
Inheritance : The Progenitor of DxD

Living my life as a normal teenager was more troublesome than I could have ever thought .Not only did something terrible happened to me one year ago, but after that incident I had to live in a town that was filled with the smell of fallen angel, devils and church slaves. And above all of those things, I had to keep a low profile so that I could keep my life intact and my bloody diet. * I don't own High School DxD or Strike the Blood Same thing with the cover. The only thing that I own are my OC and the changes that I would make. * Also this is a fan fiction aka an AU world so for the love of the God, don't start yelling that in the original that didn't happened or that it went completely different : I know and I don't care. Love, Meatbun

MeatBunKun · Cómic
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40 Chs

Chapter 32

"A lot happened, but the result wasn't as you expected…I would suppose?"

As she leaned against the window's sill, a bespectacled girl entered the room.

The girl man spoke casually to her friend, who was looking at the blue sky with a rather sad expression on her face.

"You tell me, Sona. Not only did you become his girlfriend, but now you even have the chance of getting a powerful servant for your peerage and seeing how much he cares about you, Kojou-kun wouldn't decline you if you ask him."

"Even though you are desperate you get out of your damned engagement, you don't have to act as if I stole him from you. Since I don't remember seeing you approach him intending to ask him for help. On the contrary, you tried to use everything so that you could somehow end up in a situation where Kojou-kun is forced to become part of your peerage or else he would die. Once again I can understand why you would even resort to such tactics, but please, for the love of Satan, don't you ever tell me that I've done something to you, my only childhood friend.

The red-haired girl silently listened to her childhood friend's words. She was sad, but that won't ever be the reason behind what she said to Sona. She was just jealous, since not only did her friend get to have a boyfriend, but also a potential powerhouse for her peerage.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm desperate and I'm slowly exhausting all of my ideas. Sooner or later I would have to face that guy and I fear that it would end horribly for me and my peerage."

"I've talked with my sister about Kojou-kun after the two of them met and you know what she told me? That even if she tries, the chances of her pieces merging with Kojou-kun are close to zero. In other words, he can't become a devil using the chess pieces, so even if you would have tried that, the only thing that you would have earned would have been a horrible memory."

Rias looked at Sona as if she has grown another head, yet at the same time, she was glad that she didn't implement her plan that would force Akatsuki into a death sentence.

"Tell me, Sona, if I were to ask him if he would help me, what do you think he would respond to?"

"Knowing that blockhead, he will undoubtedly agree to help you. Even more when your rook is visiting him and Yukina almost daily. Kojou is that type of person that would go even in hell after his friends."

"I see…thank you Sona and I'm terribly sorry for what I have done and said. I'll repay you two when the whole thing ends."

"Don't worry, Rias, you don't have to repay me or even my boyfriend, that's what friends are for."

<Himeragi Yukina POV>

I was packing all of my belongings when I was startled by the sudden noise made by the intercom.

I rushed towards it, ready to see who had come to take me back to Italy. Looking at the intercom's display, the monitor shows a man in a home delivery company uniform, no doubt working for the Church.

I unlocked the door for him and went into the entryway. However, by then the delivery man had already vanished. In his place, a large package had been left in front of the apartment's entrance.

It was a long aluminum case. It was a trunk called a tour case, used for transporting guitars and other musical instruments. To be honest, I was quite perplexed, but I still brought the case into the room.

I undid the clasp and opened the case, and then I sucked in my breath.

Inside the case was a silver-colored spear, all repairs complete, every bit as good as new. Next to it was a letter.

As soon as I opened the letter and start reading it, I began to cry.

|I always thank God for giving me such an understanding and supporting daughter; Even though I'm not your real mother, I've always seen you as my daughter. Even though I couldn't buy expensive dresses or take you on an exotic vacation, you never complained. I always wonder what I have done to deserve you. Even though I've kind of forced you to become part of the church, you didn't hate me for it and instead, you slowly climbed the ranks and now here you are a proud member of the Lion King Branch. As for your mission? I've pulled a few strings to keep you on the mission and thankfully those old men decided to let you in peace. You should do what your heart tells you, even if that would make a few people hate you. Don't forget that whatever you decided, I will always love and protect you and if I can't, I believe your new boyfriend would do that instead.

Lots of love, Griselda.|

<A few days>

Kojou Akatsuki was lying on his face, sitting in a terrace seat in the corner of the student cafeteria.

It was Monday, after class, having surmounted a weekend immersed in homework. Here in the terrace-style café of the student cafeteria, male students who'd spotted unsold bread at fire-sale prices and athletic club members before practice made the place unusually lively.

Looking at them from the side, I made a deep sigh.

"So hot… I'm melting. Burning. Turning to ash… And what's with more supplemental exams? When did I skip an exam? That little shrimp homeroom teacher's doing it to have fun tormenting me, I just know it! I swear that one day, I will get my revenge on her for making me suffer."

I complained to no one in particular as I gazed at the textbooks spread over the table.

The only reason why I even managed to complete my homework was due to his two classmates that are also his girlfriends. Since, without them, I wouldn't have found the energy necessary for spending the whole weekend between books and papers.

Even that very day when the teacher told me that I would have to take an exam alone since I'd skipped it when it was held, Abe and Sona went out of their way, staying after class to help me study for the extra make-up test.

I don't know if both of them know or suspect that whatever happened a few days ago was related to me, but none the less I'm more than happy spending some time with them even if I would have to study as a requirement for that, at least until I finish that damned exam.

As Sona was quite busy with school-related stuff, Abe was the one that was helping me, but right now, she was currently away, off to buy something to drink from the counter.

"Now get these done before I come back." That's the only thing that she said to me, before leaving the table.

She had incredibly good grades, but perhaps thanks to her being rather busy with her family, she wasn't that good at talking with other people and as a result, she wasn't the best teacher that one could get, but right now, I'm more than grateful for her and Sona's help. Thought I would have preferred if someone else helped me and not them, as I don't like making them busy themselves in this way.

Yet at the same time, I couldn't rely on Yukina, either.

As much it hurt me to admit, I may lose her if the higher-ups deem her unprepared for her mission, but somehow I know that she wouldn't leave, not after what we went through together, and sooner or later, we would have to deepen our relationship. I could only sigh thinking that maybe I should have done something that would have made her remain here with me. I also pictured her fighting alone and being hurt, and that hurt me more than I want to admit, it made me have an unpleasant feeling, like something heavy was sinking inside my chest.

Before I could get up and rush towards her apartment to stop her from leaving, I heard a voice coming from behind me.

"Studying for exams, Kojou-senpai? This formula is wrong."

When I raised my head in surprise, there stood Yukina smiling, the setting sun at her back.

Of course, she was wearing a school uniform with a black guitar case on her back. A doll looking something like a beckoning cat mascot had been tied to a corner of the case, dangling.


"Hello, Senpai. What's wrong? You look so surprised. Does my presence irritate you that much?"

"Er…no, no …so then, inside that guitar case is…?"

"Yes, Snowdrift Wolf. Yesterday, it came back from repairs."

"Er…um, why? Didn't you…say that your mission is over? I was just about to come to your apartment and keep you from leaving!"

"My mother forced the higher-ups to let me in peace and she even had someone repair my weapon. After all, this weapon was made specifically for fighting the Fourth Primogenitor. And senpai did anyone that you are quite silly, even if you are sweet."

Yukina conveyed that in her usual serene tone. However, she was smiling, her eyes looking a bit happy.

"Wait, this means you're gonna keep watching over me, Yukina? Does this mean that we are still together?"

"Of course, we are still together bakatsuki! Why…are you disappointed, Senpai?"

As Yukina spoke, she made a small giggle with a teasing expression. Me, on the other hand, could only smile at her. It was nice to know that I won't have to lose another dear person.

"Nah. I'm glad… I mean, you look excited, too, Yukina."

"Eh? I do? Er, yes, well, really it's all the same to…"

"I mean, um, hey. After all, I did that to your every week and sooner or later we would have to…"


As Yukina tilted her head with a dubious look, redness seemed to suddenly explode over her cheeks. No doubt she'd finally remembered what she'd done to get me to drink her blood and happened after that every time I get to drink her blood.

"Ah, er… That's… If at all possible, I'd like you to continue doing that… I'm also ready for…"

Azazel also told me that just having a vampire drink your blood had no great effect. But there were rare exceptions. Making someone a "Blood Servant" who wasn't prepared for eternal life with him would've been a huge problem. Knowing Yukina… she would undoubtedly become one if I'm not too careful. She may seem naïve and shy, but she's as much of a pervert as I am.

"Don't worry," Yukina said with a nod. "I did check with a testing kit, and it's all right. I already knew that according to the phase of the moon, it was a comparatively safe day."

"I, ah, see… Well, I'm glad you're ok, Yukina-chan."

I breathed a sigh of relief, while I wasn't against it, that didn't mean that I would just force her to become my eternal lover.

"Yes!" Yukina said with a smile. "Sorry for making you worry like that."

"Nah… I'm the one who should say I'm sorry. I put you in danger and you know how I am when I see my loved one in pain or in danger."

"S-Senpai, I don't think you have anything to apologize for. At the time, I was the one who said I wanted you to do it…also I'm…happy that you…see me as your lo…"

As if embarrassed, Yukina lowered her face, speaking in a low voice. I petted her head, which instead made me also feel quite embarrassed.

"Hopefully the next time it wouldn't be that painful for you, Yukina."

"It's all right. All that happened was a tiny bit of blood loss, and the mark from where you sucked is nearly gone already as always senpai, but maybe…next time…we do it at…home…"

Yukina touched her hand to her neck. There was only a small, unobtrusive adhesive on it. "Everything for you and to be honest, I…"

I said as I nodded at her, when…


My entire body froze instantly.

A shadow slowly rose, like a zombie, from the plant behind Yukina. It was a female student wearing the same junior high uniform as Yukina.

"Hmm… Kojou-kun sucked something of Yukina's?" she asked in a low voice that seemed to seethe with anger.

I went pale as I looked up at the speaker's face.

"S-Sona?! What are you doing here…?"

"I met Abe-san at the counter earlier and heard from her that you're studying for the exam, so I thought I'd come and encourage you seeing as I couldn't stay too much with you, but then you and Yukina were having a conversation I couldn't ignore. So I wanted to come to ask for a few more details."

Sona's face morphed into an aggressive, smiling face toward her idiot boyfriend that didn't have the guts to do anything touching each other bodies.

"W-wait, Sona! I think you are probably misunderstanding something. Right, Yukina?"

I desperately tried to hold my second girlfriend at bay. Yukina blushed, standing beside me, but she still nodded her head up and down as well.

However, seeing that mine and Yukina's united front only seemed to deepen Sona's anger.

"Hmm, a misunderstanding? Where's the misunderstanding? You were Yukina's first time, it hurt, and on top of that you're worried about her physical condition, so what am I misunderstanding exactly…?"

"I'm saying, everything you're imagining is a complete misunderstanding, but…"

Midway, a conflicted expression came over me, no matter what I'd say it would undoubtedly make me the bad guy. I couldn't tell Sona what had really happened. While she knew that I was a vampire. I didn't want to bring her into whatever troubles are coming my way, at least not yet. She's strong enough to defend herself, but who knows what crazy maniacs may come after me, Vali's way.

"Wait, you said you met Abe. Where'd she go?"

I asked back as calmly as I could, hoping that I would somehow change the subject.

However, Sona replied in a chilly tone…

"Abe has been right here listening to you and Yukina talking the whole time."


I finally noticed that another female student was standing next to Sona, thanks to heightened sense for helping me.

Because she'd splendidly kept her aura in check, I had not realized she was present.

She wore her uniform stylishly and had an eye-catching face. However, those beautiful features now burned with a frigid, angry fire that made her look like a goddess of vengeance, if she add her tamed beasts, then even I would die.

"W-wait, Abe. I thought I'd explain this to you sometime, but there are some very deep circumstances involved in…"

I instantly tried to apologize with all his might, hoping that at least she would understand me. However…

"How could you do that to her first? You're the worst!"

Speaking with no expression on her face, she dumped the contents of the paper cup in her hand over my head without mercy. It had a sour smell to it. Coffee with milk as always.


Yukina took her handkerchief out in a hurry as she saw the red liquid dripping down on my body as if it were a large amount of blood. Sona drew near Yukina as well in a show of hostility.

"You, too. This is a good opportunity for me to ask, so what exactly is your relationship to Akatsuki?"

"I'm Kojou-senpai's first girlfriend!"

Yukina replied calmly. Her demeanor looked gentle on the surface, but Yukina was really a martial artist as well. Invisible sparks scattered about as the two glared at each other.

"First girlfriend? Who told you that?"

"Kaichou you should know how we met and some things led to other things…and I'm fine with sharing…"

"Then what are you doing seducing this idiot?! After all that you two have done? Do you truly want to share him?"

"W, well… You have a…point there…"

Perhaps feeling pangs of guilt, Yukina seemed to concede the issue.

"It's not like that! Deny it, Yukina! We didn't have sex! Please believe me! I'm still a virgin!"

<Visit my patr3on for more chapters for this novel(at least six chapter ahead ) or my other active one(The Son of a Legend and for the upcoming Zombie novel about a group of students trying to survive in a Zombie apocalypse >

<Patr3on Link : https://patr3on.com/meatbunkun