
Inside of a cube

Isabell Harrington, a determined law student, as she dives into the enigmatic world of the drug-dealing club 'Throne of Demon' Fueled by the haunting memory of a girl named Emily. Isabell teams up with the mysterious and icy professor, Sebastian Lightwood. Together, they uncover jaw-dropping disclosures that draw Isabell into a hazardous web, revealing that the insidious club is indeed intricately linked to her own life.

Tehreem_Fatima12 · Acción
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36 Chs

Chapter Thirty Three

Isabell has forgotten the reason why she ran to the ground and everything in her mind was about Jade when she entered the building

Why the hell did he disclose his identity? What will happen to Jade?

They kidnapped Max just for talking with

us. We are the reason, his words are the reason why he is gone. What is the punishment for revealing yourself?


MY BROTHER kill his best friend too? Will they kill their members too?



kidnapped Max—



MAX! MAX! Freaking Max! Why the hell will Jade sell drugs to Arine if he loves her? Freaking Max Lied! Max was concealing him! Max lied, he was covering for them but they still kidnapped him.



will happen to Jade? He publically screamed his identity. Will they kill—

She wasn't done with the conversation when Isabell's head bumped into something

Her heart suddenly froze inside of her chest because she knew exactly what or whom




just smashed into

Isabell never lifted her head because she didn't have to confirm by looking at the face

"Hey, Sebastian," she said quietly





nger was not, it was never a word to describe the burning Sebastian

"How are you?" She asked, her head was still towards the floor

"Isabell, to my office now!" He ordered. Isabell didn't move a step forward but her mouth started to talk

"I- I have the a- an" plea

se don't do this with me please don't "An-

assignment to-to work on," her brain said

"The one you finished an entire month before the deadline?"

"No, I- No I mean I have a lecture to attend too"




he spared a glance at his watch


Exactly! You

have a lecture to attend, in

an hour"

We u

sed to be good at making excuses, getting through every trouble with words was our main talent, you crackhead! What happened to us, Isabell?


No, Sebastian I-I…"

Shut your useless mind "

Five seconds, Isabell" and

then I'll take my own life

"Come to my office or I'll carry you there"

Isabell used to be a nice person and now she is gone, will be the first thing this world is going to hear when the next morning will rise on horizons.


ne' Despite knowing that Sebastian would do what he had just said she preferred not to move, her eyes and feet stayed on the floor "Two"



e know how to walk?

"Three" Sebastian's jaws clenched, his eyes narrowed staring at the still Isabell "Four" Sebastian bent towards Isabell, informing her that he was never Joking "Five, Isabell" She remembered how to walk just half a second ago, and to her surprise, her legs do move so well. But because she was just having this new experience in her life, Isabell couldn't move fast. Her feet took small steps that could be named minor as well. They were practically rubbing the floor

Isabell knew that the wrath never left Sebastian and now staring at her tiny steps he started to fume as if he couldn't hold up anymore. Sebastian moved his hand down to her arm. He never seemed to mind the gazes from all over the building at them and he clasped his finger with hers.

Isabell knew that Sebastian always treated her gently but right at this moment his hand was the cruelest and most devastating thing she had ever touched. Not because his grip was tense but because it wasn't the usual touch of love and there was only one reason behind it.


because of you Isabell it's you who is making him run wild and now the only thing you can do is stay silent and bear the consequences


bastian moved faster dragging Isabell behind him. She could feel his hand trying to soften the grip but Sebastian was unable to help himself.

His feet stopped at the door of his office. Sebastian never released Isabell's hand instead he just unlocked the door with one hand. He twisted the keys with a pinch and it was open

Entering the office Isabell has expected everything, Sebastian was going to do.

If he yells at you, stay silent. If you can't find anything to say, keep apologizing. If he asks for a reason, make excuses. If you can't make an excuse, stay silent and close your eyes but never, never freaking ever let those damn tears appear in your eyes. Let him be if he throws things at you in anger.

But Sebastian had a habit of escalating Isabell's expectations

Once they were in the office. Sebastian smashed the door causing Isabell's body to startle

And the next thing Isabell knew to happen was him screaming at her in the soundproof walls. Sebastian moved towards her so fast that Isabell could not see him coming, her eyes squeezed expecting a slap from him

But all Sebastian did was a hug

A tight hug that could make Isabell see the beauty of living again. A hug to bring her back to life "I missed you" Sebastian said, his one hand was on the back of her neck while the other wrapped around her waist

"I missed you, Isabell"

Sebastian's head fell on her neck. Isabell could hear their hearts beating in the same rhythm "I missed you so much, Isabell" he repeated and only if he wasn't afraid of hurting her he would have hugged her tighter


missed you too


er brain talked


if I combine twenty-six alphabets of the English language in every single way possible I won't be able to describe how much I have missed you



ays, seventeen hours and twenty-nine minutes is the time I have been missing you. I was alone, living for two days with The Knight, locked in my room. I was all alone but you were still there, Sebastian.


when I closed my eyes, when I opened my eyes, in my heart, in my mind, in my room, at the door, at my window, on my table you were everywhere. You still are everywhere. You are right in front of me but I still miss you. I have been doing the same thing every second for two days. I hate myself for not telling you.


breaking me apart and if you let go of me right now I will shatter into a million pieces and will never be able to collect myself again


et go of me" I

miss you "

Let go of me, Mr. Lightwood' Her tone was dry, Sebastian's head lifted, his grip loosened "Code of Federal Regulations Title 34, Subtitle B, Chapter I, Subchapter B, Part 106" Sebastian's eyes flashed as if his brain just reflected on her words a thousand times in a second. His stare widened, face numb. Sebastian releases Isabell from the hug taking a trembling step back "Part 106.30: Prohibits sexual harassment, including sexual assault, and requires institutions to take prompt and effective steps to end the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects" She stopped

"Isabell, w-what?" his words come out broken "Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual behavior violating anti-discrimination laws, creating a hostile environment in employment, education, or activities" Sebastian gasps for air, his steps were still not getting straight,

"Hara-ssm-ent?" His voice vibrated

"You are nothing to me and I'm nothing to you, Mr. Lightwood" Isabell's hands moved to the back, trembling, her nails digging into each other stopping her from crying "I-I don't understand, I don't understand. What- what are you trying to say?" His breaths got heavier. Sebastian held a corner of the table to support himself because his legs weren't doing the work and they would drop him to the floor any time soon "I'm trying to say that" she moved a step back "Stay away from me, Mr. Lightwood. We are not in a relationship. You are just a professor and I'm just a student" Sebastian stayed silent, his face confused and terrified "Your hug is an act of harassment towards me, Mr. Lightwood" Her feet went further back. Sebastian bit his bottom lip, his eyes darkened, and veins tightened on the forehead. "What are you playing at, Isabell?" His voice was low but still intense "I'm not playing at anything but we have been doing this child's play and now we should grow up"


me please hate me. I don't deserve your love. I don't deserve your care. My brother was the reason your sister died and I can't laugh with you, stay happy with you because I'm the reason why Emily never got this, because you lost your sister and lived in a nightmare. I can't do this, Sebastian. Please hate me


Isabell, I don't know why are you doing this bu—"

"You can see why I am doing this. We have been acting like messed up teenagers and now we need to grow—"

"You know I can read your expression, Isabell and I know something is wrong. I know you are not angry. You are afraid right now" he breathed heavily

"You think so highly of yourself, Mr. Lightwood," she said

"Tell me what's wrong. Tell me what is fearing you" his gaze suddenly went softer looking at her.

I can't hold myself. I can't stop myself from breaking in front of him anymore. We need to end this right now


only thing wrong there is your head—"

"You know you aren't good at acting" Isabell inhaled deeply

"You would never see me again except for the class, Mr. Lightwood" she made sure to not look obvious while her nails brutally dug into her skin making her want to scream "Don't try to message me- I'm going to block you anyway. Don't even think about coming to my home, Mr. Lightw—"

"What's wrong, Isabell?" He took a step forward and Isabell took one backward "Did something happen again? Tell me, Isabell, tell me what's wrong I'll—"

"We are parting ways and our direction won't be the same anymore. Thank you for every favor you have given me" and then Sebastian laughed, he laughed in disbelief.

"Goodbye," and he went silent, no laugh, no smile. Fear appeared on his face again when he called her name

"Isabell" his expression froze at their place, the brain didn't seem to wrap around what was happening

"Goodbye, Mr. Lightwood"

Isabell turned around, and her feet moved to get the door. Sebastian stood upright still holding the table but with a harder grip this time.

I am sorry

She took one more step.

I'm sorry I don't have a choice.

Sebastian's lips parted and he said

"Goodbye, Isabell Harrington"

Tears rolled down her eyes, legs moved faster. She clenched the handle to the door with her bloody hand, forcing it to open and in a moment she was already out

Isabell closed the door behind them, she heard a sound, she knew what it is

Sebastian was done being strong

Sebastian had broken down


better for him, it's better for him, he should stay away from you. Please, Isabell, it's better for him. He will stay safe. It's better if he stays away from you.

Isabell kept on yelling to herself but her body was shivering and she couldn't even hear herself screaming. Her hands collapsed down, head hanging between her shoulders. Isabell dragged her legs to walk.

She looked lifeless

Taking her feet forward, Isabell passed through her class, she stopped for a moment to stare at every memory she had in there and her voice spoke to her slowly

I remember the first day when I met Ashley she was an extrovert, a crazy being for mythology. The girl jumped around me in the crowded corridor as I said I knew Phoenix, everyone knows about Phoenix, you dummy. I never imagined that she would be so close to me one day that leaving her will be this hard.

There were still some students in class but not her friends. Isabell's eyes traveled to the center first, her stare stayed there for minutes and her eyes never left that seat. No one was sitting there, Nothing on it and all empty just similar to the person it belonged to.

The day I met Steve, a tall and handsome guy sitting in the center front, one minute of convincing was all it took to give me the seat and to keep it for me every single day. We gave him so many names, Silly Steve was my favorite but there is no Silly Steve now, there is no Steve now. There is just a deadly monster who kills people, a human who never deserves to stay alive.


eyes looked at the door



tudent was late on the first day. Ethan came to the class in the middle of the day. And the only thing he did was to ask me to join the art club and I refused. He still smiled. He said it was okay but why did he make my life unokay?



't we all friends, Ethan?



t I your friend, Steve?



r eyes were firm and fuming but in a moment they loosened up when they traveled across the room, they were now darting at all the places at the same time


tian threw me out of the class from there,



tian called my name for the first time when I was standing there



tian stared at me when he was angry,


he was happy,


he was irritated


his eyes wanted to ask me anything,



they tried to tell me something.

He i



He i














tian is everywhere and I still can't see him



tian is everywhere and I still can't see him

She knew that the memories would glide Isabell with them and she couldn't bear drenching down. Isabell turned her feet and started to take steps again but every inch of this building was filled with memories, memories of people she lived with, memories of people she hated and whom she loved

The status of themis stood there. It had been there forever but right now for the first time in four years it was making her eyes itch, it was making her angry and disgusted

"Law is not blind, it's eyes open freaking wide to power and money," she said to the themis "I'll rip your freaking eyes off!" she yelled

"Don't scare her or she gonna turn your life upside down" Someone stopped by her scream and she didn't respond to him

"Looks like someone just had a break up" Ethan mocked with a smile "What is your problem, Ethan?" her mouth was spitting fire

"So many of them you know but half of my problems just wiped away looking at this ideal Isabell crying" he smirked and stepped forward to her. Isabell stared at him, his eyes had rage in them, "Shut your fucking mouth"

"Or you gonna break my heart too?" he laughed loudly, he moved closer, his bandaged hand lifted and Isabell grabbed his injured hand fiercely

"Fuck!" Ethan wailed

"If you ever appear in front of me again. I swear I am going to fit a knife in your neck" she yelled at his face, hurled his arm away, and walked away while Ethan looked somehow startled at this unusual Isabell