

TEASER: KC, the shy and sheltered heir of the Dostoevsky Group of Companies, experienced a number of traumatic incidents at a very young age. She witnessed how her parents were brutally killed when she was just 7 years old that made her a bit introverted and have some social anxieties. Tin, on the other hand is like a breath of fresh air. She loves to paint and express her feelings through that. She always follow her friend Sandy who always take the lead. Sandy, the fighter and liberated one was the most protective of KC. She’s dominant, aggressive and will do anything she thinks is good and right for KC. She doesn’t conform on what other people say. The two, Tin and Sandy, were tasked to take care and protect KC by none other than KC’s only family—her tita Yumi and tito Tor. They report to them, unknowingly to KC. Nikolai, on the other hand, is the most popular singer in the Philippines and KC’s soulmate, according to her. KC has been in love with him ever since she was in studying in high school in the States. She had been dreaming of meeting him in person especially that he is under the management of their recording company in the Philippines. She decided to work as a regular employee in the company after she took up her master’s degree in the States and go undercover to make sure that Nikolai would fall in love with her as the simple girl she really is—without the connection of the Dostoevsky’s. Fortunately she was able to make him fall in love with her, she thinks. But she doesn’t believe in sex before marriage. She wants to do it on their first night as husband and wife. What happens if Sandy and Tin fell in love with Nikolai as well? And to her KC’s shock, she is actually pregnant when she had never been intimate to any man before? What will happen to their intertwined lives?

chweetsie · Ciudad
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6 Chs


KC had the most beautiful dream any woman could ask for.

She was with the man she love--Nikolai, in her dreams.

It was a rated 18 dream but who would scold her for that? She's the only person who knew about it and she doesn't have any plans of sharing it to anyone--even to her parents and bestfriend.


She smiled while she kept on whispering his name over and over again.

Her work at Stellar has been hellish but every time she's able to see him even just a moment, it makes everything better.

'I think I'm inlove,

I think I'm in love...with you..

Every single day, every single night

Every single moment of my life,

I want to spend it all with you..'

She can't help herself from singing while she was taking a bath.

Although she felt so tired and sore all over, she doesn't mind at all.

All the pain and hardships she has been experiencing in the company is all worth it. For Nikolai.

She hurriedly took a bath when she heard her alarm ring as if telling her to hurry since it's almost seven already.

She must be in the office before 9 in the morning and she still needs to eat her breakfast.

'And don't forget the fact about how long and exhausting the traffic here in the Metro.'

She can't help thinking.

She hastily wore her usual outfit to the office--boyfriend jeans, polo shirt and her power blazer, with her nerdy glasses.

She never liked wearing make-up so she just swipe a lip balm on her lips and her sunscreen-slash-moisturizer.

She's about to go out of her room when her phone rung.

She answered it in a haste.

"Hi best."

Hannah has her own ringtone in her phone thus she immediately knew it was her bestfriend who's calling her.

"Hey..how are you doing? On your way to work now?"

She can hear the hesitation and panic at Hannah's voice which was very puzzling for her.

"Yeah..I'm fine. Why? What happened?" She frowned.

"N-nothing. I just wanna know how you've been doing at work."

Hannah laughed at her but it sounded force to her.

'May be I should tell her that I am having blackouts again?'

She can't help asking herself.

She first had her blackout when she was just a kid. That was when she witnessed how her parents were murdered right before her very eyes and the second time was when she actually witnessed her cousin Oreo passed away in front of her.

After that, she had been experiencing blackouts from time to time. Sometimes, it's just a day or two that she can't remember and the worst would be a month or two.

It doesn't affect her life in a drastic way that is way sometimes, she wouldn't mind it at all.

Except for that one time after she watched Nikolai's concert in Boston. The last time she remembered was she went back to their apartment and fell asleep with a smile on her face.

She lived with Hanna in their apartment and she confided to Hanna regarding her more than three days blackout.

Hanna calmly told her that she didn't do anything harmful during those days. She was just inside the apartment day dreaming, painting, reading books and sleeping during those days she can't remember.

And now she had a blackout again just last week and she was even scolded by her immediate supervisor, Miss Kriza since she was absent during those times.

She apologized heartily and was reprimanded by giving more work to do.

Her immediate boss is really like a mad woman.

"Don't worry too much about me, Han. I'm perfectly fine. I have to go. I don't wanna be late today."

And she even gave her bestfriend a sounding kiss before hanging up.


"Kaze, do you mind telling me where Kriza put the documents she wanted me to read regarding my guesting this week?"

He smiled at Kriza's secretary sweetly.

He always knew she had a crush on him since aside from Kriza's usual whining about it, he always see her gazing at him with heart-shaped eyes.

He actually like how cute she is. Her nerdy eyeglasses that almost covers her small, cute face, her casual get-up is always appealing and gives her a young student vibe.

'And she is utterly familiar!'

He almost groaned in frustration as he thought of how forgetful he is.

But who can blame him when he has been meeting thousands of people ever since he started his career.

He almost laughed when KC stand abruptly, panic is written all over her cute face.

He wonders what's behind those big eyeglasses that she's covering.

He mentally shook his head at the thought.

'How can you even think such when you already have Sandy in your life?'

KC guided him inside Kriza's glass office.

He and Kriza aren't that close but they do treat each other with respect.

He considers her a colleague more than a friend but he is always welcome to get in and out of her office especially if she isn't around.

"Miss Kriza w-went out for a dinner me-meeting sir. I don't th-think she'll be back tonight."

He smiled at KC to ease her panic mode.

Her face and neck is pinkish red already and he don't want her to always be shy infront of him.

KC gave him the documents he needed and asked him if he needed anything else.

"I'll call for a delivery for you dinner if,ahm..if you plan to stay longer, s-sir."

He just nod at her and said his thanks.

He don't want to make her feel more embarrass than she already is so he let her go.

'Such a cutie..', he thought to himself.

KC is the pure, innocent type any man would want to be serious with.

And it puzzles him to have a very protective feeling towards her when they aren't even that close.

'May be I feel like this because I don't have a younger sister. She really looks like a younger sister to me.'

He tried convincing himself while looking at KC who is back inside Kriza's office to serve a coffee despite the fact he didn't even ask one.

'She really is very diligent and reliable in her work.'

"Thanks Kaze."

She just smiled shyly at him and went out hurriedly.

He can't help from smiling as he tried focusing on the FAQ's that could be asked to him on his guesting for this week.

He is in lined for a lot of promotional tours and guestings since the promotional events of his album is still on going.

But as much as he wants to focus on memorizing and familiarizing the possible questions and answers, his mind is wandering back and forth to Sandy and KC.

What he feels for Sandy is something intimate, primal. On the other hand, what he feels for KC is something new and chaste and modest.

When Sandy left him the last time they had sex, she told him that he'd definitely see him again--through a freaking note.

Three days of wild and feral sex made him an animal thirsty for her.

But on the fourth day, when he woke up, he only saw a note on his bedside table saying : 'I'll see you when I see you, lover boy.'

What a way to bid goodbye!

It made him more than mad but he can't do anything about it.

She didn't left any contact information and he didn't even know her last name.

When he's with Sandy, he would always forget all about the important details. She turns him into a ferocious animal.

When he went back to work, Kriza was so mad but she was gravitating her anger towards him to KC instead.

Which is not new for him since Kriza doesn't have the balls to scold or get mad at him. Aside from the fact she considers him her friend.

Kriza was nagging KC for the past few days and surprisingly, it pains him.

'Maybe because you are such a philanthropist, eh?'

He almost smirk at the sarcastic voice inside his head.

He mentally shook his head and focused more on the paper in his hand.

He stood up and ask KC, through the intercom to get inside the office.

"May be you can help me with these questions while we are waiting for our dinner?"

He immediately told KC to sit in the couch infront of him. He was sitting in the guest area of Kriza's office, where she usually entertain guests and executives of the company.

He wants KC to feel at ease with him.

"Kriza usually do this for me but she seems very busy these past few days so I hope you can give me a hand?" He tried to sound so endearing.

And he wasn't able to suppress his laugh when KC's face burned red.

"Come on sweetie.. Help me please?"

KC shyly took the paper he handed and tried to clear her throat.

"Yo-you've been in show business since your teenage years, do you have any reg-regrets?"

He smiled at her before he tried to answer.

But suddenly, his mind went blank.

Does he have any regret? He have females lined up through his door, waiting for him to give them just a little bit of his time; fortune that helped him acquire a lot of investments and properties, and fame that made everything easy for him.

He looker at KC intently as she was waiting for his answer eagerly.

"What do you think Kaze? SHould I have any regrets?" He asked her seriously.

It took KC a minute or two to think about how to answer him but when she did, he was astounded.

"Ho-honestly, I-I think it depends on how you s-see your l-life." She was still stuttering.

"Wh-when you think about everything you have no-now--money, popularity and even connections--you should never have any regrets." And she looked down as if she still had something to say.

When she looked up, he smiled at her to encourage her to continue.

"But?" He asked her.

"I'm not sure if I have the ri-right to say th-this."

"It's fine Kaze. You can say your thoughts with me."

"But when you think about all those years where you didn't have your own personal life, your private life, you should have missed a lot of things."

"Like?" He continued to affirm to her thoughts.

"You're 30, and you haven't even had the chance to travel without commitments attached to it. You were always trying to reinvent yourself just so you can cope to the ever-changing and fast-paced taste of people in show business. You were always hoping to please your millions of fans that you are always careful to never make any mistakes infront of them or even in your posts in your social media accounts. And your love life is always followed by the paparazzis here and there. You never had a quiet and private life, in general."

He was not able to move after everything KC said. It was definitely a bullseye!

When KC looked at him, her face began to turn red again and she stood abruptly.

"I-I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry Mr. Belliveau." And he was bowing to him to show how sincere she was in her apologies.

He wasn't mad, not even by tiny bit.

He is just shocked at the amount of facts KC knew or notice about him.

"You seem to know me pretty well, KC."

"I am -I am not a stalker sir. I am just a fan, n-not an obsessed one." She was panicking.

"I-I just noticed everytime you have shows or concert, you are smiling and laughing with your fans but your eyes says otherwise."

He almost gasped at what she said.

He can't believe had see through him.

"The first time I went to your concert in Boston, I fell inlove with you. I meant your voice." Her voice was shaking as she slowly sat back in the couch.

"In Boston?"

What a gigantic coincidence! I've met Sandy in Boston!'

He suppressed the urge to say that out loud.

"I saw how happy you were in meeting your fans abroad but I felt like there is something missing in your eyes--the spark, it wasn't there."

He stared at her intently as she continued to speak her mind to him.

'What kind of woman would be able to read my inner thoughts and feelings? Is she a witch or something?"

He thought to himself.



I honestly love KC's innocence but I also love how tact and fearless Sandy is.

I am definitely torn on whom to give Nik, to KC or Sandy.

They both deserve him.

I hope you guys have a chance to write down on who you think would be the best for Nik in the comments section below.

And please give it a thumbs up by voting too.

Thank you and see you next time!