
1024 Expanding Influence

Once the visitors were pulled away from the performance, which the unfortunate Nathan kept trying to return to every time he lost focus, The Witches led the team to their rooms, while Wolfe played Defence, keeping them from getting pulled in to the many shops and tourist traps along the way.

Once they were settled into their rooms, they could peruse to their heart's content, but Wolfe wasn't going to follow them around all night to make sure that they had somewhere to sleep.

Cassie made sure they all had a map of the city, including their room details, and they left the representatives with a promise that the next day's meetings wouldn't begin until after lunch, so they had time to form a proper opinion on the city before they started to negotiate.

The adaptation to a mixed city like Forest Grove would be a big one for some of the more closed-minded, but Wolfe didn't think that they had much to worry about with this group.