
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasía
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51 Chs

The Goblin Den (part 1)

With a shared sense of purpose, the group spread out, each taking a position that provided cover and a clear line of sight to the goblin guards. Dion's fingers danced over the carvings on his [Spell-caster's Wand], his lips moving in a whispered chant. A magic circle materialized in the air before him, crackling with energy.

Caleb crouched behind a large tree, his Knuckle Blades glinting in the dappled sunlight. His muscles tensed, ready for action. Delia took cover behind a rock, her Mystic Blaster held steady in her grip.

With a nod from Luke, the plan was set in motion. Dion's chant reached a crescendo, and with a final gesture, he released a [Wind Slash] spell. The slicing wind surged forward, striking one of the goblin guards. The goblin let out a surprised yelp as the wind cut through its defenses, leaving a gash on its arm.

Seizing the opportunity, Caleb lunged forward with the speed of a striking snake. His Knuckle Blades gleamed as he unleashed a rapid series of jabs, each strike finding its mark on the goblin's shield and body. The goblin staggered under the assault, its attempts to defend itself faltering.

Delia, her focus unbroken, aimed her Mystic Blaster at the other guard. She fired a 'Shock' marble, the projectile hitting the goblin's shield. Electricity crackled and surged, causing the goblin to convulse and drop its sword.

Seeing the guards weakened, Luke dashed forward, his Ice Fang Dagger glinting in the dappled sunlight. With precision born from battles fought, he struck at the goblin engaged with Caleb.

His blade found its mark, and the goblin's form began to freeze as frost spread from the point of impact.

The goblin let out a strangled cry, its movements slowed by the encroaching ice. Caleb, his instincts sharp, followed up with a powerful punch that shattered the goblin's shield and sent it sprawling to the ground.

Dion's magic surged once more, a [Fireball] spell shooting from his wand towards the remaining guard. The fireball exploded upon impact, engulfing the goblin in flames. Its pained screeches echoed through the clearing as it tried to extinguish the flames that licked at its form.

With a final coordinated effort, the guard fell, defeated by the combined skills of the party members. The clearing was once again shrouded in silence, save for the crackling of flames and the rustling leaves.

As the adventurers caught their breath, Luke's gaze shifted towards the cave entrance. The entrance beckoned, its darkness a mystery waiting to be unraveled. He looked back at his companions, a silent question in his eyes. With a shared nod, they knew what lay ahead—a journey into the heart of the goblin horde's den, and the possible confrontation with the elusive hobgoblin.


The party's attention turned to the cave entrance, its dark maw a foreboding entrance into the unknown. Luke's resolve was unwavering, his eyes determined as he exchanged a glance with each of his companions.

Caleb cracked his knuckles, a grin splitting his face. "Well, that was quite the warm-up! Ready to see what's lurking in that cave?"

Dion adjusted his robes, his voice steady despite the tension in the air. "W-We should proceed with caution. T-There's no telling what w-we might find w-within."

Delia nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the cave entrance. "Agreed. We don't know what kind of traps or defenses they might have set up."

With a shared understanding, the party approached the cave entrance. The air inside was cool and damp, and the scent of earth and mildew hung in the air. Luke's hand tightened around the hilt of his Ice Fang Dagger, his steps confident as he led the way into the darkness.

They moved quietly, the only sounds the soft echoes of their footsteps against the cave walls. The light filtering in from outside gradually diminished, replaced by the inky blackness of the tunnel ahead. Torches lined the walls at intervals, their flickering flames casting dancing shadows.

As they ventured deeper into the cave, the walls seemed to close in on them, creating an atmosphere of claustrophobia. The passage twisted and turned, leading them further into the belly of the earth. The faint sound of dripping water echoed through the darkness, adding to the eerie ambiance.

Luke's sharp eyes caught sight of markings on the walls—crudely drawn symbols and signs that were unmistakably goblin-made. These were likely warning signs or messages to other goblins, indicating that they were in hostile territory. Luke made mental notes of these symbols, a habit developed from his years of training and battles.

Caleb's footsteps were silent despite his size, his brawler's instincts guiding his movements. He motioned to the others to stop, his keen ears picking up faint sounds ahead—a combination of hushed voices and the shuffling of feet. With a subtle gesture, he signaled to Luke that they were nearing a potential encounter.

Dion's grip on his wand tightened, his expression focused. He whispered a soft incantation, his [Arcane Insight] skill activating. His eyes glowed with a subtle light as he sensed the magical energies around them, attempting to gauge the number of magical signatures ahead.

Delia adjusted the strap of her mystical pouch, her fingers brushing against the vials of potions within. Her gaze remained steady, her instincts honed from years of alchemical study and experimentation.

The passage eventually opened up into a larger chamber, the flickering light of torches revealing a scene that sent a chill down their spines. A group of goblins stood in a loose formation, their beady eyes fixed on the intruders. Among them was a taller and more imposing figure—an armored hobgoblin with a wicked-looking mace at its side. It was the HOBGOBLIN

Luke's heart quickened, the tension in the air palpable. He exchanged a glance with his companions, each nodding in silent agreement. It was clear that they had found the heart of the goblin horde, and the leader that had eluded them.

Caleb's grin never wavered, his excitement palpable. He cracked his knuckles in anticipation, his energy radiating like a force of nature.

Dion's lips moved in a soft chant, his fingers tracing patterns in the air. He was ready to unleash his magic when the time came.

Delia's grip on her Mystic Blaster was steady, her gaze locked onto the hobgoblin's armored form. She had faced challenges before, but this was an opponent unlike any other.

As the tension in the chamber grew, the goblins' guttural voices rose, a mixture of anger and fear evident in their tones. The hobgoblin's eyes narrowed, its stance shifting into one of readiness. The time for diplomacy had passed—they were now faced with a battle that would test their skills, teamwork, and determination.

With a shared breath, the adventurers prepared to face the goblin horde and its formidable leader.