
Delving Beneath the Surface

Erich sat in his office, watching the screen which displayed the helmet camera footage from the soldiers who had pierced into Andromeda. The ship they were on was small and was capable of advanced cloaking technology invented by Tia. 

Theoretically, with their current knowledge of the Naraku and their military capabilities, this ship should be able to slip past their defenses and land on the primary Hive World within the Andromeda Galaxy. 

From there however, it was a matter of burrowing deep within the hive world's surface, penetrating through the crust, while guiding a planetary annihilator torpedo, or a modified variant which was capable of the same level of destruction, but could be carried on a man's back, down into the deepest part of the Hive. Where the team would self destruct the weapon, killing themselves and the entire world with them.