

TEASER: KC, the shy and sheltered heir of the Dostoevsky Group of Companies, experienced a number of traumatic incidents at a very young age. She witnessed how her parents were brutally killed when she was just 7 years old that made her a bit introverted and have some social anxieties. Tin, on the other hand is like a breath of fresh air. She loves to paint and express her feelings through that. She always follow her friend Sandy who always take the lead. Sandy, the fighter and liberated one was the most protective of KC. She’s dominant, aggressive and will do anything she thinks is good and right for KC. She doesn’t conform on what other people say. The two, Tin and Sandy, were tasked to take care and protect KC by none other than KC’s only family—her tita Yumi and tito Tor. They report to them, unknowingly to KC. Nikolai, on the other hand, is the most popular singer in the Philippines and KC’s soulmate, according to her. KC has been in love with him ever since she was in studying in high school in the States. She had been dreaming of meeting him in person especially that he is under the management of their recording company in the Philippines. She decided to work as a regular employee in the company after she took up her master’s degree in the States and go undercover to make sure that Nikolai would fall in love with her as the simple girl she really is—without the connection of the Dostoevsky’s. Fortunately she was able to make him fall in love with her, she thinks. But she doesn’t believe in sex before marriage. She wants to do it on their first night as husband and wife. What happens if Sandy and Tin fell in love with Nikolai as well? And to her KC’s shock, she is actually pregnant when she had never been intimate to any man before? What will happen to their intertwined lives?

chweetsie · Ciudad
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6 Chs



KC was astounded. She wants to shout and cry while watching her own parents die right her very eyes.

It was supposed to be a beautiful day for their family. She's supposed to be having the most beautiful day in her life.

She just turned 7 and their family is supposed to go to Paris for a vacation together with her Tito Salvatore, Tita Yumi and their son Oreo.

Everything is already set and even the maids already went home.

Her parents were the most selfless people in the world.

Everytime their whole family would go on vacation, they always let their helps go home and have a vacation as well. They would just come back a day or two before their family comes back as well.

It's two hours before their flight and her dad was simply just double checking all their stuff while her mom is doing some last minute errand.

She was very excited for this post-birthday trip that has been planned months ahead.

But just a few minutes later, her dad saw from the control room of CCTVs some armed men who sneakily entered their gates and killed their guards.

Her father immediately took her to his home office and she was shock to know that there is actually a little passage behind the huge landscape painting at the back of her father's desk.

There is a peephole in behind the painting that lets her see what was going on outside and she was shocked for the life of her.

She can even hear what the armed men were saying which is also incredible.

It was like the passage was also built for her.Like her father actually expected something like this to happen since instead of a vault which is always expected based from her favorite movies, it was actually a passage that is behind the painting.

"Stop messing around and give us the chip Dr."

The ugly man shouted while pointing the gun on her father's face.

"I am going to kill your husband if you don't give it to us right now."

KC's heart was breaking watching her mother's face already wet with her tears while her father is already lying on the floor—after being beaten.

"I don't have it. I promise you, Dr. Sullivan didn't give anything to me. Please, please spare my family."

And KC heard her mother weep and even beg on her knees.

The armed men snarled at her pulled the gun's trigger as KC's father groaned when the bullet landed on his right leg.

Her mother shouted and went straight to hug her husband.

KC's heart constricted and she wants to shout at the ugly men outside the passage where she's hiding.

But her father made her promise to never do anything that would harm her.

"The next bullet will definitely be on his forehead so you better tell us where the chip is. You are the only doctor who is close to Dr. Sullivan. He didn't meet any other doctor aside from you before he died."

"I did not receive anything from him. And even if I did, I still would never hand it in your filthy hands!"

KC clenched her fists when the, she supposed, the leader of the group slap her mother's face.

"That chip is where we can find the formula he had been studying about for more than half his life. It will cure cancer, Dr. Don't you want to cure cancer?"

And the beast grinned devilishly at her mom.

"I bet my life you evil men will put that chip on sale and even bid in the black market. You are going to sell that to evil people like you! Who paid you to do this?"

"You don't need to know who hired us Dr. Just tell us where the chip is!"

The torture to her parents lasted for how many minutes and all KC can do is bit her lower lip and cry in silence.

When finally the evil men got tired of torturing her parents, they killed them as if it was a natural way to do it.

KC felt her whole body tremble while her vision blurred, until everything turned black.


"This is the best vacation ever mama."

She smiled at her tita Yumi while holding the hand of her cousin Oreo.

It was a vacation that has been long overdue. It has been postponed and delayed for so many reasons—one of that is the fact that Oreo has been sick for the past few months.

Her dear cousin Oreo who led her back to the normal kid she used to be.

Three years ago, when her parents were brutally killed by armed evil men, she was deeply traumatized. She knew that her parents were rich. They own a huge conglomerate that has been on top especially in Asia while her mother owns one of the largest hospital in Russia and the Philippines.

Her father was Russian while her mother was an American-Filipina who met her father in an outreach program in Russia.

When the police, her tita and tito came, everything was a mess.

The police had an encounter with the armed men and killed them.

One man survived and confess that it was Dr. Sullivan's daughter who hired them.

She was an evil woman who wants to sell the chip on the black market since her own father didn't trust her with the said chip.

Even up to this day, nobody knows where Dr. Sullivan hid the said chip. Her parents was what they call the collateral damage of Dr. Sullivan's daughter's evil scheme.

KC had never been the same after that said incident. She has to go see a doctor for her therapy even up to this day.

She still has some nightmares and even blackouts where she forgets what she did or where she went but it was minimal according to her doctor.

The most important person who help her slowly recover was Oreo.

He was such an angel that would always lit the whole room with his sunny disposition.

However, months ago he was diagnosed with leukemia.

Her tita Yumi, her mother's only sister who is also a doctor is the one running their hospital and charitable organizations while her tito Tor who was the Vice-President of their company has to take charge of everything.

The two became her guardians and only family, with Oreo.

They already went to a lot of doctors even abroad to look for a cure to Oreo's illness.

And while waiting and looking for Oreo's donor, they finally decided to go to Paris.

One of her therapy is painting and Oreo loves doing it as well.

They have been doing it over the years and helped her overcome some of her anger and fears while Oreo loves it's therapeutic effect.

"I feel so much better every time we paint."

That's what he would always tell her.

KC looked at the magnificent painting around her while she let Oreo wander around the museum.


KC immediately looked at where her tita's voice came from.

Her body tremble as she saw Oreo's unmoving body lying on the floor while her tita Yumi was weeping and her tito Tor was frantically talking to someone on his phone—must have been 911.

She felt so light-headed looking at them from a distance but she can't seem to move even just an inch.

It seems like the nightmare of losing her parents is coming back.

Not Oreo please. Don't take him away from us.

She silently prayed while tears are running down her face before everything went black.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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