
Little Fighter

Amelia's Pov

Ace looked down at me with amusement in his eyes. I stare at him wide-eyed, not able to form words. It was as if my words were struck in my throat, I tried to speak but his eyes were too...intimidating.

"Are you going somewhere, little fighter?" Ace questions and I frown. Little fighter?

"Don't call me that!" I whisper yell at him. Ah! My voice is back again but wait...why am I whispering?! I looked behind me, the bodyguards were back in their original spot.

"Why, little fighter?" Ace asks, teasing me with a smirk. I glare at him and humph.

"Go back to our room, I am coming" Ace says and I roll my eyes. It's been 5 minutes since he came here and he is already ordering me.

"Fuck you" I say under my breath and he chuckles. He bends down to my level since He was at least three feet taller than me.

His breath fans over my face, "You will, soon" With that, he disappears behind the door. All I did was stare at the door with wide eyes.