
1132 Home Sweet Home

The father of the bride stared at the two as the magic faded, and then began to laugh hysterically, pointing in a most undignified manner at the groom.

The new Bishop of Sulzheim looked incredibly confused, but the man was laughing too hard to make any sort of coherent sense.

So, Wolfe came to his rescue.

"What he is trying to say, in the least elegant possible way, is that you might have gotten into this marriage faster than any Bishop before you, but you won't get out. I recommend that the two of you do your very best to keep each other happy, as the wedding vows that you swore will smite you if you are taking your partner for granted.

Also, I don't know the custom in your region, but I wouldn't recommend even trying to take a concubine or a surrogate stud for children. The spell will quite literally kill you if you do." He explained.