
Into a Parallel World

Bai Yi Yang is a 26 years old genius who mysteriously transmigrated into a parallel world. While fleeing the organisation to save herself from being killed, Bai Yi Yang was saved by the power of the system and entered a body in a parallel world. Her name is the same and even how she look is similar. Only that, the timeline is 10 years behind and she became a 16 years old high school student again. Luckily she didn’t come to this world alone, she have the most incredible creation of human in her original world, the system that can even help human cheat death. Of course her system is not the kind of cold and unfeeling system, maybe even a bit silly and a little glutton. Turns out, her 26 years of life before cannot be calling as living at all, living the current kind of simple life is much more interesting. She will cook a lot of delicious food, farm fruits and vegetables, catch delicious fish, forage mushrooms and do a lot more things that is possible with the system’s help. With Bai Yi Yang determination and hard work in addition to the incredible system, the Bai siblings will only walk on flowery road from now on. Follow the Bai siblings together with their adorable pets to slowly transform their life from poverty to comfort, from a bitter fate to a life full of sweetness. They will get entangled to new people, make new friends and reunite with their family. NOTES: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, events and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Enjoy reading it with light heart :)

LeCiev · Ciudad
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268 Chs

Chapter 225: Zhang Yong return home

Of course Zhang Yong forgot all about that when they arrived at home because Bai Yi Yang immediately bring him to tour around the orchard where he met his staffs. Most of them don't recognise him, only when their leader introduced Zhang Yong did they finally know. Since both bosses is here, they work extra careful, they know that the orchard owner really treat the trees carefully. Second Zhou also finally have the chance to meet Zhang Yong today, they even exchanged a few words.

After the orchard, Bai Yi Yang show Zhang Yong their vegetables fields, the mushrooms drying platform and the new greenhouse.

"I probably won't be selling anything from this greenhouse. It's not that big, but I promise I will some to you." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Alright." Zhang Yong immediately agree.

After the brief tour, they returned home and let him do what he want. She entered the kitchen and start preparing lunch. The process is quite long since she need to prepare a lot of dishes, Bai Yi Yang started cooking before 12.00 pm and she only finished by 1.00 pm.

As for Zhang Yong, he went to have some video games match with the children and coming back and forth from the kitchen to the living room since he also wanted to chat with Bai Yi Yang. Only when Bai Yi Yang told him to go away did he stay seated on the bar stool.

[8 points earned. Total points: 1,496]

Bai Yi Yang turn of the gas for the last dish which is the refreshing calm soup.

"Go call the rest to eat." Bai Yi Yang said. Zhang Yong grinned and walk out of the kitchen calling people to eat. He didn't even need to call many times because the children also come out not long after.

"Wow! So many delicious food." Bai Yi Mo take his seat and look over the different type of seafood dishes on the table.

"Everyone must finish it." Bai Yi Yang said while bringing over the bowls of rice. Bai Yi Chen help to set up the utensils. Then they have their lunch.

"Yummy chilli crab.." Bai Yi Fang said as Bai Yi Yang help to separate the flesh and put it into her bowl. Zhang Yong who is sitting next to Bai Yi Fang stare enviously. Why don't he have someone who help him?

"Eat a lot." Bai Yi Yang smile. Bai Yi Fang is too short to reach the other dishes, usually she just ask and Bai Yi Yang will add some into her bowl. Don't look at her small body, she ate a lot and whatever Bai Yi Yang put into her bowl, she usually finish them.

"Yi Yang, do you want to open a restaurant with me? Your cooking is really the best." Zhang Yong said.

"No thanks." Bai Yi Yang immediately reject.

"You sure? What a pity." Zhang Yong sigh.

"I am already busy now, I don't want to become like you." Bai Yi Yang poke where it's hurt, she know how Zhang Yong always complain about his work now. He even said to her that he wanted to quit a few times.

"Evil.." Zhang Yong glare at her, Bai Yi Yang only laugh.

Their lunch was so satisfying. Everyone can't get up for a while as they remain seated and chat. It was Bai Yi ling who took out some sliced fruits from the fridge and they continue another round of eating.

Then, Bai Yi Yang and her small siblings return to the Main house to take a nap, Zhang Yong also wanted to take a nap first. The house immediately become quite until around 2.30 pm. It was Bai Yi Chen who woke up first, he is studying programming now, he usually spare Sunday evening for him to study.

Zhang Yong who woke up second also come over to watch Bai Yi Chen practice in the living room, he nodded a few times.

"You are quite good." Zhang Yong praise. Bai Yi Chen smile lightly and nod, he also had progressed a lot. During IT class, the teacher also praise him.

"Ah Qi ge taught me." Bai Yi Chen blurt out without thinking, he forgot that talking about Qi Sheng is something that they had always try to avoid.

"Who's that?" Zhang Yong ask. That's a new name that he never heard before. He even know about Bai Yi Chen's school friend who had come over before, but not someone called Ah Qi, what more someone older that he referred as 'ge'.

"Oh that, someone we know." Bai Yi Chen brush it off quickly.

Zhang Yong doesn't learn this programming stuff, he only knows a bit, even Bai Yi Chen know more than him. What more this stuff doesn't appeal to him, so he turn on the TV and start watching the news channel.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings woke up not long after, they all still a bit drowsy so they all joined Zhang Yong to blankly stare at the news playing on TV.

"What if our house also caught by a landslide?" Bai Yi Mo ask when they saw the news report.

"Don't think so. Landslide happened because there are not enough trees to hold onto the soil, your mountain has plenty of trees." Zhang Yong said.

"Luckily we have a lot of trees. I don't want to become homeless." Bai Yi Mo add again.

"You can stay with me in City Nan then." Zhang Yong grinned.

"Really? Is your house like Grandpa Cui house?" Bai Yi Fang ask curiously.

"Not as big as that but it can fit everyone." Zhang Yong answer. His grandparents house is quite big but the house he is living alone now is at a condominium complex near the Natural Grocery headquarters.

"Alright, then next time can we come over to visit?" Bai Yi Fang ask excitedly.

"What are you talking about? Don't disturb his youthful and colourful life alright." Bai Yi Yang chuckled. She knows Zhang Yong is not a 'vegetarian', there is no way that he won't bring his girlfriend home.

"What does it mean?" Bai Yi Mo ask.

"That..you will know later." Bai Yi Yang laugh again while looking provocatively at the awkward Zhang Yong.

"Bai Yi Yang, that is a slander!" Zhang Yong point at her.

"No, no, no. I don't think so." Bai Yi Yang continue to laugh.

"I am a busy businessman, I don't have time for that." Zhang Yong harrumphed.

"Oh..then, last time in your car.." Bai Yi Yang remind him of the time that he pick her up from the Olympiad competition.

"Only that time..I didn't think twice before that.." Zhang Yong explain. This situation is so wrong.

The children is really confused, don't know what their oldest sister and Big brother Zhang is talking about, they immediately stop listening and watch the TV. So, it is only Zhang Yong and Bai Yi Yang who is still debating about that matter. They truly look like best friend.

At 3.30 pm, Zhang Yong finally have to leave. If he delay further, he will arrive late in City Nan. If it were him, he wanted to go back at night but Bai Yi Yang wasn't going to agree, she said that it's better not to drive far at night, so while Bai Yi Yang was packing some stuff for Zhang Yong, Zhang Yong finally remember that he bought stuff with him.

Zhang Yong was actually preparing a birthday gift for Bai Yi Fang's upcoming 4th birthday on the 7th of July but then while he is at it, he also bought some stuff for the rest of the siblings. He store it in the luggage in his car trunk.

"I almost forget to give Fang Fang her birthday gift." Zhang Yong said to Bai Yi Yang and run to his car. He returned not long after with the luggage.

The first thing he took out is a pink box with large bow and a card that write Happy Birthday. He gave it to Bai Yi Fang who is curious about the content of the luggage.

"Early birthday present." Zhang Yong pat Bai Yi Fang's head.

"Thank you Big brother Zhang. Can I open it?" Bai Yi Fang happily received the gift and run onto Zhang Yong for a big hug.

"Open it." Zhang Yong smile sweetly, In times like this he indeed look quite handsome.

Bai Yi Fang pull the ribbon and open the box. Inside the box are a few more pink velvet boxes, Bai Yi Yang immediately guess that it must be some kind of jewellery set. Bai Yi Fang happily open one by one, one box is clip earrings, followed by necklace, bracelet, hair band and hair clips. They all have a similar theme, mermaid. Everything looks colourful and adorable, Bai Yi Fang who already love dressing up like it so much.

When Bai Yi Yang saw the brand, she wanted to say something but since Bai Yi Fang loves it, she will just repay Zhang Yong later bah. This jewellery set should be in the thousands.

Then, Zhang Yong took out a stack of new books that's also tied with a ribbon for Bai Yi Ling who immediately look ecstatic.

"Thank you Big brother Zhang." Bai Yi Ling took the present. It's an original book collection by the famous author Roald Dahl. She have seen some and their teacher in the tuition class also recommended them to read it.

As for Bai Yi Mo, it's a full set cycling gear of helmet, knee and elbow guard and gloves, they all have very cool design that a 5 years old kid will surely love. As expected, Bai Yi Mo immediately tried it on and love it so much. Bai Yi Chen got a set of basketball outfits from a famous overseas brand and Bai Yi Yang got a designer sling bag. It looks very expensive and pretty but Bai Yi Yang glare at Zhang Yong.

"My gift has the least thought." Bai Yi Yang said since all her siblings were gifted with stuff that they obviously like. It can be seen that Zhang Yong was thinking about them individually when choosing the gift.

"Yi Yang, you know right, it's the most difficult to know what you like. I ask my female friends around, they said that they love getting designer bag the most, if not shoes. But bag seems to be the safest choice, the store said that this is a famous piece that many people will like, so I bought it." Zhang Yong said.

The handbag he bought is a black and white bag made with lambskin and gold metal, it's a classic handbag of that certain famous oversea brand. The design is quite simple so it's easy to pair it up with any outfits, Bai Yi Yang can use it many time.

"Are you flexing your money?" Bai Yi Yang said. She knows the piece because TongTong whisper it to her when she opened the gift, its at the 30,000 yuan range. That is an extremely expensive for a mere bag.

"Not like that. You see, if you tell me what you like, I will buy them for you." Zhang Yong rest his arm on her shoulder as he coax her while heading to the kitchen.

"I don't need it, next time don't buy me this stuff again." Bai Yi Yang warn. It has been bought so there is nothing she can do, but next time she won't accept it again. It was the same with the watch that Zhang Yong bought her many months ago, it's too pressuring to receive gifts like that.

"Okay, I will try to.." Zhang Yong answer quietly.

"Not try. I can't always accept those expensive things from you, buy it for your grandma, mom or your girlfriend." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Yi Yang, I don't have a girlfriend." Zhang Yong only pick up that last word.

"Not my business whether you have or don't have." Bai Yi Yang lips lifted up mockingly and busy around again.

"Cruel..aren't you suppose to pray for me to get one instead?" Zhang Yong said. Bai Yi Yang laugh as she ignore his words and push a box that has been wrapped up to him.

"This is for Old Cui family, trouble you to drop it off." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Alright.." Zhang Yong said in low spirit.

After all of Zhang Yong stuff is packed into his car, Bai Yi Yang and her siblings send Zhang Yong at the gate. Zhang Yong said goodbye to each of the siblings and lastly Bai Yi Yang.

"Old friend, I hope you met a match soon and not get lonely anymore." Bai Yi Yang pat his shoulder with a teasing smile.

"This doesn't sound like a sincere blessing." Zhang Yong said.

"How can I get more sincere? Should I go to the temple?" Bai Yi Yang joke.

"You..whatever.." Zhang Yong sigh and gave up. He open the driver door and start the engine.

"Be safe on the road." Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, thank you for letting me stay. I had a good time." Zhang Yong smile, there is no more the previous playfulness. Bai Yi Yang nod and wave at him. After that, his car disappeared down the mountain road and the Bai siblings enter the house again.

Notes: Hiya!!😊 Sorry guys for the rare updates this past two months. I had some major changes in my life recently so I wasn't able to update the novel like before. I can't promise mass releases or fixed day to update but I will try my best to update as frequent and as much as I can. Don't worry, I won't abandon this novel for all of you..🥰 Then, see you all on the next update!!💚💚💚

(Right, I was so disconnected to the internet recently that I only find out Dream release a song😅. Anyway, bye2)