
1002 Helping Gormana

Khalifa gave the Finance Minister an odd look. "I was under the impression that you were supposed to lie and make things sound less urgent from your side. Is that not how you negotiate in your country?"

The Minister's face went blank, and Wolfe laughed. "What he's not saying is that the Capital Nuclear Facility is the last full-scale power plant that they have online. A few small facilities are being operated on magically created coal, but that won't work for long because it enrages the Fae with the level of pollution."

Khalifa nodded, making her long Elven ears bounce. "I see now. Excellent politics, Minister."

The aging human Minister smiled back at the Elf, unsure how to answer that when his attempt had been so easily seen through by Wolfe, who got updates from the Guardians on the state of the nations.