didn't notice the boy was giving him an odd stare.

The boy shook his head and attributed the merchant's strange demeanour to the reason of the man's uniqueness.

"Hey mister merchant. About that ring."

The merchant snapped back into reality and his eyes followed the boy's index pointing towards the velvet ring sitting at an inconspicuous corner of his shop.

The merchant took the ring unto his palm. He looked back and forth on the ring and the boy and slowly, a plot started to brew in his head, and he could help but grin.

"Hey, kid. Do you know what this ring is? If you knew, you would understand why I wouldn't sell it even if you gave me a million gold."

The boy was shocked. He didn't understand what a million gold was. But he remembered peeking inside his master's treasury and saw the endless rolling hills of gold and glittering gems. He looked at the velvet ring with a profound look.

It lacked any unique and distinct properties, there was no design and the velvet colour wasn't so special and unusual, but the boy was strangely attracted to it. He felt his heart race when he first saw the ring. He was flustered with this new emotion, as if it was a century old obsession has been lighten anew.

He knew it was special, but he was surprised the merchant was aware of it.

'No – this outcome made more sense. This merchant… isn't any ordinary merchant.'

The merchant gave a satisfied smug looking at the boy's dumbfounded face.

"Heh, but I won't tell you what it is. I'm not in the mood to deal with rude kids like you."

The merchant motioned his hands to tell him to go away.

"Go learn some manners first"

"Geez, youngsters these days…" the merchant whispered to himself, but the boy was able to hear it.

The boy gulped. Sweat started to fall from his face. He was troubled. His master taught him to never admit defeat or show compromise. He didn't want to betray his teachings.

Just as the merchant started to store away the ring, a decisive glint passed through the boy's eyes.

"I'm sorry"

The boy made ninety degree bow, and the merchant was forced to a stop because of his actions.

'hoh, this kid. He's serious.'

The merchant knew what kind of person the boy's master was. Stubborn to the core, even at the face of death. His master should have drilled that trait deep into this boy's bones, and yet lo and behold, he was apologizing.

The merchant saw through the conflict emerging in the boy's hearts, and anymore teasing, the boy's master will kill him.

"Stop bowing. You are embarrassing this old man."

The boy was a bit shaken. He stood up, and his face was on the verge of bawling.

The merchant shook his head and sighed. He gave the boy a neatly folded handkerchief, and the boy responded with a quiet 'Thank you…' before proceeding to blow his nose.

"That wasn't meant for -- never mind, I've got what I deserved," the merchant uttered weakly.


If you find any mistakes, please comment down below. This is my first time. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it ;))

TJWDxpcreators' thoughts