
847 Deal Brokered

Cassie's mind poked at Wolfe's wondering why he was going to go so easy on these towns.

[They have been committing outrageous crimes right up to today, and now you're just going to let them sign a deal and take away their slaves to be resettled somewhere else? What are you thinking?] She demanded.

[It's not quite that simple. The slaves are their witches, almost all of them. I'm going to take them away, and by the time that they realize what they've done, they're going to need to submit to the rules set forth by the guardian that I appoint in order to survive.

I will make certain that it is not 'happy fun time' for them.]

That made Cassie smile a little.

Wolfe continued. "Now, because you will be short on powerful locals to keep things in order, and because I don't entirely trust that you won't take another group of slaves to replace the ones that you're sending away, I will require that you accept a guardian from outside to watch over the city.