
Desperate Glory

I, so weak, so pitiful, I am nothing But a void of rage, seeking to be taken seriously, but they laugh, ignorant of my pain. I long to be great, to have them speak my name, To be a king, to tame the world's untamed.

Yet, such dreams may elude me, despite my will and might, Until I chanced upon a man, a shadow in my sight. His presence brought me comfort, I felt warmth when he said my name, He made me feel appreciated, as though someone cared.

But I was just someone for him to tame, A means to an end, a pawn in his game. I gave him what he desired, my innocence he did exchange, I felt loved and hopeful, he clothed me in his guise.

Now I reign as king, I am loved, and they call my name, Atop the world, yet still, I cannot find love's flame. For he is gone, and my heart aches, I gave him what he wanted, just a number in his stakes.

I achieved my desperate glory, but at a great cost, In due time, I'll pay for my sins, and all that's lost.