
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
51 Chs

First Quest (part 2)

As Luke prepared to embark on his first quest, Stephanie, the receptionist, rushed out of the Adventurer's Guild, her voice filled with urgency. "hey! wait! Before you head out, you'll need some armor and a weapon for your safety."

Luke's eyes widened as he realized he had completely overlooked the need for equipment. Panic started to set in as he frantically searched his pockets, only to find that he had no money to purchase them. A sense of helplessness washed over him, threatening to derail his plans.

Stephanie, seeing Luke's distress, quickly moved to his side and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't worry. I'll lend you some coins to get you started. Consider it a favor from a friend"

Luke looked at Stephanie with gratitude, overwhelmed by her kindness. "Thank you, Stephanie. I promise I'll pay you back"

Stephanie smiled reassuringly. "I trust you, Luke. Now, let me give you the location of an affordable blacksmith in the city. You can get decent armor and weapons there without breaking the bank."

She proceeded to give Luke directions to the blacksmith's shop, describing it as rundown and old. Luke felt a mix of excitement and apprehension as he prepared to meet this mysterious blacksmith.

With a heartfelt farewell to Stephanie, Luke set off in search of the blacksmith's shop. Following Stephanie's directions, he arrived at the designated location. The exterior of the shop matched the description, appearing worn and dilapidated with a huge signboard that read [Stalwart Ironworks]

As he stepped inside, a distinctive smell of alcohol permeated the air, and his eyes fell upon a short and bulky man with a long, braided beard. It was a dwarf, and it was Luke's first encounter with someone of that race.

The dwarf's eyes bore an arrogant gaze, as if looking down on Luke. He didn't even bother to acknowledge Luke's presence, rudely pointing towards the side of the shop where the cheap armor and weapons were displayed. His gruff voice echoed through the shop. "Pick what you need and pay up quickly. No time for dilly-dallying. Get out once you're done."

Luke, taken aback by the dwarf's demeanor, tried to maintain his composure. He mustered a polite greeting. "Um, hello, sir. I don't really know much about armors and weapons. Could you please assist me?"

The dwarf scoffed dismissively, as if Luke's words were of little importance. He merely nodded towards the displayed items and turned his attention elsewhere, making it clear that he had no intention of providing further assistance or guidance.

Undeterred by the dwarf's behavior, Luke ventured towards the displayed armor and weapons, examining them closely. Despite the shop's appearance, the equipment seemed sturdy enough for his current needs. He selected a set of basic leather armor and a simple short sword, hoping they would suffice for his upcoming quest.

Luke approached the dwarf, who now seemed more impatient than before. He placed the selected items on the counter, accompanied by the coins Stephanie had lent him. "I'll take these, sir. Here's the payment."

The dwarf snatched the coins without uttering a word, his gaze fixed on the coins as if inspecting their authenticity. He grumbled something under his breath, seemingly dissatisfied, but made no further remarks. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he gestured for Luke to leave.

Luke, a mixture of relief and unease filling his chest, thanked the dwarf and quickly exited the shop, clutching his newly acquired equipment. He couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment in his first encounter with a dwarf, but he reminded himself not to judge an entire race based on one individual.

As Luke stepped out of the blacksmith shop, his eyes scanned the bustling street. Among the various shops lining the way, his gaze fell upon a small cartography shop. A spark of curiosity ignited within him. Acquiring a map of the kingdom seemed like a wise investment, especially as he prepared to venture into the unknown territory of the Frostwood Forest.

Luke made his way towards the cartography shop, the entrance adorned with intricate maps and compasses. The bell above the door chimed softly as he entered, greeted by the smell of parchment and ink.

A friendly cartographer, named Amelia, stood behind the counter, her eyes gleaming with a passion for her craft. Luke approached her, a smile on his face.

"Good day. I'm in need of a map of the kingdom. Could you assist me?"

Amelia's smile widened, pleased to have a customer interested in her maps. "Of course! We have a variety of maps available. Are you looking for a specific region or a general map of the entire kingdom?"

Luke considered his options for a moment. While a general map of the entire kingdom would be beneficial, he decided to focus on obtaining a map that encompassed the Frostwood Forest and its surrounding areas.

"I think I'll go with a map that includes the Frostwood Forest and the nearby regions," Luke replied.

Amelia nodded, reaching behind the counter to retrieve a rolled-up parchment. She unfurled it on the counter, revealing a beautifully detailed map. "Here you go, sir. This map showcases the Frostwood Forest, along with other landmarks and towns in the vicinity. It should serve you well on your journey."

Luke's eyes widened in awe as he studied the map. Every detail, from the winding rivers to the dense foliage, was meticulously depicted. He handed over the remaining coins to Amelia, grateful for her assistance.

"Thank you. This map will be invaluable to me," Luke expressed his gratitude.

Amelia beamed, happy to have provided him with a useful tool. "You're very welcome, I wish you the best of luck on your adventures."

With the map securely tucked away in his belongings, Luke bid farewell to Amelia and exited the cartography shop. He unraveled the map, studying its contents and familiarizing himself with the landmarks and pathways that would guide him to the Frostwood Forest.

With his armor, weapon, and now a detailed map, Luke felt a newfound sense of confidence. He followed the routes indicated on the map, navigating through towns and countryside, until the sprawling trees of the Frostwood Forest loomed before him.

As Luke approached the entrance of the Frostwood Forest, he noticed a group of soldiers stationed there. Clad in sturdy armor and armed with weapons, they stood vigilant, their eyes scanning the forest for any signs of danger. Luke understood that their purpose was to protect the surrounding areas from the threat of monsters emerging from the forest.

As he approached the soldiers, one of them stepped forward, a stern expression on his face. "Halt! State your business." the soldier commanded.

Luke stood tall and confidently presented his adventurer's identification badge. "I am Luke Graham, a registered adventurer. I'm here to embark on a quest in the Frostwood Forest."

The soldier scrutinized the badge, confirming Luke's identity. Satisfied, he nodded and addressed Luke with a warning tone. "Very well,The Frostwood Forest is home to various dangerous creatures. Be cautious, especially of the frost goblins. They are known for their agility and cunning. Do not underestimate them."

Luke listened attentively, acknowledging the soldier's advice. "Thank you for the warning."

Another soldier stepped forward, a hint of concern in his voice. "If you encounter any trouble or find yourself in need of assistance, do not hesitate to return to us. Your safety is paramount."

Luke expressed his gratitude and assured the soldiers that he would seek their help if the need arose. With their well wishes and warnings in mind, he bid the soldiers farewell and stepped into the Frostwood Forest, the dense foliage enveloping him in an atmosphere of mystery and anticipation.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and respect for the natural beauty that surrounded him. The towering trees cast long shadows, and the air carried a cool, crisp breeze. Luke consulted his map, tracing the marked paths that would lead him to the location where the frost roots flowers were rumored to grow.

As Luke meticulously searched for the frost root flowers in the depths of the Frostwood Forest, his eyes darted between the swaying branches and the forest floor. Every rustle of leaves and distant chirp intensified his focus, heightening his senses.

Just as he was about to give up on finding the elusive ice-flower roots, his attention was abruptly drawn to two figures standing amidst the trees. His heart skipped a beat as he cautiously observed their bluish skin and mischievous demeanor. Frost goblins.

Luke's instinct kicked in, and he swiftly retreated, concealing himself within the safety of a dense thicket of bushes. From his hidden vantage point, he peered through the foliage, studying the frost goblins as they moved about, unaware of his presence.

It was in that moment, while observing the frost goblins, that the ethereal and mechanical voice of the shadow system rang in Luke's head, interrupting his thoughts. The voice seemed to cut through the tension of the forest, its words echoing with an otherworldly power.