
Ch 658 - It’s a Win–Win

Louisa was stunned. It was the first time that she had heard Maryann speak so honestly and deeply, and she longed to hear more.

"You know, things would be much easier if the men in our families could put their differences aside," Maryann said, sighing. "Their stupid egos cause so much distraction and destruction."

She's right, Louisa thought. How many times have I asked my brothers and uncles to let me take charge—only to have my ideas ridiculed!

"Blue Bottle Winery is a wonderful company with a huge market share," Maryann continued. "You guys keep me on my toes. But your uncle Steven is a problem. He's not playing fairly. Instead of honing your technical advantages, he's deceiving customers to make a fast buck. Not to mention that he has no problem attacking his competitors using underhanded methods." She shook her head. "Your family dominates the industry, and yet my company is fine, while yours is on the verge of bankruptcy. That's a result of poor management."

Louisa looked uncomfortable; she couldn't deny any of this.

"Louisa, I know you're not a bad person," Maryann went on. "You can't blame Alex for any of it. Even if you killed him, it wouldn't be the end of your problems. But it's not too late to change things. If you can compete fairly and keep your company clean, then you can still have a bright future."

She met Louisa's gaze. "You can't expect to take on Alex and win," she said. "You're just torturing yourself with this vendetta. Of course, I can't force you to be sensible. It's your choice."

It took Louisa a minute to compose herself. "Family is not a choice," she said sadly. "Everything you've said sounds wonderful, but we're not living in some fantasyland, Maryann. I must be loyal to the people who have loved me and raised me. Whatever they do, I must suffer the consequences. Their enemies become my enemies, too."

"I thought you were smarter than this," Maryann said, shaking her head with disappointment. "We all have pain in our lives. It's how we deal with it that sets us apart and has the power to change the course of our lives. But you seem determined to wallow in hatred. There's nothing more I can say, Louisa, but I wish you the best on your chosen path."

She had meant every word, but, by this time, she was tired of Louisa and wished to get on with business. "If you don't mind, Alex and I were having an important meeting before you burst in. Please put back my bottle of champagne and leave us to it."

Alex pulled out his jar of Golden Health, sat it on the desk, and opened it.

Louisa knew she had been defeated. She glanced briefly at the Golden Health powder, catching a whiff of an unusual scent, and she had her suspicions about what the jar contained. But, despite her curiosity, she was too proud to ask. So, without another word, she walked gracefully out of the office.

As if nothing had happened, Alex got straight down to business. "So, what do you know about this health powder?"

"Well, obviously, I know that it works wonders on all kinds of trauma," Maryann began. "I also know that it's made by the Moon Palace cult and that they strictly forbid spreading it outside their community."

What she also knew, but refrained from saying, was that the original Moon Palace formula was extremely hard to replicate. Whatever version Alex had concocted couldn't compete on strength. Yet, even if it were only half as effective as the original, she knew this product would take the US by storm.

"It's a rare product with the power to change people's lives," she added.

He smiled. "You're well informed."

"What are your projections?" she asked.

"Did you not get the report from the marketing department?" he asked. "I thought you would have received it by now."

She walked to her desk and opened her email. After a number of clicks, she froze. "That much money?" Her jaw dropped.

"That's a conservative figure," he said with a grin. "Once we break into the export market, we'll easily triple that."

She barely heard him as her eyes skimmed through the full report. It seemed like no sacrifice to stall all wine production now—and maybe forever. There was no time to lose.

Cooperating with Alex was set to make her extremely rich. They already had staff and equipment, so they would only need to make a few adjustments to get started.

"Let's do it!" she said.

She picked up the phone and asked Julie to send in the legal team. Moments later, Alex and Maryann looked over the contract that would make Alex the new chairman of Robinson Winery.

Alex was surprised by Maryann's excitement and the speed with which she signed.

He had pitched this partnership to her as a win-win, but he knew he was getting a lot more. As chairman of the board, he had all the power he needed without any pressure to show up for work every day and get involved in management. He could produce his health powder and take eighty percent of the profit, while she came away with just twenty percent.

Maryann was thrilled. By signing the contract, she had ensured Alex was tied to her. He now had a legal obligation to help her business, so he would have to spend more time with her.