
Infinity World: The Legends of the Legendary Astral Gladiator

In the year 2050, a company called Carnival Entertainment Org but also known as C.E.O, created something that everyone dubbed "the perfect game". A virtual reality game, a VMMORPG with a magical and almost real world called Infinite World. Where the motto is: One World, Infinite Possibility. Players can do whatever they want as if it were real life, as long as it doesn't go beyond the rules imposed by the company. Fish? Design and create clothes? Forge weapons? Cook? Mine? All this was possible and more. Hand skills can be used at the player's will so that he can create anything up to something that exists in real life. Combat classes? Magic classes? Ranged classes? Everything was possible. A player could learn any skill from any class as long as they have the required attributes and skill books. A warrior can use magic or a mage can use a bow. In Infinite World, players choose the possibilities for their characters. ... Wang Cai was a regular player of Infinite World, but he found the quest that gave him one of the game's tens of thousands of hidden classes, the Astral Gladiator. Because of his health problem due to a work accident, Wang Cai stayed in the hospital for several years. His parents died about ten years ago and his best friend also died in the hospital a few years earlier due to a car accident. With no visits from relatives, Wang Cai had a lonely life in the hospital, so he was immersed in Infinite World. But there was one exception, the only one exception he would never forget in his life. In his last breaths, he was discovering the last secret of the Astral Gladiator class. But destiny was cruel to him. Before he could look, he took his last breath and died. However, just as it was cruel, destiny was also something magical and strange. For some unknown reason, Wang Cai got another chance to discover this secret.

_chomps · Juegos
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110 Chs

Underground Catacombs

About ten hours later…

Sometimes, some players would still try to get the chest to see if they would get lucky, but nothing happened.

The night this time was dark and heavy rain was falling.

Which made it very difficult to see anyone or anything.

This was a good opportunity to get the chest.

Wang Cai waited until nightfall to get the item.

To his surprise, he thought he was being blessed because of the weather.

The other players also knew this and did their best to avoid anyone sneaking up on it.

Wizards and healers use spells to reveal any hidden players.

"..." Wang Cai was in the crowd looking at the time and trying to see what was the best time to get through the crowd of players.

A thousand points in the AGI attribute would show its value now.

From time to time, some players fail to sync with each other. This was the best time to do something.

"..." Wang Cai finally moved.

(Shadow Step…)

Under the darkness, the speed was doubled by the Shadow Pass.

Wang Cai was like a ghost moving at great speed towards the circle of players.

A hole was opened for changing players, he went in.

Nobody noticed anything or felt anything wrong.

His jump was perfect.

The hand touched the chest, it was opened and a key was inside.

The other hand touched the key.

"You acquired the Catacombs Key"

His body fell to the ground before he jumped over the players again.

The jump was perfect and wasn't hit by any skills that might have revealed him.


A strong wind blew at that instant and Wang Cai disappeared into the darkness of the night.

No one realized what had happened until they saw the open chest.

"SOMEONE STOLEN THE CHEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" One of the players shouted from afar.


"WHO MADE THIS????!!!!!!!!!!!!"


The players around are screaming madly because it was so weird.

A player has managed to get through everyone without being noticed.

How did he do it?

No one understood until players watching from afar saw the recording.

In the video it was possible to see a player wearing a black cloak covering his entire body, reaching the box while in the air and upside down. When the box was tapped to open, the appearance was partially revealed before disappearing again as he used the Stealth skill again.

The key was taken before the player fell invisible to the ground and managed to escape somehow.

For the most common players, what happened was impressive. But those who analyzed the video realized that it was much more than just impressive, the player who made it was almost like an expert.

Making those quick moves wasn't something anyone could do.

If they could describe the scene, the closest word would be painting. The scene could be described as a large painting.

Every movement was smooth and without any errors. Just casual actions were enough to steal the chest.

"LOOK THERE!!!!!!"


"HE GOT THE KEY!!!!!!!!!!!"

The screams of the players echo through the Sanctuary of the Protectors.

Everyone saw a hooded player putting something on the door and turning around.







The surrounding players ran at great speed after finding out about the reason for the quest.

The anger was partially reduced, but they were still very angry because of the deaths.

Several levels lost were the same as several hours or days of grinding.

Wang Cai was the first through the door.

ding… ding…

"You were the first to discover the Underground Catacombs - First Floor"

"As a reward, you will receive 100 Fame."

"You and your party's experience will be doubled by defeating the creatures that inhabit the Underground Catacombs - First Floor for the next twenty-four hours"

The announcement was only for Wang Cai and his party.

As the discovery was not something that could cause big changes to the kingdom, the system will just consider something casual like a new grind location being discovered. So there wouldn't be a worldwide announcement.

"DOUBLE EXPERIENCE!!!!!" Everyone screams in the group chat at the same time, the only exception was Snow Queen, she just kept quiet.

"LET'S RUN AND GET THERE FIRST TO FIND THE CREATURES!!!!" Lin Hai ran at great speed to get through the big door along with the others.

The rest of the group did the same.

For the next twenty-four hours, they wanted to level up as much as possible to take advantage of the double XP.

Upon crossing the gate, a large staircase leading to somewhere underground was seen.

The lights created by the players' torches illuminate the dark path.

Up ahead there was a small bright light, this was Wang Cai.

As someone who already knew the place, he walked further quickly without being afraid because there were no creatures on the way down the stairs

After a minute of walking, he reached the ground.

poof... poof...

The flames of the torches on the walls are lit automatically and the appearance of the Underground Catacombs - First Floor is revealed.

A large stone labyrinth was carved into the rocks underground.

(Shadow Steps) He disappeared as the other players started to appear.

"LABYRINTH!!!!!!!" When the torches were lit, everyone could see the maze as they went down the stairs.

The size was as big as a small town. Several tens of thousands of creatures were seen walking around.

"CHARGE!!!!!!!!" The groups from the big guilds weren't afraid of challenges, so they were the first to run through the maze in search of creatures to defeat.


Sounds of metal colliding with hard things echo from all sides.

" ARGG!!!!!"




"…" Wang Cai just waited for all the groups to come down, but lone players or lowly backgrounds just stayed on the stairs to create parties.

"Wang Cai, aren't we going down?" Lin Hai whispered.

"Can you handle dealing with creatures above level 400?" He asked in the group chat instead of whispering back. He could handle the labyrinth creatures and go up to the second floor, but he chose not to do that to avoid attracting unnecessary attention.

His question was based on the shouts of the other players.

"Well... That's hard to say. The level 300 creatures on the surface are easier to deal with." Lin Hai didn't even have to think too much to say that.

His level wasn't even 300 yet, so it was substandard dealing with level 400 creatures.