
Insurgence of the Revenant God

The gods join forces in order to defeat the Tyrant god and end his reign of terror. Upon his defeat, he swore to return and take the heads of those who betrayed him. Salvino is a frail young beggar who was often abused. One day, he encountered a strange entity that offered protection in exchange for it to reside in him.

KleanRevel · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 10, Edos

When Amon saw the grim corners of the world, he made his people administer the lands. Their powers greatly exceed the limits of Abelia's creations. They are gifted with five great manas, and Amon's mana, the exceptional discovery, Kedarinus.

Their wills and bodies are strengthened. Free of every blemish and impurity. They are blessed with longevity exceeding Abelians' five of their lifetimes. Though created with a great advantage, not every Edolian is brilliant. Like Abelians, they are not flawless and are mere mortals.

Achieving greatness as an Edolian is an arduous journey, just as achieving mastery in Alchemy. This is why some of the Edos that Amon considered gifted are trained directly by him. Two of the most remarkable Edos that Amon taught were the curious girl, Alina, and the favorite student of Amon, who later became the traitorous Luther...


One day, the merchants of Dea were on a routine of harvesting Amonian flowers. When several wyverns approach their group of caravans, a young man gets out of the vehicle and impales them with earth magic all at once. It was Salvino.

It has been several months since he completed Henry's training, and now he is prepared to embark on a journey across the lands of Arnon. These are his last days on Dea, and he decides to spend the rest of this day doing Benedict's bidding.

After a while, they decide to take a break. When suddenly, Mathilda asked him about his goodbye.

"Where are you going next?" ~Mathilda

"Regis." ~Salvino

"Are you sure? Why? That place is so dull and dangerous." ~Mathilda

"It's the nearest one here." ~Salvino

"So you're just there for sightseeing?" ~Mathilda

"I guess..." ~Salvino

"Really? That's boring! Did you tell your mother?" ~Mathilda

"I was planning to tomorrow." ~Salvino

"Why don't you join us?" ~Micheal

"There you go again." ~Mathilda

"Why? What's so wrong with that? Besides, if he wants to go sightseeing-" ~Micheal.

"Sorry, I can't." ~Salvino

"Hear that?" ~Mathilda

"Why Regis? I heard it's crawling with Edos." ~Micheal

"I have my reasons." ~Salvino

After a while, they proceed on their way home. They noticed something strange. People gathered near Lena's shop as if to witness something significant. Salvino got curious and checked the shop. There he saw Adira holding Lena's neck.

"Where's the boy?" ~Adira

Lena didn't respond, so Adira pointed a sword at her neck.

"I'll present him your head if you stay silent." ~Adira

Lena noticed Salvino was looking at them and tried to signal, "Run!" But Salvino didn't run. Instead, he yelled.

"Stop!" ~Salvino

Adira then knocks Lena unconscious and prepares to confront the boy.

"Why are you doing this?" ~Salvino

"You're a hypocrite, so I'll ask the same. Why did you kill them?" ~Adira

"What?" ~Salvino

"Remember? Aria? The people you butchered?" ~Adira

Salvino didn't respond.

"Answer me!" ~Adira

Suddenly, the surroundings changed into a world devoid of life. Only glaciers, giant spears, and ice remained. This alerts Amon and warns the boy.

"Unsheath your blade!" ~Amon

Before he could act, Adira got near him, but thankfully he blocked her blade with his unsheathed sword. If he was a second late, his head might already be hers.

"They were honest people!" ~Adira

Adira slashes and Salvino parries.

"Don't you know how many people they've protected? How many people they've saved? " ~Adira

Suddenly giant spears fall from the sky. Salvino tries to deflect a spear, then his sword suddenly changes. Amon had channeled the void into it, making him successful in deflecting it. But he could only deflect one, and the other spears grazed him.

"They were my loving friends! They had aspirations! We swore to each other! Only to see them one day being used as your toys!" ~Adira

Salvino's legs were suddenly frozen, and ultimately his limbs were impaled by smaller spears from the ground.

"I'll make sure you suffer!" ~Adira

More spears impaled his limbs which made him scream.

"I will place your head on a spear." ~Adira

Suddenly Salvino stopped screaming.

"You won't." ~"Salvino"

Suddenly, an explosion of darkness threw Adira away. Salvino's eyes suddenly turned red, his wounds were healed, and the spears disappeared. Amon then tried to impale her with arrows from the ground, but she dodged them.

"Tch." ~Amon

"It's useless!" ~Adira

Amon raised his palm aiming for Adira, and suddenly Adira was pierced by arrows from the insides of her body. This made Adira cough blood, but it didn't stop her. She began charging.

"That won't stop me!" ~Adira

While they exchange blows, her wounds begin to heal. Amon then sweeps his arms, and a wave of darkness appears. Adira then blocked it using a sphere around her body, but it cracked and threw her away.

"Curses!" ~Adira

She raised Ice spikes from the ground, and Amon dodged them. Amon then entraps her in a sphere of darkness, but Adira already knows what can rival Amon's magic. In an instant, Adira discarded her ice blade and created another sword from Arnonus and Alchemy to cut through.

But as the globe disappeared, Amon was already behind her and stabbed her head with his sword. When Amon thought it was over, an explosion threw him away. Her core saved her by channeling manas strong enough to heal fatal wounds.

"Are you done with your tricks?!" ~Adira

If Amon is in his prime, Adira will not stand a chance. She will instantly disappear before she utters a word. But Amon only had two fragments of his former self, and he was running out of mana. Adira then froze his foot and charged towards his stomach. Amon tried another wave of darkness, but it was useless. Adira pierced through it with her new blade and finally stabbed Amon.

"You lost." ~Adira

"Are you sure?" ~Amon smiled

After his speech, she is back in Lena's shop in front of him as if nothing happened. Amon ultimately ran out of mana. Salvino is now in control.

"What?!" ~Adira

"Run, Salvino!" ~Amon

"But miss Lena..." ~Salvino

"You can't fight her!" ~Amon

Suddenly Raven appears and faces Adira.

"Run!" ~Raven

"Don't interfere!" ~Adira

Raven then pinned her to the wall using earth magic, and grabs Salvino's arm, and started running.

"Get off!" ~Salvino

Salvino used Azarinus to force his arm out of Raven's hand, but Raven channeled Kedarinus on Salvino's arms and legs.

"Listen to me! She won't kill her! She will bring her to Atalantas. Go get her back once you become stronger." ~Raven

"Listen, Salvino!" ~Amon

"Why?!" ~Salvino

Adira was catching up to them, but suddenly a crowd gathered and covered Raven and Salvino. They were secretly Edos, with whom Raven was acquainted, and they tried to distract the pursuer by blocking her field of vision. She could wipe out the entire mass, but she doesn't want to hurt innocent bystanders, and ultimately, it won't end well for Atalantas and Dea's treaty.

"This is your last chance to run. Please! I'll make sure that she is alright. " ~Raven

So Salvino finally ran. Adira could only take Lena and Raven as her hostage. Only time will tell what cruelty and dangers await them in Atalantas.

At Tervanas, the agents Mustafa sent to Aria finally arrive and have news of Theo's brother's disappearance. The agent says to Theo that after Salvino was chased out of their house, he lived with a lady named Lena.

The agent added that Mustafa wanted to see him. When he enters Mustafa's office, Mustafa seems serious. There is an unusual device on top of his desk.

"Sit." ~Mustafa

"Good afternoon, sir." ~Theo

"Good afternoon. Now put your blood here, and channel your mana into it." ~Mustafa

"Sir?" ~Theo

"Do it." ~Mustafa

So Theo did as Mustafa said. When he did it, Mustafa was surprised at the result.

"Is your brother Salvino adopted?" ~Mustafa

"No, sir." ~Theo

"Did you see his birth with your own eyes?" ~Mustafa

"I was nearby when he was born." ~Theo

"Who helped your mother to deliver Salvino?" ~Mustafa

"Why are you asking these questions, sir?" ~Theo

"Your brother might have been an Edolian." ~Mustafa

"Impossible." ~Theo

"We got evidence that Salvino used Edolian magic on a baker." ~Mustafa

"Are you sure they're telling the truth?" ~Theo

"Yes, in fact, there were traces of that magic." ~Mustafa

"Maybe it's someone else." ~Theo

"The woman that took care of him called him Salvino." ~Mustafa

"He couldn't use magic when I left." ~Theo

"That was ten years ago, Theo." ~Mustafa

"He's not adopted!" ~Theo

"Did your mother have an affair?" ~Mustafa

Theo had an incredible urge to punch Mustafa, but he calmed down and answered.

"No." ~Theo

"Hmmm, I have a theory." ~Mustafa

"What?" ~Theo

"Your brother might be one of "the few" ~Mustafa

The next day, Theo was in the Alchemy room doing his job. Zalia entered the room because she hadn't seen Theo since yesterday. She observed Theo, and he seemed distracted. She decides to startle him. She went behind him and shouted.

"How are you doing!" ~Zalia yells

Theo almost dropped the rock he was infusing with Alchemy good thing he caught it with wind magic. Zalia didn't know that the pebble might kill them.

"I could've died." ~Theo

"Oh, come on! It wasn't that bad." ~Zalia

"The pebble was unstable." ~Theo

"So, where were you yesterday? You didn't visit me. I thought you lost interest." ~Zalia

"Lost interest?" ~Theo

[Get a clue.] ~In Zalia's mind, then she sighs.

"Training with me." ~Zalia

"I heard the news about my brother." ~Theo

"What happened?" ~Zalia

They chatted for a while...