
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Cómic
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36 Chs

the heart of the universe


A portal exploded into life, and Thanos along with other elite monsters stepped backward while looking at the portal. There his heart shook slightly as he felt the pressure of the person within the portal slowly stepping out.

a gray skin demon with hands behind his back slowly stepped out. he had on blue clothing, his pupils were red, and they looked to be floating within. this was none other than Darkseid, a being forms a higher dimension.

"Lesser lifeform, you did a great job. I Darkseid will keep my world," Darkseid said with a smile while looking at Thanos, who hesitated too near, but he fell to one knee in the end, along with the others, Darkseid looked at them for a moment before ignoring them and looking far away.

across the universe, he had others of his armies setting up false portals to draw everyone's attention. He reached out to Thanos knowing he had the skills and knowledge to make the portal under everyone's nose.

the goal of the portal was to link his dimensions to the 3rd dimensions, once this was done, Darkseid gained the ability to send down his avatar, along with the avatar of all of his main army, each as strong, the stronger ones were as strong as gods while the weaker ones were as strong as someone like Justice Girl

through the portal, elites stepped out, each capable of crushing Thanos like an ant. Thanos didn't say anything or do anything, Darkseid ignored his existence, in his eyes anyone within the 3rd dimension was an ant.

Darkseid sent out his armies, his goal was to conquer and destroy all free will, he didn't care how low the dimensions were or how high. they shall be conquered.

so with his army setting out, the people within this universe sensed them, and although shocked at their power, they moved to fight Darkseid's army. at the same time, Thanos disappeared from all of this and went on to seek something.

at the center of the universe, Thanos appeared while looking around. when he had the gauntlet, he had sensed this place. the center of the universe, or in other words, the heart of the universe. because of his many goals and plans to conquer death's heart, he came across knowledge of this place.

within the heart of the universe, there floated a flame, and within this flame empowered the universe, if this flame died, it would mean this universe's death was not near. if he could absorb this flame, the power he would gain is something that just can't be imagined.

the infinity stones? this was better and stronger, plus the infinity stones had one weakness, and that was that they couldn't only because within the universe they are from. meanwhile, absorbing the heart of the universe would allow Thanos to freely use the power anywhere.

meanwhile, back to Sora. Sora was looking at a video of the war taking place with a paper in his hands, he was calmly writing things down. don't look at the fact it happens to be all hot females, no, he was seeking people who seem to need help or might not be mentally stable.

Sora was a hero; it was his job to go up and above to try and save everyone. If he didn't go to hell, then who would? it pained Sora to think of all the people out there who were suffering, he had to save him, or else he would cry tears of blood, and die.

"... you disgust me," Mei said as he looked at the paper in Sora's hands, Sora smiled slightly hearing her words before putting the paper away. looking up, he saw that Mei was standing with Sammer, seeing her Sora was speechless, today was a long day.

he just meant Summer a few hours back, and so many other things happened, it felt like days but it was not even 24 hours.

"First of all, this a paper holding the list of people who are unstable, just what twitched thoughts go through your mind?" Sora asked speechless as if he was indeed misunderstood. Mei opened her mouth slightly, but she was speechless. at heart, she knew Sora was lying, but she had no proof and everything she had on him pointed to him being this righteous selfless guy.

what made her angry was the fact that somehow Sora made it look like she was the dirty-minded person here. she hatefully looked at Sora before ignoring them. Summer looked at the two for a moment, she and death were not close. it does not like they and the others hung out and got to know each other. they hated each other, which is the main reason Mei had such a harsh reaction upon seeing her.

"Thanos is back and is absorbing the heart of the universe. we can't act, but you can..." before Summer can speak, Infinity suddenly appeared and spoke. Sora lazily looked at her before shrugging.

"Why would I do something so mean? Thanos had fallen and is now making a comeback, that's something I can respect. I can support a brother who can recover after a cruet woman plays them..." Sora said with a sigh, Mei gritted her teeth slightly while looking at Sora.

"If Thanos gets his hands on the heart of the universe, he would become the strongest thing within the universe. you can forget the infinity gauntlet helping you. once Thanos has that power, everything within the universe would not be his match." Infinity said seriously, Sora shrugged slightly, not bothered by it.

"Are you not breaking the law by stepping in to help... that seems to be more important," Sora said with a smile, Infinity gritted her teeth in rage. the law will not stop Thanos, Thanos already knows the law right now, so he would be careful not to break it. and with the power of the universe, Thanos being a Thanos would become something that could danger all realities.

"don't get cocky with your ability to copy others." Summer said with a frown, Sora looked at her before a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

"How come you can't just go stop Thanos, from what I see, you are not held by the same rules as the others as you can do as you want so long as you have a vessel," Sora said calmly,

"I can't, there are many conditions for me to act. I can restore what has been destroyed, I'm not called the phoenix force for nothing. what you see before you are simply the phoenix force that embodies psionic energy. the true phoenix embodies rebirth and all psionic energy," She said softly, Sora nodded slightly before he smiled after thinking something.

"Come and seat and let's watch the show," Sora said with a smile, Mei angrily looked at Sora. this was no time to play around, if Sora can't copy Thanos, then this universe is done for. but she sat down,

if everything is destroyed, she will simply grab onto Sora's soul and force him to come back to life, enslave it so he would be with her forever. this would give her the best of food, and that pleasure from doing it with him forever. just the thought of it made her eyes glow slightly.

meanwhile, back within the void of space. be it Doom, Trigon, or the heroes, they were all working together to fight Darkseid. they were not foolish enough to allow someone from a higher dimension to gain any footage within this realm.

years in the past, Darkseid targeted the weakest dimension and tried to invade in a lowkey way, luckily Justice Man and the others stopped him. or else this universe would have been taken over,

Darkseid was lucked in battle, fighting Odin, Zeus, Shiva, Jade Emperor, Ra, Dormammu, and many other powerful beings teaming up. the scary thing about all of this was that Darkseid although losing was putting up a good fight.

though this, it could be seen how easily he would have crushed them if it was a one-on-one, over 10 of the strongest beings within the universe having to work together, yet Darkseid was still putting up a fight against them? truly scary.

their battle was heaven-shaking, they couldn't even fight among the others and instead moved to the void, where they fought, shaking the void with each impact.

'The Jade emperor? a cultivation world?' Sora thought while looking at the Jade Emperor, Mei's eyes twitched slightly seeing the in-between legs twitching. Sora was even eyeing guys now? maybe he was a good person who seek those who need help.

'Cultivation world and their beauty which could cause emperors to war over? beauty so high that even the most prideful of people would simp over?' Sora thought with a smile, thinking of the many possibilities and heaven-shaking beauties out there... that of course his di... I mean help.

Back to the battle, the battle was slowly coming to an end. Justice Man and Justice Girl flew through countless stars, each star giving them greater and greater power. with a shield and sword in each hand, they shot toward Darkseid who was thrown into the sky by Zeus.

Zeus who had just recovered was forced to rejoin the battle to save this world, he was, of course, annoyed, and his rage was felt through his attacks as he sent Darkseid up.

Justice Girl and Justice Man shot toward each other, both gathering everything they had, all of their energy within their body, it all gathered into their swords. with a boost of power from the many sun gods, along with the knowledge of the sword Dao sent to them by the Jade Emperor

for this short amount of time, they were one of the strongest beings in the universe, and with a defenseless Darkseid before them, they were unstoppable it was almost sure that they would win. with a cry, their glowing swords were swung forward, sending a huge sword slash with swallowed Darkseid.


the sword slashes meant, with Darkseid in the middle of the sword. everyone was as the outline of Darkseid slowly turned to dust, disappearing from this world. The Jade emperor waved his hands, teleporting Justice Girl and Justice Man back to earth, they were tired and out of energy, they would not be able to move for the next few years.

now, the battle to destroy the Darkseid army began, so much easier but even though it took hours, there was no time to waste as the other big guys who stayed back watching the battle made their move.

the evil gods and stepped out, and along with the other villains, they all moved to try and conquer the universe. this was the best time while all of them were tried or badly injured from that battle, but before they could clash, the universe shook.

everyone froze as they slowly turned to look toward the center of the universe, there Thanos's shadow seems to be growing, covering the whole universe. everyone's heart dropped as they looked at the evil smile on Thanos's face.

Thanos slowly disappeared, and before everyone he reformed, looking at everyone with a disdainful look as if he was looking at nothing more than a bunch of ants. all the gods moved, they sensed Sora was powerful, so they got ready for an all-out battle.

but Thanos waved slightly, and all of them flew backward while coughing up mouthfuls of blood and were on the edge of death. Thanos looked at what he just did before he slowly smiled, this was true power. no need for a gauntlet, this was his power. he had every power and ability he could think of, he was all-powerful.

now he had to steal the heart of the universe from all universes, ascend to the 4th dimension as an unstoppable being, and slowly he would reach the level where he would meet Death's true form, and make her pay. as for Death living with Sora, she would suffer soon, but she was just an avatar of her true self. she was not even 1% of her true self, she was infinitely smaller than her true form.

"you're not letting them die?" Thanos asked with a cold smile as he looked toward Death who had appeared not too far away from them. Death looked at the gods Thanos sent flying with but a wave before she sighed, she was going against her nature.

"your problem is with me, not them." Death said calmly, making Thanos's eyes widen slightly before his face twitched in rage. Death was going out of her way to protect Sora, how could he stand this? He gave her everything, yet she went to the man he hated the most right now? and she was even doing the impossible and putting herself out to protect someone?

Death seeing the look in Thanos's eyes sighed, in the past, she planned for this. she wanted Thanos to go even madder when she saw how she was enjoying life with someone who did him dirty. but she never expected that she would end up enjoying life.

Death opened her skull mouth, wanting to speak. but before she could speak, Thanos punched her, but shockingly nothing happened. it was like a normal human trying to punch someone far away, Death went on guard, but was confused at what happened.

"Haha, big purple, why are you so down?" Beam master suddenly appeared, while laughing at Thanos, Thanos's face darkened as he looked at Sora, He rushed forward towards Sora, but to his shock, Sora reached out and easily grabbed his neck.

Thanos was strong, but Sora had copied Infinity, The Phoenix force, and Death, which was enough for him to copy the current Thanos. Sora's mental power got a huge boost when he copied the phoenix force, so he could handle coping Thanos although this made him tired, he was quickly recovering.

"you're strong, but you have not touched upon the true power of the universe, tap into it, and show me what you got. cool your mind," Sora said with a smile as he threw Thanos away like throwing trash, Sora copy ability was perfect.

he copied Thanos along with the current power he had taken, Thanos haven't tapped into it, so Sora copied him along within that untapped power. of course, Sora instantly tapped into the full power unlike Thanos who didn't have a proper mental state to do so,

Thanos also realized this upon catching himself in the air, he looked at Sora with deep rage filling his eyes. he didn't understand how Sora got so powerful, or maybe he was always this powerful, but that didn't matter.

He calmed himself down, and his power slowly began to increase. seeing this, Sora copied him gain while he attacked, Thanos quickly attacked, his power skyrocketing, and step Sora copied, allowing his power to suddenly reach a point where he was forced to not dare to use his power or else the whole of the 3rd dimensions would be destroyed.

Sora just suppressed his power as he kept copying, without knowing it copied Thanos over 10 thousand times. with this, Sora pretty much had the power of over 10,000 hearts of the universe and more.

Sora snapped his finger slightly, and with that snap, Thanos found that he lost his powers, at the same time the heart of the universe returned to where it belonged.

"Well, I should be going, Death and I are working on a child," Sora said with a smile as he took Death into his hands and disappeared, leaving behind a stunned and enraged Thanos. of course, Sora was not planning on ever having a child. but he had to work to that point, he was seeing he would want a child in never... kids are a pain in the ass