
A particular skillset

You can pick up a lot of things in prison ironically. There are programs like that in minimum-maximum security to ensure a good re-induction to society.

In Supermax, however, it's either find some hobby until the guards came to unlock your cell or hope the madness doesn't take you during isolation.

Inmate 1103 had many particular skills, including fighting ability.

For the hands of the felon were expertly massaging Kanon's legs. It was the most effective solution after all.

"Aren't you only doing half?" Kanon asked, seeing Sano finishing up. He could only pause, as he avoided eye contact with her.

"...I didn't want you to think I was trying to feel up your dress." Sano said, awkwardly.

"It's alright I know you're just trying to help me, so have at it." Kanon said with a smile.

Sano wanted to say, "You shouldn't say that to a felon", but the irony of it coming from the felon weighed too much on him to respond.

With a reluctant nod, he continued to massage Kanon's legs going up to her thighs. Lightly applying pressure to her muscles, he dug in deeper, careful not to go too far up.

"I'm sorry that I over-did it, Sano, I really appreciate this, aaGGGHS!" Kanon suddenly grunted.

"Did that hurt?" Sano asked. Kanon's head fell slightly before turning around.

"No, It just tickled, please keep going." Kanon said, as her face went pink.

"How about this?" Sano asked, applying pressure to her upper thigh.

Kanon let out another grunt.

"This tickles?" Sano asked, raising a brow. Kanon silently nodded burying her face into her elbows.

"I need you to be still. Can you handle it a few minutes?" Sano asked.

"I'll be alright." Kanon said, as her voice became husky trying not to laugh. But as the inmate continued a few escaped and Kanon twitched. Thankfully this didn't interfere with Sano's work as he eyed her legs.


To Sano's chagrin, he turned to see Haruomi in front of them pointing an accusing finger. He was fuming and grinding his teeth together. In his mind, he had found his teammate in a comprising position with a felon.

Of course, this wasn't the case, but Sano was continuously caressing Kanon's legs while she was flat on her stomach. Not to mention her legs were across his lap.

"Hi, Captain! It was my fault! Sano's been taking good care of me though." Kanon said.

"I can see that!" Haruomi shrilled, glaring at Sano for continuing despite his interruption.

"Coming through!" Erina called as she brushed past Haruomi and presented two bottles of sparkling water to the pair.

"Thanks, Erina, wait are these from your fridge?" Kanon asked.

"Why'd you bring 3?" Sano asked.

"For you! ...Unless you don't want it?" Erina said as she started to frown.

With a sigh, Sano paused his work on Kanon's legs and took the bottle from her. The way Erina had perked up almost made him smirk.

Kanon grabbed hers graciously and drank.

"Will she be alright? I don't mind doing the next part alone." Erina said, sipping her water.

"How does that feel?" Sano asked as he cupped Kanon's calf.

Kanon wiggled her left leg in response. No muscle pain or tightness.

"Pretty good." she replied.

Kanon wiggled her right leg and felt no immediate tension.

"Feels alright? But I can't be sure." she said, with a frown.

"I'll go for a little longer." Sano said as he pressed his hands onto Kanon's legs again.

"Kay, just wait Erina it won't be much longer, I think." Kanon said, as looked back at Sano.

"You both can wait. So wait and drink while you have the time. Not all of it if you can help it." Sano ordered, putting more pressure on Kanon's muscles.

"(I wanted to get ahead.)" Erina thought as she drunk with a pout.

As the three conversed, Haruomi noticed that they had completely forgotten about him.


The trio looked at Haruomi blankly.

"Now that I have your attention, why don't you let me handle your leg pains Kanon, I-aaAAAGH!" Haruomi cut himself off, after seeing the glare from Sano's eyes. IF looks could kill Haru would've died 1000 deaths. Erina glaring with Sano, making it 1001.

Off to the side, it looked like Sano's god-arc was morphing.

Erina young as she was, was fully aware of Haruomi's infamy. As relayed to her by Captain Kota, Haruomi could be classified as a Master Harasser.

"What's that Captain? Do you need a cough drop?" Kanon asked, oblivious to the killing intent from Sano.

"Uh, nope, are you sure you shouldn't just quit for today? I can ask someone to sub in for you." Haruomi asked.

She pleading looked at Sano, much to Haru's displeasure. He had only just stopped massaging Kanon and simply felt out her leg muscles.

"Try now." Sano said.

Kanon removed her legs from his lap and stood in a T-stance. Cautiously she bent her legs and pushed up. Still balanced, Kanon dared to do so again. She repeated this 3 more times, even adding a little jump.

Pleased with this she did a little spin and paced around the hallway.

"Wow, you're really good with your hands Sano! That's what you say to someone who gives you a massage right?" Kanon asked, ever so innocently.

Tell her yes, please, I want this fool to go mental.

"Don't thank me yet, time to get back to work." Sano ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Kanon stood at attention, with Erina joining her. The child kept one on the inmate and the other on Haruomi.

"You two are gonna do laps, do 3 around this whole building, I'm gonna work on my god-arc." Sano said, summoning his blade to his hand.

"WHAAAAA!?" Kanon and Erina shoutet with Haruomi.

"And wait, SIR!?" Haru added.

"3 times around the whole building...?" Kanon muttered.

"Wait, you're not coming!?" Erina complained.

"I can't leave the building if it doesn't involve aragami. I wanted 4 or 5, but since you're leg gave out, I'm shortening it to 3. Now get to it." Sano commanded, as exited the hall. But not before stopping at Haruomi.

"Now hold on here, Kanon are you really gonna listen to this guy-AAAGH!" Sano had his god-arc pointed at Haruomi's chin.

"And you keep your hands to yourself." Sano ordered, not giving Haruomi a chance to respond as he brushed past him.

"Ok, 3 laps...we can do this. Are you ready Erina!?" Kanon asked trying to bring forth her confidence.

"Uh, yeah." Erina didn't sound convincing.

"Wait you two, Kanon had an injury, and he wants you to run around the whole building!? Think about that!" Haruomi tried to reason with them.

By the time they acknowledged him again, they were already on the elevator.

"Whatever you said Captain, sure thing." Kanon said, as the doors closed. Erina stuck her nose up at him.

"Oh man..." Haru uttered with a frown.