
Inside of a cube

Isabell Harrington, a determined law student, as she dives into the enigmatic world of the drug-dealing club 'Throne of Demon' Fueled by the haunting memory of a girl named Emily. Isabell teams up with the mysterious and icy professor, Sebastian Lightwood. Together, they uncover jaw-dropping disclosures that draw Isabell into a hazardous web, revealing that the insidious club is indeed intricately linked to her own life.

Tehreem_Fatima12 · Acción
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36 Chs

Chapter Thirty One

Chaos spread all across the police station when they stepped into it

A girl with curly hair dressed in uniform was sitting in front of an evidence board, her eyes dug into it, disconnected from the surroundings. Two police officers were apparently fighting for snacks

"Give me my chips back, Scammer Sam″ one of them yelled running behind the other

"You stole mine last time so we are even, Ben" The other threw a shout in return "Stop right there!" He wailed from the back "Never happening" Sam jumped behind a desk with a mischievous grin. The abnormality in the Police station occurred normally to others as if it was a part of their daily routine but the disturbance didn't last for long when a female detective walked in, "Stop playing" she said and the two of them ignored her still arguing with each other

"Get back to work!" Her voice thundered "Give me one minute to fix him, Grace"

one of them screamed

"Idiots!" she said and this time they listened and stopped. She moved forward with an annoyed face, her steps stopped at astonished Isabell and Sebastian

"May I help you?" The detective asked "We are here to file a report" Sebastian answered moving his eyes from the mess to her "I am Grace. Please wait there, The detective will be here soon" Grace gestured towards an empty desk

"Okay" he replied and the female detective went to a neighboring desk

Sebastian and Isabell sat on the other desk in silence, and in a moment the silence was gone when a detective entered the station practically running towards the desk of Grace

"I am done with him!" He shouted, hurling a file at her desk "What happened now?" she asked oppositely "Larsen Nales has sealed his freaking mouth. No matter how many times I ask, he won't say a word" he growled "He won't tell you anything, Rhys. I told you we need to shift him somewhere else"

"No! We won't, I will send him to jail. I Will!" he punched the table with a tight fist

"You have already done your best and there is nothing more you can do," the female detective said "I can handle this, I can handle him but the only problem is that he understands the Law so freaking well!" he shouted in irritation "He is the best lawyer in here, of course, he knows every single word exists in books of law" Concern and annoyance stretched across her face,

"These father and daughter gonna make two of our fellows crazy" Sam walked to them "Look at Nora" he pointed at the girl in front of the evidence board "I swear this girl looks less annoying while watching the series in the entire damn duty time"

"No matter how many hours you spend, Tiara Larsen won't appear in front of you from it, Nora" Ben said in a mocking voice

"I've scrolled through every scene, but she's playing hide and seek like a pro. Can't catch her anywhere, no matter what I fit in here she seemed to slip from every series!" she said chewing on a gum

"You need to relax yourself or you gonna be on her radar soon" It was Sam who spoke

"I know how to bounce it back, bro, have binged more dramas than she ever heard of" Her head moved with her words

"I am sorry for the interruption" everyone turned their heads towards the voice "But we have been waiting for a while," Sebastian said in his deep voice

"We are sorry" The detective abruptly moved to his desk "I am sorry" he repeated, sat on the chair and everyone got back to work as well

"What can I do for you?" He asked in a friendly tune "We are here to report a burglary at my resistance" Isabell said

"I am sorry to hear that. Can you provide me with some details? When did it occur?" Rhys opened a pen and flipped the page of the notepad

"Last night around tw- twelve," he wrote the information down

"Was anyone home"

"Yes, I- I was" Isabell's voice started to fade from the memories

"Was anything stolen?" He asked

"No, Nothing was missing" She moved her head to the sides

"Do you recognize the person" Her head stopped moving, she looked at Sebastian asking for an answer, but he didn't give her a reply and left the choice to herself

"No" she answered

"Is there anyone you suspect?" Isabell took a deep breath, didn't look at Sebastian this time, and parted her lips to reply. But a familiar voice got in her ears and she stopped

"Are my eyes seeing things?" the two of them turned their heads around "You here for court marriage?" he screamed making them the center of attention

Sebastian burned at the sight of Ethan "You–" he tried to stand when Isabell grabbed her hand, stopping him

"Come with me," The officer by his side said "Congratulations, by the way" he laughed a wild laughter and followed the officer

"This Scumbag here again," Sam said from his desk in an irritated voice. "It's his third visit of the week," Ben said in the same tune "Why does he think we'll bail him out from those goons? Dude needs to cough up the cash and bounce, instead of relying on some desperate plea to the cops." Nora was the one to pass her annoyance

"Do you guys know him?" Rhys asked them



The both of them shouted at the same time making the detective startled "Okay" Even though he said okay, he still stared at them

"I'll ask you a few more questions," the officer said and the interview continued

After About ten minutes he was done with questions about both of their reports

"Thank you for the service" Sebastian stood up from the chair and shook hands with Rhys "It's our duty, Sir" he replied with a smile

"Let's go" he moved to Isabell

"Can I get five minutes? I need to make an important call" she asked him "Sure, I'll wait for you in the car" Sebastian nodded to Rhys one more time and they walked out

She plucked a leaf from a tree, spun the stem from her pinch and it pivoted, she stopped and crushed it in her fist. Isabell held the phone firmly, expressions didn't seem to be on her face, it was all shadow and gloom "Take care of yourself" She said before hanging the call. Dropping the phone in her pocket Isabell turned around, staring only at the ground she took a step forward

Her step stopped when she felt the presence of another person

"So you decided to ignore all of my threats and go on a date with him in the police station?" Ethan was standing right in front of her, she didn't look up and tried to walk a step away when his hand made her pause "Leave me alone, Ethan" she said quietly "You don't mind my warnings, right?" He asked moving the foot towards her and her lips stayed in their place

"Let me tell you a story, Isabell" he said stretching his lips halfway "Once there was a professor with a dashing personality and a perfect image. He was an ideal for everyone and they wanted to be like him. All the students had an enormous amount of respect for him but then" he stopped for a smirk "A tsunami of misfortunes hit his life, it ruined him, destroyed everything he built, and left him barren" he finished still sneering. Isabell kept her mouth silent for some moments

"What do you want to say?" She asked "I got some pictures of the two love birds, you know, in a cafe, in front of someone's house and a couple of more places" He laughed and her frozen expression lost its rigidity "I wonder how the entire university gonna react when they find out about them" he threatened

"What do you mean?" Isabell said staring directly into his eyes, she was more afraid of what he was going to say that she was ever of him "Oh, you are so cunning, I don't need to explain this to the smart Isabell" Her broad eyes remained at his face

"What- What do you need?" Ethan smiled, swayed a tongue over his lips "This is the one reason I am so interested in you. Always talking to the point" he laughed at his own words "What do you need, Ethan?" She asked again and the laughter was gone

"Leave him!" he said

She fell a foot back in shock "What?" Ethan walked one step toward her

"Break his heart and leave him" he laughed again and louder. Her throat suddenly went dry, her stomach got punched by the words

"Wh–why do you want this?" her voice sounded strange to her ears

"Don't you already know the answer? He broke my freaking hand, he destroyed my entire career. I can't even hold a brush in the damn hand" Isabell didn't reply to him and then his thumb moved at her wrist, sending shivers down her body "He- didn't— it's not- it's not possible–it's-" she tried to speak, tried to take her hand away but he gripped it harder "I know that, of course, I know that but I can't allow myself to see you happy" Ethan removed his hand from her wrist and in an instant, he lifted it to her neck "So have some pity for me please" his hand rubbed at the side of her neck, she attempted to move back but it was in vain "Don't-don't do thi-" Ethan's face moved closer to hers, she squeezed her eyes trying to move her head but she couldn't "Don't, please don't–" Ethan was closer, close enough for her to feel his breath, her eyes dug in the skin, face struggling to get away from his grip, begging for him to stop and suddenly she felt him thrown away by a thunder.

Isabell opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she was seeing

Sebastian came out of the blue and an aggressive attack on Ethan's chest made him meet the ground


"Touch her again and I will detach your arm from your shoulder!" Sebastian shouted. Ethan tried to argue back but before he could say anything Sebastian grabbed her hand and took her with him while he stayed on the ground

Sebastian didn't ask anything, all he was doing was to calm himself down.

The road walked along with her in the car. Water from the river flowed lightly with her when they passed from the Long Bridge. From the mirror in front of her, she looked at Sebastian who was trying to get his breaths back to normal from the last ten minutes.

He looked at her in the mirror and her eyes suddenly moved away. "Don't you" he inhaled deeply "Don't you have anything to say to me?" Sebastian tried to keep his voice calm but it never helped, there was nothing in him but anger "No" She was barely audible "Seriously, Isabell!" His eyes sharpened, teeth ground into each other, and grip hardened over the steering wheel. Sebastian concentrated on his breaths but he failed again

He ran a hand from his hair, aggressively, and moved his head to the side because nothing was helping him with his anger

Sebastian stopped the car and without saying anything he stepped out, smashing his side of the door. He walked to the side of the bridge leaving her alone in the car. Isabell stared at his empty seat, her expression grew in sorrow, she kept on looking at it and after a moment she opened the door and went out too. Sebastian seemed to feel her appearance but didn't look at her, his fingers kept running through his hair in frustration and his breathing was ragged, loud enough to reach her ears

"Why do you care about me?" She asked, standing at the door of the car, feet away from him. He turned to her, and never said a word "Why do you care about me so much!" She yelled at him "What do you mean?" His tone was still the same

"You are angry right now! You are so angry you can't even drive and I know, I know, I am the reason behind it but you won't say a word to me, you won't yell at me!" She cried, Sebastian didn't respond, he stayed silent for a long moment and then his lips unclenched

"The last thing I want to do is to hurt you by any means," he said staring at the space on the road

"Aren't you done being with me? Aren't you done bearing me? Fed up with me?" She asked, Sebastian looked at her with fury in his eyes, his hand tightened into a punch "Don't you dare" he tried to inhale his anger sharply "Don't- don't say anything like this ever again, Isabell" he breathed out

"Everyone- everyone says it- they say I am a bad person. They behave like I am the villain of their lives. They blame me for every bad thing happening to them! Why?" She asked innocently and Sebastian moved to her "Why do they say it? What have I done with them?" Her warm tears floated through her eyes

"I don't know about anyone" he stopped at two feet of distance between them. "I don't care about anyone or whatever the hell they say. I care about no one but you. I don't want to protect a thing in this world but you" She looked up into his eyes, they were soft and they made her want to cry even more. Everything she was holding in herself, she wanted to cry until every tear was gone and she set free from the misery.

"Why does it always have to be like this? Why am I the evil one in the end? Why does everything I want to do right turn wrong?" She cried harder. Sebastian closed one step, he placed a hand over her shivering shoulder

"Listen to me" he said bending down to her face "It's okay if you don't want to tell me what happened and I promise I won't force you to tell me but, Isabell. I can't see you like this. I can't stay standing in a corner when you're breaking up. I know you haven't let anything go, you still blame everything on yourself about your friends, about what happened to Emily, and everything. I know that it will take time but you can't let the grief consume you. You need to tell yourself that it's okay, you need to be an okay person, Isabell" She shook her head to sides

"I can't- tell myself it's okay, I messed everything up. I don't know how- how to fix it. I make the wrong people my friends. I was the reason why she was dead. I am the reason why you are hurt. No matter how many times I tell myself, it doesn't make sense" her eyes never stopped shedding tears

Sebastian took her face in his hands, and and brushed his finger over her hair, sending them to the back of her ear

"I am with you. I am here by your side and will always be. We can fight this. We will make it okay" Her lips stayed sealed. Sebastian moved closer and placed a kiss on top of her forehead, she closed her eyes. The frowns left her face and she breathed calmly

"It's okay, Isabell. It will be okay" She nodded to him slightly

Sebastian took her in his arms and hugged her tight

"It's okay, Isabell," she said and he smiled. "It's okay" Sebastian lightly tousled her hair

Her own house scared her, the corners of her eyes were seeing shadows that weren't supposed to be there.

Sebastian offered to stay but Isabell rejected. Even though she told him that she was going to be fine at home alone before her brother returned from the trip, she was still afraid of stepping into her room.

After coming back from the police station Isabell headed straight to her brother's room. She didn't know what she was searching for but knowing couldn't help her much as a click opened the door. Her heart skipped beats

"I'm home" The steps reached the doorstep of the room

"What are you doing in my room, Izzy?" Xavier asked in a strange tone of voice "I- I was cleaning your room" She had never even taken a piece of garbage from his room in her entire life and Xavier knew that "Okay well… thank you," he said while not expressing gratitude in his voice or over his face

"How was your trip?" Isabell asked with a smile stepping out of his room "It was good" he said stepping inside his room

No, it was not.

"Nice to hear that," She said and without waiting for a reply Isabell moved to her room, shutting the door a voice entered her head

'Hey, Zoe it's Isabell. Zavy's sister'

'Hello, Izzy. Sorry for not attending the call earlier, I didn't recognize your number'

'It's okay, Zoe. I just wanted to ask how your trip was going. I can't get in contact with Zavy'

'What trip?'

'The study touryour departments had'

'I think there is some type of confusion. Our department never arranged any type of tour. Maybe he made plans with Jade or something'

'But- oh okay, Iguess I was indeed confused'

'You know how these two guys are, always looking for trouble'

'aren't they'


'I gotta go, Thank you, Zoe'

'My pleasure, Take care of yourself, Izzy'

'Take care of yourself'

Dragging her body along the doorframe, Isabell sat on the floor.

Her hands opened, revealing a torn page from the notebook and another slipped into her pocket holding out a black note

It's same

It's same

Both of them are the same

They are the same

Every letter is written by the same hand





Knight wrote this note





It's similarto my brother's writing

This isn't possible







It's notpossible





My brother is The Knight

Xavier is The Knight

The person Isabell has been searching for an entire year lived under the same roof with her from forever. The person was the one she yelled at and cared about the most at the same time. The same person who was never involved in bad things

And the same person who killed people, the same who has killed Emily, and many more

Xavier is The Knight

He is the owner of the Throne Of Demon.

My brother- mybrother is the Knight

Isabell heard the footsteps of the same person reaching her door. She clenched her hands hard over her mouth tightly, retaining herself from making any sound. But she wasn't supposed to be afraid of a person who was meant to be her protector

"I'm going out with my friends, Izzy," Xavier said outside the closed door. Isabell crawled on the floor getting away from the door. She stopped her breath, expecting her voice to sound normal "Okay, Zavy" she paused "Have fun" her voice said

Xavier was gone and he took all the stares staring at Isabell with him too because they weren't strange to her now, they were something she had been seeing her entire life

My Brother Is The Knight

My Brother Is A Drug Dealer

My brother is a psychopath

My brother is a monster

My Brother Is A Murder

She couldn't yell and the unyelled scream made Isabell's breath stuck in her throat. Her breaths were shallow, and her entire body was shaking with fear, not having the strength to stand up, Isabell crept to