

Aemii being a bunny mutation is acquired by a mysterious guy who needs her help to find out the murder of his only family. Aemii is soon brought into chaos and mayhem and things begin to duel between the two. will they ever find out who killed them?

Ccaffeinee1 · Otras
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8 Chs

Chapter 4 “Changes”

After..that encounter with that..guy everything has been quieter. I take medicine for my panic attacks and my sleeping issues, since my mother thought it was best for me. after Takahiro's death its just been better; no more of his shit and torture..just the calm. i've been moved into a better home by my mother and government so my ptsd wouldn't be as bad anymore. the home is a modern one at that is close to the city and my college but isn't at the same time. the home is a normal sized home with two stories, which means lots of space for me and and my future art studio.

I got a better job as a barista at a coffee shop and college is going well like an average college...but my mind keeps thinking...who and what was that person..? why were they there? and why didn't he just end me once i saw him..mean by he'd contact me. shit what did he even take off my bothers desk..it's all confusing to me really..but, right now I have to focus on my and my health. i've been eating right and exercising well. i took a liking for yoga and plants. i have a special place for plants in my heart. plus my therapist said it's a good coping mechanism for me.

right..my now dead brother. we had his funeral recently and I couldn't sit in there without the constant thought of that night. it happened so fast..in the dark one moment there's noise the next i go into unbridled rage then it's silent then a random ass person pops up. ugh life..for now..let's clear my brain..I have work to do and bills to pay so let's get too it. making my way to my desk, everything aligned and neat I began to work on work for classes. today was an off day at work so I used my time wisely. I spent a few hours finishing work and cleaning here and there just to notice it was 3 already.

did I really spend my morning working on school? I made my way downstairs to fix me something to actually eat instead of snacks. turned on the news to see what's going on in the world..nothing interesting besides the weather and incidents that are irrelevant. even small recaps of my brothers death. I decided to just call it quits and put on some music while I make my lunch. the day slowly unwinding, yoga here and there. plant talking and watering them..talking to myself..am I going crazy? nah it's just who I am. Aemii..is who I am..a normal bunny hybrid...making it in life..

what could possibly go wrong after this..?

it was evening now and I spent my off day loafing in my own thoughts from the past. no matter how hard I try I keep having terrible flashbacks. his murder, the torture I went through..I can't even look at my naked self in the mirror without having those feelings of insecurity and self hate. the scars of cuts and left over bruises lay on it..the..the burn mark of the letter "T" left on my lower back, and most of all, the patches of white on my brown skin. was I a mistake? no of course not I'm loved by people..right? right? tears soon fell from my face as i was so caught up in my thoughts I almost burnt my dinner. "shit.." I mumble to myself in regret. "its a little burnt but it wouldn't hurt to eat it." I say and give a small chuckle. I wiped my tears and plated my food only to not eat it after 30 minutes of me making it. it's an habit i got during the past years..i would wait until later at night to eat because i was scared to be attacked. i put my food in the microwave and decided to go take a bath to calm my nerves.

*One Hour Later..*

i eventually came back from my shower and as expected the food was cold and I had to sit in front of a microwave for it to heat up. "why am I like this? I get easily distracted and tuned into something very irrelevant causing me to eventually zone out and forget my surroundings. "I hate my habits..it's all his fault. if he just loved and treated me like a normal sibling i am..he wouldn't have been dead. he treats Miko better than me and she's a fucking 5 year old.." I say sighing afterwards resting my head in my hands.


the microwave goes as my food was finished heating up. I grabbed the plate and sat at the island in my kitchen. staring at the plate I think back at my childhood as I ate. hating how I didn't speak up about it. why was I so..quiet? I was scared yes but why didn't I say anything? why didn't i tell my mother..and why wasn't my dad in my life..but in takahiro's? why didn't he come to his own son's funeral or graduation..what did even look like..? I think to myself and suddenly..I feel uneasy. that same uneasiness from that night, like...I'm being watched. my body froze in its spot and I clutched my fork as a weapon. I had no other weapons besides kitchen knives..and the bat upstairs in my room. but i'm downstairs the only closes to me is that fork. with enough power it can stab. since that guy took the gun I used to kill Takahiro with, i'm stuck with the basics. the thing is..could he be here now..?

I slowly looked up towards the sliding door with the glass windows. nothing no shadow, no red eyes nothing. "could..no the backyard is very open plus there are lights, I'd be able to see." I mumbled. I still felt uncomfortable and uneasy but it's like the feeling is getting stronger. I began to pant quietly. behind me..they could be behind me...don't move just get up slowly Aemii, and that's what I did. got up slowly then turned around slowly. nothing

I let a sigh of relief out and shivered. "why am I so worried about. there is no possible way..he could be here. everything is locked and shut. get a hold of yourself aemii" I say nervously then gave a awkward smile. right no possible way. at all. I'm totally safe here. nothing can get in. just me..alone..in this house.


i put my head down on the counter and groan in frustration. "why am I so paranoid?..even if that person was here they would've ended me by now. matter of fact I would've been dead the day he first appeared. damn Aemii get a hold of yourself" I say cursing myself for my foolish actions.

I lift my head up to see a person in all black staring directly at me. the same eyes from that night. the same feeling just pure terror rushed through my body. my heart began to pound in my chest and I began to tremble. "t-this can't be real..i-i thought that was fake..yea I'm dreaming.." I say to myself as I began to slap and pinch myself in a attempt to wake me up, but failing to do so. this was reality. not a dream. I didn't know what to do so I booked it. perks of being half bunny we can run and jump 10x higher than normal humans. i jumped over chairs and even triple stepped stairs just to lock myself in my room then in my closet covering my mouth from my heavy breathing.

what am I gonna do. they're here to kill me too! oh no what have I done? is this how I go out? is this because i saw them..please don't find me. please...

you know what they say.. No witnesses left behind, and i'm a witness..dear god..

I want to face them but I may not make it out alive.

I sat in my closet for I don't know how long and it's just quiet. no noise nothing. could they have left? I didn't see or hear them follow me. I'm not taking my chances.

I tried to peek under the door to see if I could see shoes but my eyesight wasn't helping. it was dark and my room had the lights off so I couldn't see in there. panic arose in my body I was on the verge of crying and just shaking violently. is this my karma for killing my brother? could I be joining him soon as well? or is this just my side affects for Taking my medicine late?

even if it's the last one...I've never felt something so real in my life..I would sniff around to see if that person was around but of course I've never seen or been around them long enough to know what the scent is. i sat in that closet for what felt like hours listening to both my own breathing and heartbeat trying to listen for anything even the slightest noise. I don't know what hes capable of..I'm even lucky I made it out alive that night. tears began to fall as I silently cried wishing for this to all just stop..hoping this was all just a dream of some sort. "murderer..murderer..you're an murderer Aemii..you don't deserve peace.." repeated in my mind whilst trying to camouflage myself inside my closet just incase I was found. pilling clothes on top of myself in a quiet manner. once i did so i kept enough space for me to breathe and at least see underneath the door. my closet was already a mess so the pile of clothes seemed very appropriate in the situation.

i decided to open the door to peak out and was met with a pair of eyes looking directly at me. i panted a bit and let out the most blood curdling scream i could before they grabbed me. i moved around and fought back as i kicked them in the legs and even bit them but they were stronger than me. i started to get tired and gave in as my motivation of getting out we low. once they realize i gave up they let me go and watched me hug my knees in defeat. "what do you want from me..?" i say in a bleak tone. "i did what you asked of me..i told no one about what i actually saw. are you here to just end me too..? if so..make it painless..i've experienced to much of it in my life.." i said while staring at the ground.

"if i wanted to kill you i would've done it that night. i'm here to speak about your brother." they spoke sending shivers down my spine. their low disoriented voice messed with my ears making it sensitive at times.

"my brother..? he's dead remember."





Word Count: 1896