
Inside of Tokyo Ghoul

"Tsk, so this is how it's gonna end," Akira muttered under his breath with furrowed eyebrows. His fingers tapped anxiously on the armrest of the wheelchair. He raised his face again, only to look at his wife and two daughters crying their eyes out in grief as they begged him not to close his eyes. His finger faltered at the horrific sight, and he muttered again. "I did what I could in this life. I was a good man, raised a family, earned good money. Huh, I guess this world is just unfair" were his last words before he closed his eyes, accepting the unavoidable embrace of death. But the unexpected had yet to happen. Death would not be the end for Akira. To his bewilderment, he found himself in the body of a high school boy called Kaneki. Confusion and disbelief gripped him, a man primarily driven by rational thinking and the pursuit of benefit. Would he accept his new life as a ghoul rather easily, or would he struggle like the previous Kaneki?

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7 Chs

A Ghoul's Dilemma

"Moukan-chan, how have you been? I've... missed you," a mature woman said, her voice carrying a gentle tremor as she clutched the phone to her ear.

"My love, I missed you too. It's just... these days, I'm too busy. I can't even come home to see you. I'm sorry, my love."

"Have there been a lot of ghouls causing trouble for you, dear? I told you this job is dangerous for you... and you refuse to quit. What do you even have in that stubborn head of yours!?"

The beautiful woman's concern painted her features, her body moved on it's own losing tracks of her surroundings, wholly focused on the distant voice on the other end of the line.

"Hahaha, don't be like that. You know exactly why I'm in this field."

"I know, and that's why I'm so worried. I feel that you wouldn't hesitate to throw your life away for the sake of killing a ghoul and leave me alone. I don't think I'll be able to accept that. So please, husband, come back."

Silence lingered on the line, heavy with unspoken emotions. Moukan couldn't find the words, and after a prolonged pause, a heavy sigh escaped his lips before he hung up. 

Her tears triggered by his cold-hearted response flowed from her eyes, the rain hit her griefed face, as she fell to the ground on her knees.

" I know, I know it's selfish from me, but can't you just give it up? why not for me, I love you more than any words can say, but the worry in my soul can only grow with every step you take further away from me, into that bloody path, please ."

Meanwhile akira looked at the sobbing women before him, she seemed sad as she cried her heart out in the dark and empty alley.

" I have to do it, or else I'll die " He said reminding himself as he tried to get rid of the uncomfortable sensations going through his whole being.

"NOW OR NEVER!" The mantra echoed in his mind, urging him forward. Akira descended from the building, his footsteps lost in the relentless downpour. Closing the distance, he reached the vulnerable woman. His trembling hands hesitated, his body stood frozen, he couldn't move an inch. The rain poured down relentlessly, as if reflecting his inner conflict.

" Th-is...I can't, couldn't I just run, no one is forcing me to this"

Alas his resistance got weaker and weaker, his kagune emerged from his back and his eyes transformed, a primal and savage desire seemed to consumed him.

"sh-e is...innocent..."

The air in the alley carried a scent of damp decay and wet asphalt, Akira stood rooted, but that didn't last long as suddenly the woman turned towards him the image of her tear-stained face ingraved itself in his mind.

"Noo..." he muttered.

"Who are yo-" 

Before she could finish her words, Akira's hesitation vanished, and his fist struck with a silent ferocity, connecting with the her face, her nose broke and her teeth flew to the ground as she dropped unconscious in an instant. 

"Huh...I can't let...huuhh... you live... huuh after seeing my face. I'm sorry." The sound of his labored breathing filled the damp alley. Akira stared at the unconscious girl before him, a deep sense of remorse haunting him. "Damn it," he muttered.

He got on his knees, his fingers tightening around her throat with a firm grip.

Suddenly the silence of the alley was shattered by the ghastly sound of bones snapping, sending an unsettling shiver down his spine.

"Damn it, what have I done..." His hands trembled as he gathered her lifeless form, awkwardly placing it into a thick black sack and ran home reassuring himself that sooner or later he will get used to it.

"Thud!" The reverberating sound of something hitting the floor echoed through the apartment.

"Huuh, finally arrived..." Akira thought as he took his wet clothes off, dragged the black sack into the living room. His mouth watered with hunger, as if he hadn't eaten for months. The scent in the air made him feel like the most delectable feast had been meticulously laid out before him.

His ghoul eyes materialized again as he lifted the corpse.

He began to devour it's tender flesh in a primal frenzy. The earlier nausea dissipated, replaced by an insatiable craving. Savagely tearing limbs, he indulged in a rather gruesome feast.

Crunch! Crunch!...

The voice of bone getting chewed was disturbing.

Akira continued his meal until his stomach could hold no more. The tormenting hunger faded, leaving behind a grotesque half-corpse. Limbs scattered, the head rolled to a corner, the stomach spilled its contents on the floor creating a painting of pure terror. Akira looked at the remains, feeling slightly uncomfortable, but he was mostly numb.

"Look at this mess" he self-mockingly exclaimed.

Post-consuming his first prey, something within him shifted. Though he couldn't quite pinpoint it, besides the noticeable surge in strength, he sensed the absence of something he once used to cherish.

Frustrated, he summoned his kagune and scrutinized it.

"My kagune has become stronger and more durable, almost doubling in power. I can sense an endless energy circulating through my body, nourishing continuously," he contemplated, a cold expression on his face as he calculated. 

By his calculations, he believed that he would need dozens of bodies to achieve his current progress – and he was right!

Little did he know, that he was an anomaly, a monster far more dangerous than the previous kaneki.

After finishing his feast, he tidied up the scene, stowed her remaining parts into the fridge, and took another bath. Seated, he lit a cigarette.

Oblivious to the potential impact on the plot, be it be the act of killing the woman, the decision to consume her, or even leaving the café earlier, Akira remained unaware of how these actions would alter the narrative permanently.

"My main priority now is to increase my strength." His hands paused as if grasping an important thought. "I should save Hinami's parents, maybe even that old man... I can't be too heartless, can I? Hahaha. I can avoid many events if I use what I have wisely." he snickered.

Puffing smoke, he tapped fingers on the armrest, lost in thought. Throughout the night, scenarios raced through his mind. Sometimes he noted them down; other times, he would stare at the ceiling in a daze, weighing the benefits and disadvantages of his future actions until dawn.

"I don't feel tired. I even feel better. is this the benefits of being a ghoul?or maybe just youth. Well, it doesn't really matter."

Shielding his eyes from the brightening sky, he stood, gathered his belongings, and headed to Anteiku.


"Slowly now, no need to rush, but maintain those same spirals."


Wearing an attire similar to that of Touka's, Akira, now Kaneki, sipped the coffee he made according to Yoshimaru's instruction.

"Mmm, not bad," Akira remarked, earning an approving look. "Thank you, manager. I'll head down now." 

"Oh, Kaneki, before you leave, let me tell you something."


"I want you to know that Anteiku isn't your average coffee shop; it's also a place where the ghouls of the 20th ward can interact and feel at home. We also serve humans, and as for the reason…"

Akira looked at the old man in annoyance as he thought.

"I already know all of this; this feels like déjà vu."

After the boring conversation, he left and headed down. As he opened the door, he spotted two familiar figures; his smile widened as he walked towards them.

"Here we go."

"Hey, Kaneki!" Nagachica said with a smile.

"Hello, Hide. How have you been?" Akira said.

Nagachica's eyes flickered for a fraction of a second before returning to normal.

"I came here to thank Touka-chan, isn't that right, cutie?"

"Hey! What the hell are you saying?" Touka's cheeks flushed red.

"Oh, really?"

"She helped us out when we got caught up in that mess, remember?"

"Yes, I do remember. It was such an unfortunate accident, and we're okay; that is the most important."

Touka looked at him in surprise; his calm face showed no surprise whatsoever as he replied.

"What's with him today?" She thought.

"That's good" he said as he stood up and addressed Touka. "We were lucky to get away with just a few scratches thanks to you, Touka-chan.

All right, Kaneki, I'm finished here see you later."

After he left, touka looked at him with dead eyes.

Make sure he doesn't know about about your ghoul situation or else I'll slaughter him" her eyes glowed with killing intent as she threatened.

"I know, I know" 

An awkward silence filled the room before he said again.

"I'll be back in five minutes, Touka-chan" 

"Heyyy, where do you thin-"

 Before she could finish Akira slammed the door to her face and chased after Hide in a hurry.,

Hide who was about to ride his bicycle and leave, heard a shout.


He turned only to find Kaneki behind him.

"What is it, Kaneki?"

"Yesterday...you heard everything, Didn't you?" Akira said emotionlessly.

 Hide stood stiff as he looked at Kaneki in shock and disbelief.

"How did he know?" he thought.