
Inherent Malice

Lewd_Enjoyer · Otras
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12 Chs


"So-tan? When did school get so confusing?" A lifeless magical girl muttered out, glancing at her work partner.

"Which part? The algebraic formulae? The trigonometry? No... it was probably the graphs." An equally dead student council president muttered out.

"The numbers... what do they mean? Who... who on earth added letter's to math?!" Heiress to the gremory pillar gripped her head into her hands, contemplating the long history of humanity.

"... it wasn't that bad... was it?" Annie tried to raise their diminsished spirit, to no avail. Thankfully, we had gotten my sister some better clothes. Simple blue jeans with a white shirt and plain trainers.

It made her tits look great mind you. It mixed awfully well with her long black hair going down to her ass.

"It's alright Annie. They're fine." I pulled out my phone, unfortunately, there was nothing higher tech than flip phones, but I'll manage. Dialing in a number, the phone started to ring, ring, ring.

"Lord asmodeus."

"Hello Sebastian. I would like for you to open a portal to kuoh academy. I have some interesting news for you here." There wasn't even a pause for consideration.

"Very well, my lord. I'll be right there." Ending the call, I dissipated the whiteboard I made with my miniscule levels of magic. Such a loyal butler.

"So, Annie. Let me explain the status of the Asmodeus family." She was sat across from the nearly catatonic trio.

"To put it as simply as possible, there are 4 living Asmodeus descendants including us to my knowledge. Firstly, there is me, Zetian Asmodeus and current lord. I woke up a couple of days ago after 600 years of the devil sleeping disease." Annie gained a confused look.

"It's a condition that forces the afflicted person to fall asleep for lengthy periods of time." My... sister looked to me in surprise.

"You must've been lonely..."

"I was." Not really, I don't particularly care much for companionship.

"Moving on, there is our half-sister, Nia Gremory-Asmodeus." That was just enough to break the trio from their mindless muttering.

"Gremory? I've never heard of her." Rias was the first to voice her thoughts at the situation, reasonably so as a member of the gremory family.

"I would assume thats because she's kept in a small hospital underneath the gremory estate." That was atleast according to my Father's notes, they could very well be wrong as they were written when he was still alive. That's a long time ago.

"That would indeed make sense. Those under the devil sleeping disease either require constant care or medical equipment to be kept alive." Sona piped up, serafall had shot up and leapt onto my shoulder.

"Ze-tan! Do you have a cure~? Ooh! Maybe you'll extort those old coots for it! Or even help out sairaorg-kun's mother with the devilish intention of seducing her! This magical girl will stop you!" ... how is she the maou of foreign affairs? Serafall is borderline insane.

"My father has theories." The door to the student council room was pushed open, Sebastian walking in alongside the Queen of Rias, tea in hand with a prominent smile.

"You wished to see me, my lord?" Sebastian stood at the ready, I was somewhat unsure how he would react.

"Currently we are here because of her." I gestured to the artificial devil made through Asmodeus' cells. "Annie here is an artificial devil created through what I can only assume was my fathers DNA." Sebastians magical power shot out in full blast, causing my knees to buckle.

"SEBASTIAN!" His aura instantly diminsished, quickly helping me to my feet. An apologetic was clear to all.

"I'm sorry my lord! I lost control. I got angry at just the idea of lord Asmodeus' body being desecrated." I ushered Annie over, hesitantly, she walked over and I put my arm around her.

"Annie, meet the family butler, Sebastian." She was clearly uncomfortable, but I needed her to be acquainted with him.

"Sebastian, I want you to take her shopping. Get her whatever she needs. And would one of you be willing to accompany her?" I turned to the group of younger girls, excluding serafall.

"Ara~ I'll go with our new friend." Akeno volunteered and I was okay with that. I didn't want sona to take her, it would be unfortunate if she was too prudish.

"Now, Rias, would you be able to call your father?"


I have to say.

These castles are needlessly complicated. Twists and turns leading to dead ends, twisting back around to a previous hallway.

It's a useful design in war time scenarios because in the case of a break in, the place is a maze. Difficult to maneuver.

"Here we are." An elevator, an elevator in a castle. It just... looks so out of place. Regardless, we both stepped in to the elevator and... eugh... elevator music.

"Really? Elevator music?"

"Well it's odd to stand in an elevator in complete silence. At least theres some noise." The elevator dinged after a few minutes before opening its door, revealing a woman in a hospital bed hooked up to life support.

"Unfortunately I cannot always be here to look after her, I have my duties as a pillar head." I nodded my head, makes sense.

Using life sense, I quite clearly noticed something.

It was dwindling...


"Have you noticed any abnormalities with her state?" Zeoticus sighed at my question.

"Day by day she gets weaker. It only started recently, but, its gotten really bad." Fuck. This is quite the time limit.


Nia Gremory-Asmodeus

Lvl 70

Hp: 4782/30,000

Mp: 15,000

Str: 351

Dex: 763

Agi: 421

End: 1705

Int: 652

Luck: 963

Charisma: 96

Her stats are all over the place. But I can do this. The necessary concoctions are all in my head.

"Zeoticus, I have a list of ingredients I'll need. Can you get them for me?" I dropped my jacket, too restrictive for my liking.

"Tell me what you need, so long as it saves her."

Quest: Wake the sleeping beauty.

Awaken your sister.

Rewards: your sisters love and affection + a new class.


This... is scary.

Meeting new people is scary. But... I trust big brother! He chose to take me in! Its... the least I can do for him.

"Sebastian... can... can you tell me more about the family? Big bro only told me about Nia." I... was curious. Big brother only told me about our sister... but... is there anyone else?

"Certainly, Lady Annie. You already know of your brother, he also covered your sister. Leaving... Creusery. Creusery is the son of Zetians now dead brother. He was a traitor to not only the family, but the entire race of devils. He was apart of the old Satan faction. A group who believe that the four devil Kings, Asmodeus-" Akeno decided to cut him off, thank... you.

"Ara~? Sebastian-kun, you're overloading poor Annie. Let me explain, he's a member of the Old Satan faction, people who want to destroy everything of the current society and take over the human world." That... why would he join that? What good does taking over the world do?

"Thank you, Lady Akeno. I'm used to lord Zetian quite easily understanding my explanation. Apologies, Lady Annie." Sebastian glanced at a shop.

"Here's one! Oh, Annie-chan, let's get you some cute clothes. How about a sweater that hugs your boobs?" Ah...

"I-i... uh... uh... no? I... am not sure I want that?" Akeno giggled behind her hand.

"Ufufu, Annie-chan. So fun to tease. Unless... you want to seduce your brother?" I... dont want to push it too far.

I'm not sure he'd accept me. I'm his sister after all.

"He's an asmodeus, no? Some nice sweater puppies would give him some eye candy. Then, tease him a bit, let him get all pent up, and then put yourself in a compromising situation." Sebastian coughed.

"Not only am I here, but my lord has a loyal maid that cares for his sexual needs." Ah... um...

"Harems arent uncommon in the underworld. Besides, he seemed quite detached, can you say he loves that maid?" The two were glaring at each other, it... didn't seem malicious? It was hard to tell.

"As much as I dislike this back and forth, there are more pressing matters at hand. Such as our stalkers." Akeno giggled behind her hand, a clear sadistic blush growing on her face.

"Ara~ I was wondering how long we'd let them be. We should keep one alive, found out more about this lab?" Her face betrayed her words. There was intention of interrogation... but not for information.

I blinked, and everyone else was gone. Expect for a few people. They looked... strange? They didn't look natural. Paper white hair and crimson red eyes.

"Homunculi. High quality ones. This lab intrigues me immensely. Such high quality homunculi cannot be created without ample knowledge of genetics." There were 3, all the same in appearance and identical in expression.

"Ufufu, what pretty toys. Would you like to go first, Sebastian-kun?" The old butler glanced at me, his fingertips turning spiked.

"If you're squeamish, I would suggest you divert your eyes, Lady Annie." Kicking off the ground and imprinting his foot into the ground, Sebastian was gone. I only realised where he went as I heard flesh tearing.

There... Sebastian had a heart in his hand.

"Two left."

"Ara~? You should know its impolite to finish so quickly in the presence of a lady." Akeno said, her attire had entirely shifted to that of a shrine Maidens.

"That... that lustful look doesn't match with my idea of a shrine maiden." I voiced my thoughts only to hear her giggling. Quickly, a yellow magic circle bearing the gremory crest appeared above her, lightning shot down straight at the remaining two homunculi.

One leapt out of the way, lightning bombarded him, each one missing every time.

The other... he... he just took it. Not a flinch, not a grunt of pain.


Sebastian was the first to notice.

And the first to act.

Sebastian launched himself once more, grazing its cheek, the red staining its pale skin. The homuculus reacted.

And punched the butler in his handsome face. Sebastian was easily knocked to the floor with that single punch.

'I see... an ultimate class homunculus.'


Here we are. In goes the last ingredient, and now we're done.

"If... if you don't mind my asking, how does your cure work?" Do I tell him? Information is power, but this way i can come off as generous.

"So, there's group of human drugs called magic bullets. They used certain dyes in order to eliminate things like blood poisoning in the case of prontosil. The application is similar, you'd be better off having lord Beelzebub analysing what's left of the potion. He can give you a more in depth explanation." My explanation wasn't exactly wrong, but I wasn't going into the finer details.

Now, we just had to wait. The concoction takes around 5 minutes to reach full effect. So...

Now we just awkwardly sat here.

"Zeoticus. Who else knows about Nia?" His response didn't take much thinking.

"My wife. And only my wife. I... would assume you wish to take her in." That would be ideal.

"I would like that, but, its up to you. Her custody is all up to you." It would be nice to have her around, but the issue lies with the lacking defenses of my Manor.

If zekram finds her, then issues will arise.

"Eugh... where..." Her eyes landed straight on me, her pink eyes.

It only took seconds for her to jump me.

"So, brother, what's your name before we breed?"

Quest complete
