
Insane murders

The cops are about to go mad when a great judge goes missing without a trace. After a lot of futile searching for months, the case is closed and left pending. It's not until a year later after he goes missing when they find his body. They don't actually find the body but it is the killer who informs them of where he hid the body. Even after discovering the body it seems like the killer left no evidence behind. They hunt for him day and night but the killer seems to know each and every single move they make. He commits more murders but leaves behind only a single hint which is absolutely useless in finding him. The most surprising fact is that his victims are not connected as he claims they are. He offers to give them peace of mind if they can learn the connection and his identity. Most of them back out but a young detective is set to find the connection and bring all the chaos to a halt In the process he exposes himself to the killer. The killer has a big dream that he has to fulfill no matter the cost; commiting crimes that can never be solved. He wishes to be a role model to young aspiring criminals. How will his schemes be uncovered if he has made sure to leave not even a single hint behind. will all his cases remain pending?

Josieaeshma · Acción
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2 Chs

chapter 2

Jayden felt like throwing up at the sight of the human body resembling some jam.

Only the head and feet were intact. It was a females body ran over by a train.

The questions in his mind were threatening to explode his head.

On the same day when the famous judge was reported to be missing they find his wife's body on a railway track.

It was not certain if Richard was alive or not. But judging from his wife's situation they would have to stop searching for him and look for his corpse instead.

Being the lead investigator of this case was sure going to cause him an head ache. But solving this case would create history.

There was going to be a lot of excitement in the media once they came to know of this.

Jayden was not in any position to prevent the information from being leaked to the media.

Then he would have to deal with their pestering questions.

If he was having such a hard time he could only imagine what Alex was going through.

Alex was the master investigator of their department.

This case was a matter of his reputation. If he failed this time he would loose his respect for sure.

The best homicide investigators had been there for hours yet they could not find a single clue that was of any help.

The only thing that the killer had left behind was a plastic White rose fixed into the hair of the woman.

How on Earth was that going to help them if the killer had managed to clean up all the evidence.

The mystery killer seemed to be more experienced than the investigators.

There was still the case of Richard going missing. In this case the one responsible had made sure not to leave behind any clues.

Jayden could not tell if it was the same person behind the crimes or not.

He could not even tell if Richard was really missing.

According to speculation he might have been the culprit behind his wife's death and was now in hiding.

Others said it was suicide because she had not being tied.

However Jayden was more than convinced that this was actually homicide.

Not even the most unfortunate person in the world could choose to end their lives in such a brutal manner.

The White rose also meant that she had been murdered and the killer left it behind on purpose.

The only way to be sure would be finding Richard first.

There was no evidence showing that they had had a fight at any point.

And neither of the spouses was having an affair with somebody else.

All that was not helping at all. He had figured out that she was indeed murdered so what next.

Searching for an invisible killer was close to impossible if not impossible all together.

The postmortem results were yet to be released but they were not going to change anything.

Jayden went to Alex's office to check on him.

" Have you got anything useful?" Alex asked eagerly. " No" came the reply.

His facial expression was full of disappointment.

Richard's son were pressurizing him to find their father.

The media was another big head ache for him. In his entire career he never met with such kind of case before.

All cases though difficult were possible to solve.

The problem now was that he did not even have an idea of where to begin.

" They have found Richard's car" Alex said." But it was burnt."

" So his body was not there?" Jayden asked nervously.

Alex nodded. If that was the case then there was a chance that Richard might still be alive.

The only problem was that Alex's department only investigated homicides not kidnapping.

They would keep searching for his dead body unless he was confirmed to be really alive.

If it was kidnapping then they would have to wait for the kidnappers to ask for a Ransom.

Alex had no choice but to hand over the case to another department.

Though he was no longer in charge of the case he swore to get to the bottom of this no matter the cost.

If he was unable to solve this case then he was not worthy of being a detective.

If he failed in this one, he would make sure to resign.

He did not see the point of solving other cases if he failed in one.