
Internet Cafe in a Fantasy World

In a mystical realm of Eldoria, an extraordinary establishment emerged amidst the bustling streets of the capital city of Luminaire Kingdom. It wasn't long when unusual people visit there to browse grimoires online, engage in epic virtual duels, and ... share magical memes. The owner named Luke— Luke: "System! Stop the narration. This is just a normal internet cafe with a handsome owner. Or rather, you're the unusual one!" System: "..."

Meagerton · Fantasía
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136 Chs

Chapter 53 - Invasion (Revised)

Ophelia's voice resonated with an undeniable sense of urgency, sending shivers down the spines of those present.


All eyes in the internet cafe, drawn by the unexpected outburst, shifted toward Ophelia. The unexpected shout had captured everyone's attention, including the King's, whose countenance shifted to a more intense expression. Witnessing his daughter's uncharacteristic display of emotion, the King intuited the gravity of the situation that must have prompted such a reaction.


Of particular note was Lunaria, who was keenly attuned to the mention of her homeland's name. Swiftly and with a sense of intrigue, she focused her gaze upon Ophelia. A crease of puzzlement marred her forehead, indicating her struggle to reconcile the weight carried by Ophelia's words with her own knowledge, which appeared to have gaps regarding recent events concerning her homeland.


"The Sylvanum Empire is setting its sights on invading the sacred grounds of the Elvendom!" Ophelia's declaration hung in the air like a storm cloud, casting a shadow of uncertainty and concern over the conversation.


Stretching across the expansive Southern Continent is a formidable empire, ruled by the unwavering authority of a commanding Rank 8 entity. This empire, renowned as the Sylvanum Empire, stands as a monument to power, its dominion encompassing the grandest expanse of land across the South Continent.


This sprawling empire thrives within a complex tapestry of power dynamics, interwoven across its vast realm. A total of 12 devoted Vassal Kingdoms have pledged their allegiance, each governed by a vassal king whose potency wavers between the ranks of 6 and 7.


This strategic alignment of strengths secures the empire's hold on its expansive territory, establishing a firm and unyielding grip over its dominion.


Fortunately, the Luminaire Kingdom and numerous other modest sovereignties scattered across the Southern Continent have thus far managed to evade the suffocating grasp of its governance.

The sprawling expanse of the Southern Forest presents a formidable impediment that has effectively curtailed the empire's relentless pursuit of territorial expansion. Its dense thicket and treacherous terrain act as a natural bulwark against the empire's encroachment.


This labyrinthine Southern Forest, stretching across the region in a sweeping embrace, serves as a stark demarcation that cleaves the Southern Continent into two distinct hemispheres.

In a prior instance of Lunaria's pivotal breakthrough, a significant condition emerged. Each of the empire's constituent kingdoms was constrained to send no more than two representatives.


This limitation stemmed from the intricate challenge posed by the Southern Forest's intricate terrain. Traversing this formidable expanse necessitated an intimate familiarity with its intricacies.


Moreover, the passage through this dense labyrinth demanded not only navigational expertise but also an exceptional display of might and endurance.


Only those individuals endowed with considerable stamina and formidable strength stood a chance at surmounting its treacherous obstacles.

While the prospect of reaching the forest's opposite side within a span slightly exceeding a week exists, it remains a privilege of the most potent forces, capable of undertaking this grueling endeavor without succumbing to the need for respite.


Indeed, the ability to traverse from the empire to the Luminaire Kingdom in slightly over a week stands as a palpable testament to the empire's might.

However, dissecting the rationale behind this accomplishment doesn't pose a significant challenge, especially when considering the notable presence of the Rank 7 entity on that particular day. The convergence of such potent forces undoubtedly contributes to the empire's showcase of power in this context.

The assembly included conspicuously less formidable representatives, each hailing from the neighboring realms. It was evident that these envoys didn't require an overpowering force, given their proximity to the Luminaire Kingdom.

The absence of the need to traverse the daunting expanse of the Southern Forest, owing to their adjacency to the Luminaire Kingdom, accounted for this divergence in strength requirements.

Returning to the present, a veil of skepticism shrouded Lunaria as she contemplated Ophelia's revelations. With a purposeful rise from her cherished spot, she crossed the distance to Ophelia.

Observing the turmoil etched on Ophelia's countenance, Lunaria wrestled with an ominous intuition that refused to be ignored. A deep-seated understanding that Ophelia was not one to weave falsehoods and the intensity of her expression hinted at a concealed significance.

"What happened, my friend?" Lunaria inquired, her voice gently laden with concern.


Ophelia's unease was palpable as she grappled with how to articulate the unfolding circumstances. Uncertainty clouded her thoughts, pondering the appropriateness of unveiling the capabilities of the crystal ball.

In a moment of contemplation, her gaze shifted to Luke, who had been an attentive listener throughout the exchange. The tension of the narrative had evidently gotten to him, evident from the annoyance etched on his features. However, as Ophelia's eyes met his, a subtle nod passed between them – a tacit approval for Ophelia to disclose the forthcoming revelations.

Interpreting this silent consent, Ophelia cast aside her reservations and divulged the story behind the Radiant Oracle Stone.

Lunaria's awareness of the existence and potential of crystal balls facilitated her swift acceptance of Ophelia's account. The mere presence of the crystal ball, a possession held by Luke, negated any skepticism surrounding the validity of this legendary artifact.

However, her concern took root in the cryptic message that Ophelia had earlier shared.

A gnawing curiosity nagged at her, urging her to comprehend the vision that had cast such turmoil upon Ophelia's features. There lingered an unsettling sense of foreboding, a premonition that the forthcoming revelation held profound implications.

As her thoughts swirled in anticipation, Lunaria braced herself for the weight of the impending revelation.

"The situation is as follows..." Ophelia resumed, her voice laden with gravity.

As the minutes ticked by, Luke's anticipation reached its zenith, his ears keenly attuned to the revelation that lingered in the air.

"Your Elvendom is facing a dire predicament. While I lack precise details, what I've gleaned from the vision is that individuals affiliated with the Empire are encroaching upon your territory," Ophelia's words fell with a somber weight, a mere fraction of the narrative she yearned to share.

Ophelia's distress was palpable, her heart heavy with concern for her friend's homeland.

Yet, a veil of frustration shrouded her emotions, as her vision had been truncated by a depletion of her mana reserves. In this pivotal moment, the boundaries of her abilities left her yearning for more clarity and insight, accentuating her sense of helplessness.

"But one aspect remains undeniable. Their intentions are malevolent. In the vision, I witnessed the captivity of elves, a grim indicator of their sinister motives," Ophelia rushed her words, a sense of urgency underscoring her delivery as if speed could expedite the search for a solution.

Ultimately, Lunaria found herself caught in a web of conflicting emotions and thoughts, a swirling tempest within. Fueled by a pressing need, she instinctively clasped Ophelia's shoulders, her actions a manifestation of her inner turmoil. Her question, spoken in a hushed fervor, slipped from her lips like a plea, carrying with it the weight of her concern and urgency,

"When is this impending calamity set to unfold?"

In response to her friend's inquiry, Ophelia's demeanor exhibited a composed patience that contrasted the urgency of the situation.

Fully aware that displaying panic would only intensify Lunaria's concerns, Ophelia took a deliberate breath and purposefully settled into a composed expression.

Recognizing the crucial role her own demeanor played in influencing Lunaria's emotional state, Ophelia chose to tackle the situation with a measured calmness.

Understanding that her own tranquility could serve as a stabilizing force for her friend, she understood the imperative of first regaining her own composure if she intended to help Lunaria find solace.

"I'm afraid I cannot offer precise answers at this juncture. The timing remains veiled in uncertainty," Ophelia began, her voice retaining a steady and measured quality as she addressed the pressing issue.

Engaging in a meticulous process of analysis, Ophelia set her mind to the task, sifting through her thoughts and memories in an attempt to unravel the complexities of the situation.

"However, I did perceive your father's presence within the vision. He was within the Elvendom at the time. Considering his abilities, and accounting for the fact that he returned home four days ago, his journey from here to the Elvendom typically takes more than a week."

Ophelia's gaze held a mixture of concern and determination as she continued, "From these elements, I estimate that the events foreseen in the vision will transpire within a week from today."

"Alright. I'm truly grateful for sharing this with me, my dear friend," Lunaria's voice carried a blend of gratitude and relief, her features softening as she absorbed the weight of Ophelia's revelation.

A sense of comfort washed over her as she contemplated the situation. Reflecting on her current strength and capabilities, even considering the possibility of flying and having a seemingly endless supply of mana, she calculated that the journey to her hometown would extend just beyond a week.

The ensuing sense of respite fueled her determination. Bolstered by the margin of time that stretched before her, Lunaria was fortified in her resolve to intervene and avert the impending disaster.

With an unwavering resolve, Lunaria firmly declared, "I must make my way back to my homeland without delay."

In a surprising twist, a calm voice resonated within her ears, briefly interrupting her thoughts and drawing her attention away from her determined stance.

"Before you act, allow me a moment. Tomorrow, we shall embark on this journey together. I assure you, I will ensure your arrival within a week," Luke's interjection carried a sense of purpose, his words a calming reassurance amid the tumultuous exchange.

Strikingly, his eyes emitted an inexplicable glow.